* move the ttls on enable for db to default and not as options * refactor form field to angle brackets * add database to supported backend * initial setup of components and models * setup selectable cards, need to make own component * styling setup * subtext and links * number styling * search select put in place and button, all pretty things * search label text * messy but closer to data configuration. making models and fetching those models on routes * connection adapter and serializer that is pulled in by the overview route * clean up and add new model params connections and roles to overview route hbs * setting up overview as route with SecretHeader component. TODO, show Overview tab, but have link to route. It's going be on the secret header list component * setup overview tab on secret-list-header to go to overview page * setup id in overview route * Correct link on secrets engine list for database and others * Roles tab on database fetches correct model * Update options for backend with hasOverview param so overview tab is rendered conditionally on secret list header * create new getCrendentialsComponent * Rename database connection parent component and start working on display * setup routing to credentials route for database from overview page * setup network request for the credentials of role * setup serializer for credentials * redirect previous route * fix border color on button disable * add margin to back button * change to glimmer component * glimmerize and clean up the get-credentials-card * Begin database connection show and create form * add component test for the get-credentials-card * Database connection model and field groups * add static roles to searhSelect * add staticRoles on overview page * Toolbar and tabs on database connection show view looks correct * combine static and dynamic role models for pagination * Update database-list-item with real link to connection * Add support for optionalText edit type on form-field * handle situation when no static and/or dynamic roles * turn partial into component so can handle computed and eventually click actions, similar to transform * glimmerize database-list-item * use lazy capabilities on list role and static-role actions * Create connection works and redirects to show page * creds request based on dynamic or static and unload the store by record creds when they transition away. * dynamcially add in backend for queries * fixes on overview page for get credentials with hardcoded backend and layout for static creds * Rotate and Reset connection actions working on connection * get credentials set the query params * setup async for handling permission errors on overivew * Move query logic to store for getting both types of role * Filtering works on combined role models * cleanup * Fix no meta on connections list * better handle the situation where you don't have access to list roles but do to generate * implment updated empty state component and add to credentials page when roleType is noRoleType * glimmerize the input search component * move logic for generate credentials urlto the generate creds component * remove query param for role type * handle permissions on the overview page * permissions for role list * New roles route for backends * handle different permissions for empty return on 404 vs 403 on overview page * fix links on overview page * Connetions WIP * setup lazy caps for the connections model and list * add computed to role and static role models to clean up permissions * setup actions for connections list * Update form-field to show password type and update json input to angle bracket syntax with optional theme option * setup capabilities on overview for empty state * fix hardcoded on the backend * toggle inner label has width 100% * Add custom update password togglable input on database connection edit form, and only submit defined attrs * Add updateRecord to connection adapter * glimmerize secret list header and make new component which either shows or does not show the tab based on permissions * Remove tabs on show connection * add peek record * Update database role to get both models on a single model, remove static-role model and adapter, remove roles route * fix creds permissions on database-list-item * add component info and rename for secret-list-header-tab * fix issues on overview page * Add path to individual role on serializer * add accetpance test for testing the engine * fix transform test * test fix * Update connection before role created, disable button with tooltip if user cannot update path * Add add-to-array and remove-from-array helpers with tests * Clean up connection update on delete or create role, cleanup logs, role create link works * Database role create and edit forms with readonly fields and validation. Add readonly-form-field * Add field div around ttl picker for correct spacing on form-field * fix the breadcrumbs * PLaceholder test for readonly form field * create new helper to format time duration * tooltip and formatting on static role * more on static roles time stuff * clean up * clean up * fixes on the test and addition of another helper test * fix secrets machine test * Add modal to connection creation flow * fix issue with readonly form field test * Add is-empty-object helper and tests * Role error handling * Remove Atlas option from connection list, add defaults to db role form * clean up stuff though might have made it uglier * clean up * Add capabilities checks on connection actions * Fix jsdocs on readonly-form-field * Fix json editor height on form field * Readonly form has notallowed cursor, readonly form field updates * Add blank field rendering to info-table-row * Start writing readonly form field tests * Address some PR comments * fix fallback action on search select * cleanup per comments * fix readonly form field test and lint * Cleanup string helpers * Replace renderBlank with alwaysRender logic * re-humanize label on readonly form field * Show defaultShown value on info-table-row if no value and always render * Show default on role and connection show table * Add changelog Co-authored-by: Chelsea Shaw <chelshaw.dev@gmail.com>
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