Update TTL picker on SSH signing and role create/edit
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* @module TtlPicker2
* TtlPicker2 components are used to enable and select 'time to live' values. Use this TtlPicker2 instead of TtlPicker if you:
* - Want the TTL to be enabled or disabled
* - Want to have the time recalculated by default when the unit changes (eg 60s -> 1m)
* @example
* ```js
* <TtlPicker2 @onChange={{handleChange}} @time={{defaultTime}} @unit={{defaultUnit}}/>
* ```
* @param onChange {Function} - This function will be passed a TTL object, which includes enabled{bool}, seconds{number}, timeString{string}.
* @param label="Time to live (TTL)" {String} - Label is the main label that lives next to the toggle.
* @param helperTextDisabled="Allow tokens to be used indefinitely" {String} - This helper text is shown under the label when the toggle is switched off
* @param helperTextEnabled="Disable the use of the token after" {String} - This helper text is shown under the label when the toggle is switched on
* @param description="Longer description about this value, what it does, and why it is useful. Shows up in tooltip next to helpertext"
* @param time=30 {Number} - The time (in the default units) which will be adjustable by the user of the form
* @param unit="s" {String} - This is the unit key which will show by default on the form. Can be one of `s` (seconds), `m` (minutes), `h` (hours), `d` (days)
* @param recalculationTimeout=5000 {Number} - This is the time, in milliseconds, that `recalculateSeconds` will be be true after time is updated
* @param initialValue=null {String} - This is the value set initially (particularly from a string like '30h')
* @param initialEnabled=null {Boolean} - Set this value if you want the toggle on when component is mounted
import Ember from 'ember';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency';
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import Duration from 'Duration.js';
import layout from '../templates/components/ttl-picker2';
const secondsMap = {
s: 1,
m: 60,
h: 3600,
d: 86400,
const convertToSeconds = (time, unit) => {
return time * secondsMap[unit];
const convertFromSeconds = (seconds, unit) => {
return seconds / secondsMap[unit];
export default Component.extend({
enableTTL: false,
label: 'Time to live (TTL)',
helperTextDisabled: 'Allow tokens to be used indefinitely',
helperTextEnabled: 'Disable the use of the token after',
description: '',
time: 30,
unit: 's',
recalculationTimeout: 5000,
initialValue: null,
init() {
const value = this.initialValue;
const enable = this.initialEnabled;
// if initial value is unset use params passed in as defaults
if (!value && value !== 0) {
let seconds = 30;
let setEnable = this.enableTTL;
if (!!enable || typeOf(enable) === 'boolean') {
// This allows non-boolean values passed in to be evaluated for truthiness
setEnable = !!enable;
if (typeOf(value) === 'number') {
seconds = value;
} else {
try {
seconds = Duration.parse(value).seconds();
} catch (e) {
// if parsing fails leave as default 30
time: seconds,
unit: 's',
enableTTL: setEnable,
unitOptions: computed(function() {
return [
{ label: 'seconds', value: 's' },
{ label: 'minutes', value: 'm' },
{ label: 'hours', value: 'h' },
{ label: 'days', value: 'd' },
handleChange() {
let { time, unit, enableTTL, seconds } = this.getProperties('time', 'unit', 'enableTTL', 'seconds');
const ttl = {
enabled: enableTTL,
timeString: time + unit,
updateTime: task(function*(newTime) {
this.set('errorMessage', '');
let parsedTime;
parsedTime = parseInt(newTime, 10);
if (!newTime) {
this.set('errorMessage', 'This field is required');
} else if (Number.isNaN(parsedTime)) {
this.set('errorMessage', 'Value must be a number');
this.set('time', parsedTime);
if (Ember.testing) {
this.set('recalculateSeconds', true);
yield timeout(this.recalculationTimeout);
this.set('recalculateSeconds', false);
recalculateTime(newUnit) {
const newTime = convertFromSeconds(this.seconds, newUnit);
time: newTime,
unit: newUnit,
seconds: computed('time', 'unit', function() {
return convertToSeconds(this.time, this.unit);
helperText: computed('enableTTL', 'helperTextUnset', 'helperTextSet', function() {
return this.enableTTL ? this.helperTextEnabled : this.helperTextDisabled;
errorMessage: null,
recalculateSeconds: false,
actions: {
updateUnit(newUnit) {
if (this.recalculateSeconds) {
this.set('unit', newUnit);
} else {
toggleEnabled() {