hc-github-team-secure-vault-core 6f2d433394
backport of commit 6ae9f8d4eddfdb134bcbabd3f58e633757a6afc9 (#22443)
Co-authored-by: Rebecca Willett <>
2023-08-18 16:30:36 +00:00

408 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
scenario "smoke" {
matrix {
arch = ["amd64", "arm64"]
backend = ["consul", "raft"]
artifact_source = ["local", "crt", "artifactory"]
artifact_type = ["bundle", "package"]
consul_version = ["1.14.2", "1.13.4", "1.12.7"]
distro = ["ubuntu", "rhel"]
edition = ["oss", "ent", "ent.fips1402", "ent.hsm", "ent.hsm.fips1402"]
seal = ["awskms", "shamir"]
# Packages are not offered for the oss, ent.fips1402, and ent.hsm.fips1402 editions
exclude {
edition = ["oss", "ent.fips1402", "ent.hsm.fips1402"]
artifact_type = ["package"]
# Our local builder always creates bundles
exclude {
artifact_source = ["local"]
artifact_type = ["package"]
terraform_cli = terraform_cli.default
terraform = terraform.default
providers = [,
locals {
backend_license_path = abspath(var.backend_license_path != null ? var.backend_license_path : joinpath(path.root, "./support/consul.hclic"))
backend_tag_key = "VaultStorage"
build_tags = {
"oss" = ["ui"]
"ent" = ["ui", "enterprise", "ent"]
"ent.fips1402" = ["ui", "enterprise", "cgo", "hsm", "fips", "fips_140_2", "ent.fips1402"]
"ent.hsm" = ["ui", "enterprise", "cgo", "hsm", "venthsm"]
"ent.hsm.fips1402" = ["ui", "enterprise", "cgo", "hsm", "fips", "fips_140_2", "ent.hsm.fips1402"]
bundle_path = matrix.artifact_source != "artifactory" ? abspath(var.vault_artifact_path) : null
distro_version = {
"rhel" = var.rhel_distro_version
"ubuntu" = var.ubuntu_distro_version
enos_provider = {
rhel = provider.enos.rhel
ubuntu = provider.enos.ubuntu
packages = ["jq"]
tags = merge({
"Project Name" : var.project_name
"Project" : "Enos",
"Environment" : "ci"
}, var.tags)
vault_license_path = abspath(var.vault_license_path != null ? var.vault_license_path : joinpath(path.root, "./support/vault.hclic"))
vault_install_dir_packages = {
rhel = "/bin"
ubuntu = "/usr/bin"
vault_install_dir = matrix.artifact_type == "bundle" ? var.vault_install_dir : local.vault_install_dir_packages[matrix.distro]
vault_tag_key = "Type" // enos_vault_start expects Type as the tag key
step "get_local_metadata" {
skip_step = matrix.artifact_source != "local"
module = module.get_local_metadata
step "build_vault" {
module = "build_${matrix.artifact_source}"
variables {
build_tags = var.vault_local_build_tags != null ? var.vault_local_build_tags : local.build_tags[matrix.edition]
bundle_path = local.bundle_path
goarch = matrix.arch
goos = "linux"
artifactory_host = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? var.artifactory_host : null
artifactory_repo = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? var.artifactory_repo : null
artifactory_username = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? var.artifactory_username : null
artifactory_token = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? var.artifactory_token : null
arch = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? matrix.arch : null
product_version = var.vault_product_version
artifact_type = matrix.artifact_type
distro = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? matrix.distro : null
edition = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? matrix.edition : null
revision = var.vault_revision
step "ec2_info" {
module = module.ec2_info
step "create_vpc" {
module = module.create_vpc
variables {
common_tags = local.tags
// This step reads the contents of the backend license if we're using a Consul backend and
// the edition is "ent".
step "read_backend_license" {
skip_step = matrix.backend == "raft" || var.backend_edition == "oss"
module = module.read_license
variables {
file_name = local.backend_license_path
step "read_vault_license" {
skip_step = matrix.edition == "oss"
module = module.read_license
variables {
file_name = local.vault_license_path
step "create_vault_cluster_targets" {
module = module.target_ec2_instances
depends_on = [step.create_vpc]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
ami_id = step.ec2_info.ami_ids[matrix.arch][matrix.distro][local.distro_version[matrix.distro]]
awskms_unseal_key_arn = step.create_vpc.kms_key_arn
cluster_tag_key = local.vault_tag_key
common_tags = local.tags
vpc_id = step.create_vpc.vpc_id
step "create_vault_cluster_backend_targets" {
module = matrix.backend == "consul" ? module.target_ec2_instances : module.target_ec2_shim
depends_on = [step.create_vpc]
providers = {
enos = provider.enos.ubuntu
variables {
ami_id = step.ec2_info.ami_ids["arm64"]["ubuntu"]["22.04"]
awskms_unseal_key_arn = step.create_vpc.kms_key_arn
cluster_tag_key = local.backend_tag_key
common_tags = local.tags
vpc_id = step.create_vpc.vpc_id
step "create_backend_cluster" {
module = "backend_${matrix.backend}"
depends_on = [
providers = {
enos = provider.enos.ubuntu
variables {
cluster_name = step.create_vault_cluster_backend_targets.cluster_name
cluster_tag_key = local.backend_tag_key
license = (matrix.backend == "consul" && var.backend_edition == "ent") ? step.read_backend_license.license : null
release = {
edition = var.backend_edition
version = matrix.consul_version
target_hosts = step.create_vault_cluster_backend_targets.hosts
step "create_vault_cluster" {
module = module.vault_cluster
depends_on = [
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
artifactory_release = matrix.artifact_source == "artifactory" ? step.build_vault.vault_artifactory_release : null
awskms_unseal_key_arn = step.create_vpc.kms_key_arn
backend_cluster_name = step.create_vault_cluster_backend_targets.cluster_name
backend_cluster_tag_key = local.backend_tag_key
cluster_name = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.cluster_name
consul_license = (matrix.backend == "consul" && var.backend_edition == "ent") ? step.read_backend_license.license : null
consul_release = matrix.backend == "consul" ? {
edition = var.backend_edition
version = matrix.consul_version
} : null
enable_file_audit_device = var.vault_enable_file_audit_device
install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
license = matrix.edition != "oss" ? step.read_vault_license.license : null
local_artifact_path = local.bundle_path
packages = local.packages
storage_backend = matrix.backend
target_hosts = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
unseal_method = matrix.seal
step "get_vault_cluster_ips" {
module = module.vault_get_cluster_ips
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_root_token = step.create_vault_cluster.root_token
step "verify_vault_version" {
module = module.vault_verify_version
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
vault_edition = matrix.edition
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_product_version = matrix.artifact_source == "local" ? step.get_local_metadata.version : var.vault_product_version
vault_revision = matrix.artifact_source == "local" ? step.get_local_metadata.revision : var.vault_revision
vault_build_date = matrix.artifact_source == "local" ? step.get_local_metadata.build_date : var.vault_build_date
vault_root_token = step.create_vault_cluster.root_token
step "verify_vault_unsealed" {
module = module.vault_verify_unsealed
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
step "verify_write_test_data" {
module = module.vault_verify_write_data
depends_on = [
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
leader_public_ip = step.get_vault_cluster_ips.leader_public_ip
leader_private_ip = step.get_vault_cluster_ips.leader_private_ip
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_root_token = step.create_vault_cluster.root_token
step "verify_raft_auto_join_voter" {
skip_step = matrix.backend != "raft"
module = module.vault_verify_raft_auto_join_voter
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
vault_root_token = step.create_vault_cluster.root_token
step "verify_replication" {
module = module.vault_verify_replication
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_edition = matrix.edition
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
step "verify_read_test_data" {
module = module.vault_verify_read_data
depends_on = [
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
node_public_ips = step.get_vault_cluster_ips.follower_public_ips
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
step "verify_ui" {
module = module.vault_verify_ui
depends_on = [step.create_vault_cluster]
providers = {
enos = local.enos_provider[matrix.distro]
variables {
vault_instances = step.create_vault_cluster_targets.hosts
vault_install_dir = local.vault_install_dir
output "audit_device_file_path" {
description = "The file path for the file audit device, if enabled"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.audit_device_file_path
output "awskms_unseal_key_arn" {
description = "The Vault cluster KMS key arn"
value = step.create_vpc.kms_key_arn
output "cluster_name" {
description = "The Vault cluster name"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.cluster_name
output "hosts" {
description = "The Vault cluster target hosts"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.target_hosts
output "private_ips" {
description = "The Vault cluster private IPs"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.private_ips
output "public_ips" {
description = "The Vault cluster public IPs"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.public_ips
output "root_token" {
description = "The Vault cluster root token"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.root_token
output "recovery_key_shares" {
description = "The Vault cluster recovery key shares"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.recovery_key_shares
output "recovery_keys_b64" {
description = "The Vault cluster recovery keys b64"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.recovery_keys_b64
output "recovery_keys_hex" {
description = "The Vault cluster recovery keys hex"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.recovery_keys_hex
output "unseal_keys_b64" {
description = "The Vault cluster unseal keys"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.unseal_keys_b64
output "unseal_keys_hex" {
description = "The Vault cluster unseal keys hex"
value = step.create_vault_cluster.unseal_keys_hex