This decreases the total time to run the test suite significantly. From the last PR, we were at 151s: > [cipherboy@xps15 pki]$ go test -count=1 github.com/hashicorp/vault/builtin/logical/pki > ok github.com/hashicorp/vault/builtin/logical/pki 151.182s Now we're around 60s: > [cipherboy@xps15 pki]$ go test -count=1 github.com/hashicorp/vault/builtin/logical/pki > ok github.com/hashicorp/vault/builtin/logical/pki 61.838s Notably, Go will correctly handle parallelizing tests across both packages and within a package, so this shouldn't really impact test runners (if they're already saturated). The only gotcha in this approach is that the call to t.Run(...) becomes effectively async; this means we either need to not mark the test as parallel or shadow any loop variables inside the scope of the loop to allow the t.Run to have the correct copy. Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com>
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package pki
import (
// For speed, all keys are ECDSA.
type CBGenerateKey struct {
Name string
func (c CBGenerateKey) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "keys/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{
"name": c.Name,
"algo": "ec",
"bits": 256,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to provision key (%v): %v", c.Name, err)
knownKeys[c.Name] = resp.Data["private"].(string)
// Generate a root.
type CBGenerateRoot struct {
Key string
Existing bool
Name string
CommonName string
ErrorMessage string
func (c CBGenerateRoot) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
url := "issuers/generate/root/"
data := make(map[string]interface{})
if c.Existing {
url += "existing"
data["key_ref"] = c.Key
} else {
url += "exported"
data["key_type"] = "ec"
data["key_bits"] = 256
data["key_name"] = c.Key
data["issuer_name"] = c.Name
data["common_name"] = c.Name
if len(c.CommonName) > 0 {
data["common_name"] = c.CommonName
resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
if len(c.ErrorMessage) > 0 {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), c.ErrorMessage) {
t.Fatalf("failed to generate root cert for issuer (%v): expected (%v) in error message but got %v", c.Name, c.ErrorMessage, err)
t.Fatalf("failed to provision issuer (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Name, err, data)
} else if len(c.ErrorMessage) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected to fail generation of issuer (%v) with error message containing (%v)", c.Name, c.ErrorMessage)
if !c.Existing {
knownKeys[c.Key] = resp.Data["private_key"].(string)
knownCerts[c.Name] = resp.Data["certificate"].(string)
// Validate key_id matches.
url = "key/" + c.Key
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch key for name %v: %v", c.Key, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch key for name %v: nil response", c.Key)
expectedKeyId := resp.Data["key_id"]
url = "issuer/" + c.Name
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch issuer for name %v: %v", c.Name, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch issuer for name %v: nil response", c.Name)
actualKeyId := resp.Data["key_id"]
if expectedKeyId != actualKeyId {
t.Fatalf("expected issuer %v to have key matching %v but got mismatch: %v vs %v", c.Name, c.Key, actualKeyId, expectedKeyId)
// Generate an intermediate. Might not really be an intermediate; might be
// a cross-signed cert.
type CBGenerateIntermediate struct {
Key string
Existing bool
Name string
CommonName string
Parent string
ImportErrorMessage string
func (c CBGenerateIntermediate) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
// Build CSR
url := "issuers/generate/intermediate/"
data := make(map[string]interface{})
if c.Existing {
url += "existing"
data["key_ref"] = c.Key
} else {
url += "exported"
data["key_type"] = "ec"
data["key_bits"] = 256
data["key_name"] = c.Key
resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to generate CSR for issuer (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Name, err, data)
if !c.Existing {
knownKeys[c.Key] = resp.Data["private_key"].(string)
csr := resp.Data["csr"].(string)
// Sign CSR
url = fmt.Sprintf("issuer/%s/sign-intermediate", c.Parent)
data = make(map[string]interface{})
data["csr"] = csr
data["common_name"] = c.Name
if len(c.CommonName) > 0 {
data["common_name"] = c.CommonName
resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to sign CSR for issuer (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Name, err, data)
knownCerts[c.Name] = strings.TrimSpace(resp.Data["certificate"].(string))
// Set the signed intermediate
url = "intermediate/set-signed"
data = make(map[string]interface{})
data["certificate"] = knownCerts[c.Name]
data["issuer_name"] = c.Name
resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
if len(c.ImportErrorMessage) > 0 {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), c.ImportErrorMessage) {
t.Fatalf("failed to import signed cert for issuer (%v): expected (%v) in error message but got %v", c.Name, c.ImportErrorMessage, err)
t.Fatalf("failed to import signed cert for issuer (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Name, err, data)
} else if len(c.ImportErrorMessage) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected to fail import (with error %v) of cert for issuer (%v) but was success: response: %v", c.ImportErrorMessage, c.Name, resp)
// Update the name since set-signed doesn't actually take an issuer name
// parameter.
rawNewCerts := resp.Data["imported_issuers"].([]string)
if len(rawNewCerts) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected a single new certificate during import of signed cert for %v: got %v\nresp: %v", c.Name, len(rawNewCerts), resp)
newCertId := rawNewCerts[0]
_, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/"+newCertId, map[string]interface{}{
"issuer_name": c.Name,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to update name for issuer (%v/%v): %v", c.Name, newCertId, err)
// Validate key_id matches.
url = "key/" + c.Key
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch key for name %v: %v", c.Key, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch key for name %v: nil response", c.Key)
expectedKeyId := resp.Data["key_id"]
url = "issuer/" + c.Name
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch issuer for name %v: %v", c.Name, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch issuer for name %v: nil response", c.Name)
actualKeyId := resp.Data["key_id"]
if expectedKeyId != actualKeyId {
t.Fatalf("expected issuer %v to have key matching %v but got mismatch: %v vs %v", c.Name, c.Key, actualKeyId, expectedKeyId)
// Delete an issuer; breaks chains.
type CBDeleteIssuer struct {
Issuer string
func (c CBDeleteIssuer) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("issuer/%v", c.Issuer)
_, err := CBDelete(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to delete issuer (%v): %v", c.Issuer, err)
delete(knownCerts, c.Issuer)
// Validate the specified chain exists, by name.
type CBValidateChain struct {
Chains map[string][]string
Aliases map[string]string
func (c CBValidateChain) ChainToPEMs(t testing.TB, parent string, chain []string, knownCerts map[string]string) []string {
var result []string
for entryIndex, entry := range chain {
var chainEntry string
modifiedEntry := entry
if entryIndex == 0 && entry == "self" {
modifiedEntry = parent
for pattern, replacement := range c.Aliases {
modifiedEntry = strings.ReplaceAll(modifiedEntry, pattern, replacement)
for _, issuer := range strings.Split(modifiedEntry, ",") {
cert, ok := knownCerts[issuer]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unknown issuer %v in chain for %v: %v", issuer, parent, chain)
chainEntry += cert
result = append(result, chainEntry)
return result
func (c CBValidateChain) FindNameForCert(t testing.TB, cert string, knownCerts map[string]string) string {
for issuer, known := range knownCerts {
if strings.TrimSpace(known) == strings.TrimSpace(cert) {
return issuer
t.Fatalf("Unable to find cert:\n[%v]\nin known map:\n%v\n", cert, knownCerts)
return ""
func (c CBValidateChain) PrettyChain(t testing.TB, chain []string, knownCerts map[string]string) []string {
var prettyChain []string
for _, cert := range chain {
prettyChain = append(prettyChain, c.FindNameForCert(t, cert, knownCerts))
return prettyChain
func ToCertificate(t testing.TB, cert string) *x509.Certificate {
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(cert))
if block == nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse certificate: nil PEM block\n[%v]\n", cert)
ret, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse certificate: %v\n[%v]\n", err, cert)
return ret
func ToCRL(t testing.TB, crl string, issuer *x509.Certificate) *pkix.CertificateList {
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(crl))
if block == nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse CRL: nil PEM block\n[%v]\n", crl)
ret, err := x509.ParseCRL(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse CRL: %v\n[%v]\n", err, crl)
if issuer != nil {
if err := issuer.CheckCRLSignature(ret); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to check CRL signature: %v\n[%v]\n[%v]\n", err, crl, issuer)
return ret
func (c CBValidateChain) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
for issuer, chain := range c.Chains {
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "issuer/"+issuer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get chain for issuer (%v): %v", issuer, err)
rawCurrentChain := resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string)
var currentChain []string
for _, entry := range rawCurrentChain {
currentChain = append(currentChain, strings.TrimSpace(entry))
// Ensure the issuer cert is always first.
if currentChain[0] != knownCerts[issuer] {
pretty := c.FindNameForCert(t, currentChain[0], knownCerts)
t.Fatalf("expected certificate at index 0 to be self:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]\nis not the issuer's cert:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]", currentChain[0], pretty, knownCerts[issuer], issuer)
// Validate it against the expected chain.
expectedChain := c.ChainToPEMs(t, issuer, chain, knownCerts)
if len(currentChain) != len(expectedChain) {
prettyCurrentChain := c.PrettyChain(t, currentChain, knownCerts)
t.Fatalf("Lengths of chains for issuer %v mismatched: got %v vs expected %v:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]", issuer, len(currentChain), len(expectedChain), currentChain, prettyCurrentChain, expectedChain, chain)
for currentIndex, currentCert := range currentChain {
// Chains might be forked so we may not be able to strictly validate
// the chain against a single value. Instead, use strings.Contains
// to validate the current cert is in the list of allowed
// possibilities.
if !strings.Contains(expectedChain[currentIndex], currentCert) {
pretty := c.FindNameForCert(t, currentCert, knownCerts)
t.Fatalf("chain mismatch at index %v for issuer %v: got cert:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]\nbut expected one of\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]\n", currentIndex, issuer, currentCert, pretty, expectedChain[currentIndex], chain[currentIndex])
// Due to alternate paths, the above doesn't ensure ensure each cert
// in the chain is only used once. Validate that now.
for thisIndex, thisCert := range currentChain {
for otherIndex, otherCert := range currentChain[thisIndex+1:] {
if thisCert == otherCert {
thisPretty := c.FindNameForCert(t, thisCert, knownCerts)
otherPretty := c.FindNameForCert(t, otherCert, knownCerts)
otherIndex += thisIndex + 1
t.Fatalf("cert reused in chain for %v:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v / index: %v]\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v / index: %v]\n", issuer, thisCert, thisPretty, thisIndex, otherCert, otherPretty, otherIndex)
// Finally, validate that all certs verify something that came before
// it. In the linear chain sense, this should strictly mean that the
// parent comes before the child.
for thisIndex, thisCertPem := range currentChain[1:] {
thisIndex += 1 // Absolute index.
parentCert := ToCertificate(t, thisCertPem)
// Iterate backwards; prefer the most recent cert to the older
// certs.
foundCert := false
for otherIndex := thisIndex - 1; otherIndex >= 0; otherIndex-- {
otherCertPem := currentChain[otherIndex]
childCert := ToCertificate(t, otherCertPem)
if err := childCert.CheckSignatureFrom(parentCert); err == nil {
foundCert = true
if !foundCert {
pretty := c.FindNameForCert(t, thisCertPem, knownCerts)
t.Fatalf("malformed test scenario: certificate at chain index %v when validating %v does not validate any previous certificates:\n[%v]\n[pretty: %v]\n", thisIndex, issuer, thisCertPem, pretty)
// Update an issuer
type CBUpdateIssuer struct {
Name string
CAChain []string
Usage string
func (c CBUpdateIssuer) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
url := "issuer/" + c.Name
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["issuer_name"] = c.Name
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read issuer (%v): %v", c.Name, err)
if len(c.CAChain) == 1 && c.CAChain[0] == "existing" {
data["manual_chain"] = resp.Data["manual_chain"]
} else {
data["manual_chain"] = c.CAChain
if c.Usage == "existing" {
data["usage"] = resp.Data["usage"]
} else if len(c.Usage) == 0 {
data["usage"] = "read-only,issuing-certificates,crl-signing"
} else {
data["usage"] = c.Usage
_, err = CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to update issuer (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Name, err, data)
// Issue a leaf, revoke it, and then validate it appears on the CRL.
type CBIssueLeaf struct {
Issuer string
Role string
func (c CBIssueLeaf) IssueLeaf(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string, errorMessage string) *logical.Response {
// Write a role
url := "roles/" + c.Role
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["allow_localhost"] = true
data["ttl"] = "200s"
data["key_type"] = "ec"
_, err := CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to update role (%v): %v / body: %v", c.Role, err, data)
// Issue the certificate.
url = "issuer/" + c.Issuer + "/issue/" + c.Role
data = make(map[string]interface{})
data["common_name"] = "localhost"
resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
if len(errorMessage) >= 0 {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errorMessage) {
t.Fatalf("failed to issue cert (%v via %v): %v / body: %v\nExpected error message: %v", c.Issuer, c.Role, err, data, errorMessage)
return nil
t.Fatalf("failed to issue cert (%v via %v): %v / body: %v", c.Issuer, c.Role, err, data)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to issue cert (%v via %v): nil response / body: %v", c.Issuer, c.Role, data)
raw_cert := resp.Data["certificate"].(string)
cert := ToCertificate(t, raw_cert)
raw_issuer := resp.Data["issuing_ca"].(string)
issuer := ToCertificate(t, raw_issuer)
// Validate issuer and signatures are good.
if strings.TrimSpace(raw_issuer) != strings.TrimSpace(knownCerts[c.Issuer]) {
t.Fatalf("signing certificate ended with wrong certificate for issuer %v:\n[%v]\n\nvs\n\n[%v]\n", c.Issuer, raw_issuer, knownCerts[c.Issuer])
if err := cert.CheckSignatureFrom(issuer); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify signature on issued certificate from %v: %v\n[%v]\n[%v]\n", c.Issuer, err, raw_cert, raw_issuer)
return resp
func (c CBIssueLeaf) RevokeLeaf(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string, issueResponse *logical.Response, hasCRL bool, isDefault bool) {
api_serial := issueResponse.Data["serial_number"].(string)
raw_cert := issueResponse.Data["certificate"].(string)
cert := ToCertificate(t, raw_cert)
raw_issuer := issueResponse.Data["issuing_ca"].(string)
issuer := ToCertificate(t, raw_issuer)
// Revoke the certificate.
url := "revoke"
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["serial_number"] = api_serial
resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, url, data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to revoke issued certificate (%v) under role %v / issuer %v: %v", api_serial, c.Role, c.Issuer, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to revoke issued certificate (%v) under role %v / issuer %v: nil response", api_serial, c.Role, c.Issuer)
if _, ok := resp.Data["revocation_time"]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("failed to revoke issued certificate (%v) under role %v / issuer %v: expected response parameter revocation_time was missing from response:\n%v", api_serial, c.Role, c.Issuer, resp.Data)
if !hasCRL && isDefault {
// Nothing further we can test here. We could re-enable CRL building
// and check that it works, but that seems like a stretch. Other
// issuers might be functionally the same as this issuer (and thus
// this CRL will still be issued), but that requires more work to
// check and verify.
// Verify it is on this issuer's CRL.
url = "issuer/" + c.Issuer + "/crl"
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: %v", c.Issuer, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: nil response", c.Issuer)
raw_crl := resp.Data["crl"].(string)
crl := ToCRL(t, raw_crl, issuer)
foundCert := requireSerialNumberInCRL(nil, crl.TBSCertList, api_serial)
if !foundCert {
if !hasCRL && !isDefault {
// Update the issuer we expect to find this on.
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "config/issuers")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read default issuer config: %v", err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read default issuer config: nil response")
defaultID := resp.Data["default"].(issuerID).String()
c.Issuer = defaultID
issuer = nil
// Verify it is on the default issuer's CRL.
url = "issuer/" + c.Issuer + "/crl"
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: %v", c.Issuer, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: nil response", c.Issuer)
raw_crl = resp.Data["crl"].(string)
crl = ToCRL(t, raw_crl, issuer)
foundCert = requireSerialNumberInCRL(nil, crl.TBSCertList, api_serial)
if !foundCert {
// If CRL building is broken, this is useful for finding which issuer's
// CRL the revoked cert actually appears on.
for issuerName := range knownCerts {
url = "issuer/" + issuerName + "/crl"
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: %v", issuerName, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to fetch CRL for issuer %v: nil response", issuerName)
raw_crl := resp.Data["crl"].(string)
crl := ToCRL(t, raw_crl, nil)
for index, revoked := range crl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates {
// t.Logf("[%v] revoked serial number: %v -- vs -- %v", index, revoked.SerialNumber, cert.SerialNumber)
if revoked.SerialNumber.Cmp(cert.SerialNumber) == 0 {
t.Logf("found revoked cert at index: %v for unexpected issuer: %v", index, issuerName)
t.Fatalf("expected to find certificate with serial [%v] on issuer %v's CRL but was missing: %v revoked certs\n\nCRL:\n[%v]\n\nLeaf:\n[%v]\n\nIssuer:\n[%v]\n", api_serial, c.Issuer, len(crl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates), raw_crl, raw_cert, raw_issuer)
func (c CBIssueLeaf) Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
if len(c.Role) == 0 {
c.Role = "testing"
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "config/issuers")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read default issuer config: %v", err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read default issuer config: nil response")
defaultID := resp.Data["default"].(issuerID).String()
resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/"+c.Issuer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read issuer %v: %v", c.Issuer, err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read issuer %v: nil response", c.Issuer)
ourID := resp.Data["issuer_id"].(issuerID).String()
areDefault := ourID == defaultID
for _, usage := range []string{"read-only", "crl-signing", "issuing-certificates", "issuing-certificates,crl-signing"} {
ui := CBUpdateIssuer{
Name: c.Issuer,
CAChain: []string{"existing"},
Usage: usage,
ui.Run(t, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts)
ilError := "requested usage issuing-certificates for issuer"
hasIssuing := strings.Contains(usage, "issuing-certificates")
if hasIssuing {
ilError = ""
hasCRL := strings.Contains(usage, "crl-signing")
resp := c.IssueLeaf(t, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts, ilError)
if resp == nil && !hasIssuing {
c.RevokeLeaf(t, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts, resp, hasCRL, areDefault)
// Stable ordering
func ensureStableOrderingOfChains(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string) {
// Start by fetching all chains
certChains := make(map[string][]string)
for issuer := range knownCerts {
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "issuer/"+issuer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get chain for issuer (%v): %v", issuer, err)
rawCurrentChain := resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string)
var currentChain []string
for _, entry := range rawCurrentChain {
currentChain = append(currentChain, strings.TrimSpace(entry))
certChains[issuer] = currentChain
// Now, generate a bunch of arbitrary roots and validate the chain is
// consistent.
var runs []time.Duration
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
name := "stable-order-root-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
step := CBGenerateRoot{
Key: name,
Name: name,
step.Run(t, b, s, make(map[string]string), make(map[string]string))
before := time.Now()
_, err := CBDelete(b, s, "issuer/"+name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to delete temporary testing issuer %v: %v", name, err)
after := time.Now()
elapsed := after.Sub(before)
runs = append(runs, elapsed)
for issuer := range knownCerts {
resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "issuer/"+issuer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get chain for issuer (%v): %v", issuer, err)
rawCurrentChain := resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string)
for index, entry := range rawCurrentChain {
if strings.TrimSpace(entry) != certChains[issuer][index] {
t.Fatalf("iteration %d - chain for issuer %v differed at index %d\n%v\nvs\n%v", i, issuer, index, entry, certChains[issuer][index])
min := runs[0]
max := runs[0]
var avg time.Duration
for _, run := range runs {
if run < min {
min = run
if run > max {
max = run
avg += run
avg = avg / time.Duration(len(runs))
t.Logf("Chain building run time (deletion) - min: %v / avg: %v / max: %v - entries: %v", min, avg, max, runs)
type CBTestStep interface {
Run(t testing.TB, b *backend, s logical.Storage, knownKeys map[string]string, knownCerts map[string]string)
type CBTestScenario struct {
Steps []CBTestStep
var chainBuildingTestCases = []CBTestScenario{
// This test builds up two cliques lined by a cycle, dropping into
// a single intermediate.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
// Create a reissued certificate using the same key. These
// should validate themselves.
Key: "key-root-old",
Name: "root-old-a",
CommonName: "root-old",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self"},
// After adding the second root using the same key and common
// name, there should now be two certs in each chain.
Key: "key-root-old",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-old-b",
CommonName: "root-old",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-b"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-a"},
// After adding a third root, there are now two possibilities for
// each later chain entry.
Key: "key-root-old",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-old-c",
CommonName: "root-old",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
// If we generate an unrelated issuer, it shouldn't affect either
// chain.
Key: "key-root-new",
Name: "root-new-a",
CommonName: "root-new",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab"},
"root-new-a": {"self"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
// Reissuing this new root should form another clique.
Key: "key-root-new",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-new-b",
CommonName: "root-new",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
// Generating a cross-signed cert from old->new should result
// in all old clique certs showing up in the new root's paths.
// This does not form a cycle.
// In order to validate the existing root-new clique, we
// have to reuse the key and common name here for
// cross-signing.
Key: "key-root-new",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-old-new",
CommonName: "root-new",
// Which old issuer is used here doesn't matter as they have
// the same CN and key.
Parent: "root-old-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab"},
"cross-old-new": {"self", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b", "cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a", "cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-old-abc": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c",
// If we create a new intermediate off of the root-new, we should
// simply add to the existing chain.
Key: "key-inter-a-root-new",
Name: "inter-a-root-new",
Parent: "root-new-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab"},
"cross-old-new": {"self", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b", "cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a", "cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
// If we find cross-old-new first, the old clique will be ahead
// of the new clique; otherwise the new clique will appear first.
"inter-a-root-new": {"self", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-old-abc": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c",
"full-cycle": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,cross-old-new,root-new-a,root-new-b",
// Now, if we cross-sign back from new to old, we should
// form cycle with multiple reissued cliques. This means
// all nodes will have the same chain.
// In order to validate the existing root-old clique, we
// have to reuse the key and common name here for
// cross-signing.
Key: "key-root-old",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-new-old",
CommonName: "root-old",
// Which new issuer is used here doesn't matter as they have
// the same CN and key.
Parent: "root-new-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"cross-old-new": {"self", "cross-new-old", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"cross-new-old": {"self", "cross-old-new", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"inter-a-root-new": {"self", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-old-abc": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-new-ab": "root-new-a,root-new-b",
"both-cross-old-new": "cross-old-new,cross-new-old",
"both-cliques": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,root-new-a,root-new-b",
"full-cycle": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,cross-old-new,cross-new-old,root-new-a,root-new-b",
// Update each old root to only include itself.
Name: "root-old-a",
CAChain: []string{"root-old-a"},
Name: "root-old-b",
CAChain: []string{"root-old-b"},
Name: "root-old-c",
CAChain: []string{"root-old-c"},
// Step 19
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self"},
"root-old-b": {"self"},
"root-old-c": {"self"},
"cross-old-new": {"self", "cross-new-old", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"cross-new-old": {"self", "cross-old-new", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"inter-a-root-new": {"self", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-old-abc": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-new-ab": "root-new-a,root-new-b",
"both-cross-old-new": "cross-old-new,cross-new-old",
"both-cliques": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,root-new-a,root-new-b",
"full-cycle": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,cross-old-new,cross-new-old,root-new-a,root-new-b",
// Reset the old roots; should get the original chains back.
Name: "root-old-a",
Name: "root-old-b",
Name: "root-old-c",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-bc", "root-old-bc", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-ac", "root-old-ac", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"root-old-c": {"self", "root-old-ab", "root-old-ab", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-new-ab", "root-new-ab"},
"cross-old-new": {"self", "cross-new-old", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"cross-new-old": {"self", "cross-old-new", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques", "both-cliques"},
"root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-b", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "root-new-a", "both-cross-old-new", "both-cross-old-new", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc", "root-old-abc"},
"inter-a-root-new": {"self", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle", "full-cycle"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-old-ac": "root-old-a,root-old-c",
"root-old-ab": "root-old-a,root-old-b",
"root-old-bc": "root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-old-abc": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c",
"root-new-ab": "root-new-a,root-new-b",
"both-cross-old-new": "cross-old-new,cross-new-old",
"both-cliques": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,root-new-a,root-new-b",
"full-cycle": "root-old-a,root-old-b,root-old-c,cross-old-new,cross-new-old,root-new-a,root-new-b",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-old-new"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-new-old"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-new-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-new-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-a-root-new"},
// Here we're testing our chain capacity. First we'll create a
// bunch of unique roots to form a cycle of length 10.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root-a",
Name: "root-a",
CommonName: "root-a",
Key: "key-root-b",
Name: "root-b",
CommonName: "root-b",
Key: "key-root-c",
Name: "root-c",
CommonName: "root-c",
Key: "key-root-d",
Name: "root-d",
CommonName: "root-d",
Key: "key-root-e",
Name: "root-e",
CommonName: "root-e",
// They should all be disjoint to start.
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"root-b": {"self"},
"root-c": {"self"},
"root-d": {"self"},
"root-e": {"self"},
// Start the cross-signing chains. These are all linear, so there's
// no error expected; they're just long.
Key: "key-root-b",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-a-b",
CommonName: "root-b",
Parent: "root-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"cross-a-b": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"root-c": {"self"},
"root-d": {"self"},
"root-e": {"self"},
Key: "key-root-c",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-b-c",
CommonName: "root-c",
Parent: "root-b",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"cross-a-b": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"cross-b-c": {"self", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"root-c": {"self", "cross-b-c", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"root-d": {"self"},
"root-e": {"self"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"b-or-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b",
"b-chained-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
Key: "key-root-d",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-c-d",
CommonName: "root-d",
Parent: "root-c",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"cross-a-b": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"cross-b-c": {"self", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"root-c": {"self", "cross-b-c", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"cross-c-d": {"self", "c-or-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross"},
"root-d": {"self", "cross-c-d", "c-or-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross"},
"root-e": {"self"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"b-or-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b",
"b-chained-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
"c-or-cross": "root-c,cross-b-c",
"c-chained-cross": "root-c,cross-b-c,root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
Key: "key-root-e",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-d-e",
CommonName: "root-e",
Parent: "root-d",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"cross-a-b": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"cross-b-c": {"self", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"root-c": {"self", "cross-b-c", "b-or-cross", "b-chained-cross", "b-chained-cross"},
"cross-c-d": {"self", "c-or-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross"},
"root-d": {"self", "cross-c-d", "c-or-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross", "c-chained-cross"},
"cross-d-e": {"self", "d-or-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross"},
"root-e": {"self", "cross-d-e", "d-or-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross", "d-chained-cross"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"b-or-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b",
"b-chained-cross": "root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
"c-or-cross": "root-c,cross-b-c",
"c-chained-cross": "root-c,cross-b-c,root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
"d-or-cross": "root-d,cross-c-d",
"d-chained-cross": "root-d,cross-c-d,root-c,cross-b-c,root-b,cross-a-b,root-a",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-a-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-b-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-c-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-d-e"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-e"},
// Importing the new e->a cross fails because the cycle
// it builds is too long.
Key: "key-root-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-e-a",
CommonName: "root-a",
Parent: "root-e",
ImportErrorMessage: "exceeds max size",
// Deleting any root and one of its crosses (either a->b or b->c)
// should fix this.
// Importing the new e->a cross fails because the cycle
// it builds is too long.
Key: "key-root-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-e-a",
CommonName: "root-a",
Parent: "root-e",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-a-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-c-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-d-e"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-e"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-e-a"},
// Here we're testing our clique capacity. First we'll create a
// bunch of unique roots to form a cycle of length 10.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root",
Name: "root-a",
CommonName: "root",
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-b",
CommonName: "root",
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-c",
CommonName: "root",
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-d",
CommonName: "root",
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-e",
CommonName: "root",
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-f",
CommonName: "root",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-e"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-f"},
// Seventh reissuance fails.
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-g",
CommonName: "root",
ErrorMessage: "excessively reissued certificate",
// Deleting one and trying again should succeed.
Key: "key-root",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-g",
CommonName: "root",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-c"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-d"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-e"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-f"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-g"},
// There's one more pathological case here: we have a cycle
// which validates a clique/cycle via cross-signing. We call
// the parent cycle new roots and the child cycle/clique the
// old roots.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
// New Cycle
Key: "key-root-new-a",
Name: "root-new-a",
Key: "key-root-new-b",
Name: "root-new-b",
Key: "key-root-new-b",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-root-new-b-sig-a",
CommonName: "root-new-b",
Parent: "root-new-a",
Key: "key-root-new-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-root-new-a-sig-b",
CommonName: "root-new-a",
Parent: "root-new-b",
// Old Cycle + Clique
Key: "key-root-old-a",
Name: "root-old-a",
Key: "key-root-old-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-old-a-reissued",
CommonName: "root-old-a",
Key: "key-root-old-b",
Name: "root-old-b",
Key: "key-root-old-b",
Existing: true,
Name: "root-old-b-reissued",
CommonName: "root-old-b",
Key: "key-root-old-b",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-root-old-b-sig-a",
CommonName: "root-old-b",
Parent: "root-old-a",
Key: "key-root-old-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-root-old-a-sig-b",
CommonName: "root-old-a",
Parent: "root-old-b",
// Validate the chains are separate before linking them.
Chains: map[string][]string{
// New stuff
"root-new-a": {"self", "cross-root-new-a-sig-b", "root-new-b-or-cross", "root-new-b-or-cross"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "cross-root-new-b-sig-a", "root-new-a-or-cross", "root-new-a-or-cross"},
"cross-root-new-b-sig-a": {"self", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"cross-root-new-a-sig-b": {"self", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
// Old stuff
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-a-reissued", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "both-root-old-b", "both-root-old-b"},
"root-old-a-reissued": {"self", "root-old-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "both-root-old-b", "both-root-old-b"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-b-reissued", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "both-root-old-a", "both-root-old-a"},
"root-old-b-reissued": {"self", "root-old-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "both-root-old-a", "both-root-old-a"},
"cross-root-old-b-sig-a": {"self", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old"},
"cross-root-old-a-sig-b": {"self", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-new-a-or-cross": "root-new-a,cross-root-new-a-sig-b",
"root-new-b-or-cross": "root-new-b,cross-root-new-b-sig-a",
"both-root-new": "root-new-a,root-new-b",
"any-root-new": "root-new-a,cross-root-new-a-sig-b,root-new-b,cross-root-new-b-sig-a",
"both-root-old-a": "root-old-a,root-old-a-reissued",
"both-root-old-b": "root-old-b,root-old-b-reissued",
"all-root-old": "root-old-a,root-old-a-reissued,root-old-b,root-old-b-reissued,cross-root-old-b-sig-a,cross-root-old-a-sig-b",
// Finally, generate an intermediate to link new->old. We
// link root-new-a into root-old-a.
Key: "key-root-old-a",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a",
CommonName: "root-old-a",
Parent: "root-new-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
// New stuff should be unchanged.
"root-new-a": {"self", "cross-root-new-a-sig-b", "root-new-b-or-cross", "root-new-b-or-cross"},
"root-new-b": {"self", "cross-root-new-b-sig-a", "root-new-a-or-cross", "root-new-a-or-cross"},
"cross-root-new-b-sig-a": {"self", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"cross-root-new-a-sig-b": {"self", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
// Old stuff
"root-old-a": {"self", "root-old-a-reissued", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "both-root-old-b", "both-root-old-b", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"root-old-a-reissued": {"self", "root-old-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "both-root-old-b", "both-root-old-b", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"root-old-b": {"self", "root-old-b-reissued", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "both-root-old-a", "both-root-old-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"root-old-b-reissued": {"self", "root-old-b", "cross-root-old-b-sig-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-b", "both-root-old-a", "both-root-old-a", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"cross-root-old-b-sig-a": {"self", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
"cross-root-old-a-sig-b": {"self", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "all-root-old", "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
// Link
"cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a": {"self", "root-new-a-or-cross", "any-root-new", "any-root-new", "any-root-new"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"root-new-a-or-cross": "root-new-a,cross-root-new-a-sig-b",
"root-new-b-or-cross": "root-new-b,cross-root-new-b-sig-a",
"both-root-new": "root-new-a,root-new-b",
"any-root-new": "root-new-a,cross-root-new-a-sig-b,root-new-b,cross-root-new-b-sig-a",
"both-root-old-a": "root-old-a,root-old-a-reissued",
"both-root-old-b": "root-old-b,root-old-b-reissued",
"all-root-old": "root-old-a,root-old-a-reissued,root-old-b,root-old-b-reissued,cross-root-old-b-sig-a,cross-root-old-a-sig-b",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-new-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-new-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-root-new-b-sig-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-root-new-a-sig-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-a-reissued"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old-b-reissued"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-root-old-b-sig-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-root-old-a-sig-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-root-old-a-sig-root-new-a"},
// Test a dual-root of trust chaining example with different
// lengths of chains.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root-new",
Name: "root-new",
Key: "key-inter-new",
Name: "inter-new",
Parent: "root-new",
Key: "key-root-old",
Name: "root-old",
Key: "key-inter-old-a",
Name: "inter-old-a",
Parent: "root-old",
Key: "key-inter-old-b",
Name: "inter-old-b",
Parent: "inter-old-a",
// Now generate a cross-signed intermediate to merge these
// two chains.
Key: "key-cross-old-new",
Name: "cross-old-new-signed-new",
CommonName: "cross-old-new",
Parent: "inter-new",
Key: "key-cross-old-new",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-old-new-signed-old",
CommonName: "cross-old-new",
Parent: "inter-old-b",
Key: "key-leaf-inter",
Name: "leaf-inter",
Parent: "cross-old-new-signed-new",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-new": {"self"},
"inter-new": {"self", "root-new"},
"cross-old-new-signed-new": {"self", "inter-new", "root-new"},
"root-old": {"self"},
"inter-old-a": {"self", "root-old"},
"inter-old-b": {"self", "inter-old-a", "root-old"},
"cross-old-new-signed-old": {"self", "inter-old-b", "inter-old-a", "root-old"},
"leaf-inter": {"self", "either-cross", "one-intermediate", "other-inter-or-root", "everything-else", "everything-else", "everything-else", "everything-else"},
Aliases: map[string]string{
"either-cross": "cross-old-new-signed-new,cross-old-new-signed-old",
"one-intermediate": "inter-new,inter-old-b",
"other-inter-or-root": "root-new,inter-old-a",
"everything-else": "cross-old-new-signed-new,cross-old-new-signed-old,inter-new,inter-old-b,root-new,inter-old-a,root-old",
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-new"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-new"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-old"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-old-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-old-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-old-new-signed-new"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-old-new-signed-old"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "leaf-inter"},
// Test just a single root.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root",
Name: "root",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root": {"self"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root"},
// Test root + intermediate.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root",
Name: "root",
Key: "key-inter",
Name: "inter",
Parent: "root",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root": {"self"},
"inter": {"self", "root"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter"},
// Test root + intermediate, twice (simulating rotation without
// chaining).
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root-a",
Name: "root-a",
Key: "key-inter-a",
Name: "inter-a",
Parent: "root-a",
Key: "key-root-b",
Name: "root-b",
Key: "key-inter-b",
Name: "inter-b",
Parent: "root-b",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"inter-a": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self"},
"inter-b": {"self", "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-b"},
// Test root + intermediate, twice, chained a->b.
Steps: []CBTestStep{
Key: "key-root-a",
Name: "root-a",
Key: "key-inter-a",
Name: "inter-a",
Parent: "root-a",
Key: "key-root-b",
Name: "root-b",
Key: "key-inter-b",
Name: "inter-b",
Parent: "root-b",
Key: "key-root-b",
Existing: true,
Name: "cross-a-b",
CommonName: "root-b",
Parent: "root-a",
Chains: map[string][]string{
"root-a": {"self"},
"inter-a": {"self", "root-a"},
"root-b": {"self", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"inter-b": {"self", "root-b", "cross-a-b", "root-a"},
"cross-a-b": {"self", "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-a"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "root-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "inter-b"},
CBIssueLeaf{Issuer: "cross-a-b"},
func Test_CAChainBuilding(t *testing.T) {
for testIndex, testCase := range chainBuildingTestCases {
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
knownKeys := make(map[string]string)
knownCerts := make(map[string]string)
for stepIndex, testStep := range testCase.Steps {
t.Logf("Running %v / %v", testIndex, stepIndex)
testStep.Run(t, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts)
t.Logf("Checking stable ordering of chains...")
ensureStableOrderingOfChains(t, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts)
func BenchmarkChainBuilding(benchies *testing.B) {
for testIndex, testCase := range chainBuildingTestCases {
name := "test-case-" + strconv.Itoa(testIndex)
benchies.Run(name, func(bench *testing.B) {
// Stop the timer as we setup the infra and certs.
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(bench)
knownKeys := make(map[string]string)
knownCerts := make(map[string]string)
for _, testStep := range testCase.Steps {
testStep.Run(bench, b, s, knownKeys, knownCerts)
// Run the benchmark.
ctx := context.Background()
sc := b.makeStorageContext(ctx, s)
for n := 0; n < bench.N; n++ {