We've disabled this in the token store, but it makes no sense to have that disabled but have it enabled elsewhere. It's the same issue across all, so simply remove the ability altogether.
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package vault
import (
// HandleRequest is used to handle a new incoming request
func (c *Core) HandleRequest(req *logical.Request) (resp *logical.Response, err error) {
defer c.stateLock.RUnlock()
if c.sealed {
return nil, ErrSealed
if c.standby {
return nil, ErrStandby
// Allowing writing to a path ending in / makes it extremely difficult to
// understand user intent for the filesystem-like backends (generic,
// cubbyhole) -- did they want a key named foo/ or did they want to write
// to a directory foo/ with no (or forgotten) key, or...? It also affects
// lookup, because paths ending in / are considered prefixes by some
// backends. Basically, it's all just terrible, so don't allow it.
if strings.HasSuffix(req.Path, "/") &&
(req.Operation == logical.UpdateOperation ||
req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation) {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot write to a path ending in '/'"), nil
var auth *logical.Auth
if c.router.LoginPath(req.Path) {
resp, auth, err = c.handleLoginRequest(req)
} else {
resp, auth, err = c.handleRequest(req)
// Ensure we don't leak internal data
if resp != nil {
if resp.Secret != nil {
resp.Secret.InternalData = nil
if resp.Auth != nil {
resp.Auth.InternalData = nil
// We are wrapping if there is anything to wrap (not a nil response) and a
// TTL was specified for the token
wrapping := resp != nil && resp.WrapInfo != nil && resp.WrapInfo.TTL != 0
if wrapping {
cubbyResp, err := c.wrapInCubbyhole(req, resp)
// If not successful, returns either an error response from the
// cubbyhole backend or an error; if either is set, return
if cubbyResp != nil || err != nil {
return cubbyResp, err
// Create an audit trail of the response
if auditErr := c.auditBroker.LogResponse(auth, req, resp, err); auditErr != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit response (request path: %s): %v",
req.Path, auditErr)
return nil, ErrInternalError
// If we are wrapping, now is when we create a new response object with the
// wrapped information, since the original response has been audit logged
if wrapping {
wrappingResp := &logical.Response{
WrapInfo: resp.WrapInfo,
resp = wrappingResp
func (c *Core) handleRequest(req *logical.Request) (retResp *logical.Response, retAuth *logical.Auth, retErr error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"core", "handle_request"}, time.Now())
// Validate the token
auth, te, ctErr := c.checkToken(req)
// We run this logic first because we want to decrement the use count even in the case of an error
if te != nil {
// Attempt to use the token (decrement NumUses)
var err error
te, err = c.tokenStore.UseToken(te)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to use token: %v", err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, nil, retErr
if te == nil {
// Token has been revoked by this point
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, logical.ErrPermissionDenied)
return nil, nil, retErr
if te.NumUses == -1 {
// We defer a revocation until after logic has run, since this is a
// valid request (this is the token's final use). We pass the ID in
// directly just to be safe in case something else modifies te later.
defer func(id string) {
err = c.tokenStore.Revoke(id)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to revoke token: %v", err)
retResp = nil
retAuth = nil
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
if retResp != nil && retResp.Secret != nil &&
// Some backends return a TTL even without a Lease ID
retResp.Secret.LeaseID != "" {
retResp = logical.ErrorResponse("Secret cannot be returned; token had one use left, so leased credentials were immediately revoked.")
if ctErr != nil {
// If it is an internal error we return that, otherwise we
// return invalid request so that the status codes can be correct
var errType error
switch ctErr {
case ErrInternalError, logical.ErrPermissionDenied:
errType = ctErr
errType = logical.ErrInvalidRequest
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(auth, req, ctErr); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path (%s): %v",
req.Path, err)
if errType != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, errType)
return logical.ErrorResponse(ctErr.Error()), nil, retErr
// Attach the display name
req.DisplayName = auth.DisplayName
// Create an audit trail of the request
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(auth, req, nil); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path (%s): %v",
req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Route the request
resp, err := c.router.Route(req)
if resp != nil {
// We don't allow backends to specify this, so ensure it's not set
resp.WrapInfo = nil
if req.WrapTTL != 0 {
resp.WrapInfo = &logical.WrapInfo{
TTL: req.WrapTTL,
// If there is a secret, we must register it with the expiration manager.
// We exclude renewal of a lease, since it does not need to be re-registered
if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "sys/renew/") {
// Get the SystemView for the mount
sysView := c.router.MatchingSystemView(req.Path)
if sysView == nil {
c.logger.Println("[ERR] core: unable to retrieve system view from router")
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Apply the default lease if none given
if resp.Secret.TTL == 0 {
resp.Secret.TTL = sysView.DefaultLeaseTTL()
// Limit the lease duration
maxTTL := sysView.MaxLeaseTTL()
if resp.Secret.TTL > maxTTL {
resp.Secret.TTL = maxTTL
// Generic mounts should return the TTL but not register
// for a lease as this provides a massive slowdown
registerLease := true
matchingBackend := c.router.MatchingBackend(req.Path)
if matchingBackend == nil {
c.logger.Println("[ERR] core: unable to retrieve generic backend from router")
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
if ptbe, ok := matchingBackend.(*PassthroughBackend); ok {
if !ptbe.GeneratesLeases() {
registerLease = false
resp.Secret.Renewable = false
if registerLease {
leaseID, err := c.expiration.Register(req, resp)
if err != nil {
"[ERR] core: failed to register lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
resp.Secret.LeaseID = leaseID
// Only the token store is allowed to return an auth block, for any
// other request this is an internal error. We exclude renewal of a token,
// since it does not need to be re-registered
if resp != nil && resp.Auth != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "auth/token/renew") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "auth/token/") {
"[ERR] core: unexpected Auth response for non-token backend "+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Register with the expiration manager. We use the token's actual path
// here because roles allow suffixes.
te, err := c.tokenStore.Lookup(resp.Auth.ClientToken)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to lookup token: %v", err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, nil, retErr
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, resp.Auth); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Return the response and error
if err != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, err)
return resp, auth, retErr
// handleLoginRequest is used to handle a login request, which is an
// unauthenticated request to the backend.
func (c *Core) handleLoginRequest(req *logical.Request) (retResp *logical.Response, retAuth *logical.Auth, retErr error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"core", "handle_login_request"}, time.Now())
// Create an audit trail of the request, auth is not available on login requests
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(nil, req, nil); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path %s: %v",
req.Path, err)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// The token store uses authentication even when creating a new token,
// so it's handled in handleRequest. It should not be reached here.
if strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "auth/token/") {
"[ERR] core: unexpected login request for token backend "+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, nil, retErr
// Route the request
resp, err := c.router.Route(req)
if resp != nil {
// We don't allow backends to specify this, so ensure it's not set
resp.WrapInfo = nil
if req.WrapTTL != 0 {
resp.WrapInfo = &logical.WrapInfo{
TTL: req.WrapTTL,
// A login request should never return a secret!
if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: unexpected Secret response for login path"+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// If the response generated an authentication, then generate the token
var auth *logical.Auth
if resp != nil && resp.Auth != nil {
auth = resp.Auth
if strutil.StrListSubset(auth.Policies, []string{"root"}) {
return logical.ErrorResponse("authentication backends cannot create root tokens"), nil, logical.ErrInvalidRequest
// Determine the source of the login
source := c.router.MatchingMount(req.Path)
source = strings.TrimPrefix(source, credentialRoutePrefix)
source = strings.Replace(source, "/", "-", -1)
// Prepend the source to the display name
auth.DisplayName = strings.TrimSuffix(source+auth.DisplayName, "-")
sysView := c.router.MatchingSystemView(req.Path)
if sysView == nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: unable to look up sys view for login path"+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// Set the default lease if not provided
if auth.TTL == 0 {
auth.TTL = sysView.DefaultLeaseTTL()
// Limit the lease duration
if auth.TTL > sysView.MaxLeaseTTL() {
auth.TTL = sysView.MaxLeaseTTL()
// Generate a token
te := TokenEntry{
Path: req.Path,
Policies: auth.Policies,
Meta: auth.Metadata,
DisplayName: auth.DisplayName,
CreationTime: time.Now().Unix(),
TTL: auth.TTL,
// Use a map to filter out/prevent duplicates
policyMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, policy := range te.Policies {
if policy == "" {
// Don't allow a policy with no name, even though it is a valid
// slice member
policyMap[policy] = true
// Add the default policy
policyMap["default"] = true
te.Policies = []string{}
for k, _ := range policyMap {
te.Policies = append(te.Policies, k)
if err := c.tokenStore.create(&te); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to create token: %v", err)
return nil, auth, ErrInternalError
// Populate the client token and accessor
auth.ClientToken = te.ID
auth.Accessor = te.Accessor
auth.Policies = te.Policies
// Register with the expiration manager
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, auth); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
return nil, auth, ErrInternalError
// Attach the display name, might be used by audit backends
req.DisplayName = auth.DisplayName
return resp, auth, err
func (c *Core) wrapInCubbyhole(req *logical.Request, resp *logical.Response) (*logical.Response, error) {
// If we are wrapping, the first part (performed in this functions) happens
// before auditing so that resp.WrapInfo.Token can contain the HMAC'd
// wrapping token ID in the audit logs, so that it can be determined from
// the audit logs whether the token was ever actually used.
creationTime := time.Now()
te := TokenEntry{
Path: req.Path,
Policies: []string{"response-wrapping"},
CreationTime: creationTime.Unix(),
TTL: resp.WrapInfo.TTL,
NumUses: 1,
ExplicitMaxTTL: resp.WrapInfo.TTL,
if err := c.tokenStore.create(&te); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to create wrapping token: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
resp.WrapInfo.Token = te.ID
resp.WrapInfo.CreationTime = creationTime
// This will only be non-nil if this response contains a token, so in that
// case put the accessor in the wrap info.
if resp.Auth != nil {
resp.WrapInfo.WrappedAccessor = resp.Auth.Accessor
httpResponse := logical.SanitizeResponse(resp)
// Add the unique identifier of the original request to the response
httpResponse.RequestID = req.ID
// Because of the way that JSON encodes (likely just in Go) we actually get
// mixed-up values for ints if we simply put this object in the response
// and encode the whole thing; so instead we marshal it first, then store
// the string response. This actually ends up making it easier on the
// client side, too, as it becomes a straight read-string-pass-to-unmarshal
// operation.
marshaledResponse, err := json.Marshal(httpResponse)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to marshal wrapped response: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
cubbyReq := &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.CreateOperation,
Path: "cubbyhole/response",
ClientToken: te.ID,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"response": string(marshaledResponse),
cubbyResp, err := c.router.Route(cubbyReq)
if err != nil {
// Revoke since it's not yet being tracked for expiration
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to store wrapped response information: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
if cubbyResp != nil && cubbyResp.IsError() {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to store wrapped response information: %v", cubbyResp.Data["error"])
return cubbyResp, nil
auth := &logical.Auth{
ClientToken: te.ID,
Policies: []string{"response-wrapping"},
LeaseOptions: logical.LeaseOptions{
TTL: te.TTL,
Renewable: false,
// Register the wrapped token with the expiration manager
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, auth); err != nil {
// Revoke since it's not yet being tracked for expiration
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register cubbyhole wrapping token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
return nil, nil