* Fix up simple warnings in production code * Address warnings from static check in the PKI test classes
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package pki
import (
func prettyIssuer(issuerIdEntryMap map[issuerID]*issuerEntry, issuer issuerID) string {
if entry, ok := issuerIdEntryMap[issuer]; ok && len(entry.Name) > 0 {
return "[id:" + string(issuer) + "/name:" + entry.Name + "]"
return "[" + string(issuer) + "]"
func (sc *storageContext) rebuildIssuersChains(referenceCert *issuerEntry /* optional */) error {
// This function rebuilds the CAChain field of all known issuers. This
// function should usually be invoked when a new issuer is added to the
// pool of issuers.
// In addition to the context and storage, we take an optional
// referenceCert parameter -- an issuer certificate that we should write
// to storage once done, but which might not be persisted yet (either due
// to new values on it or due to it not yet existing in the list). This is
// helpful when calling e.g., importIssuer(...) (from storage.go), to allow
// the newly imported issuer to have its CAChain field computed, but
// without writing and re-reading it from storage (potentially failing in
// the process if chain building failed).
// Our contract guarantees that, if referenceCert is provided, we'll write
// it to storage. Further, we guarantee that (given the issuers haven't
// changed), the results will be stable on multiple calls to rebuild the
// chain.
// Note that at no point in time do we fetch the private keys associated
// with any issuers. It is sufficient to merely look at the issuers
// themselves.
// To begin, we fetch all known issuers from disk.
issuers, err := sc.listIssuers()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to list issuers to build chain: %v", err)
// Fast path: no issuers means we can set the reference cert's value, if
// provided, to itself.
if len(issuers) == 0 {
if referenceCert == nil {
// Nothing to do; no reference cert was provided.
return nil
// Otherwise, the only entry in the chain (that we know about) is the
// certificate itself.
referenceCert.CAChain = []string{referenceCert.Certificate}
return sc.writeIssuer(referenceCert)
// Our provided reference cert might not be in the list of issuers. In
// that case, add it manually.
if referenceCert != nil {
missing := true
for _, issuer := range issuers {
if issuer == referenceCert.ID {
missing = false
if missing {
issuers = append(issuers, referenceCert.ID)
// Now call a stable sorting algorithm here. We want to ensure the results
// are the same across multiple calls to rebuildIssuersChains with the same
// input data.
sort.SliceStable(issuers, func(i, j int) bool {
return issuers[i] > issuers[j]
// We expect each of these maps to be the size of the number of issuers
// we have (as we're mapping from issuers to other values).
// The first caches the storage entry for the issuer, the second caches
// the parsed *x509.Certificate of the issuer itself, and the third and
// fourth maps that certificate back to the other issuers with that
// subject (note the keyword _other_: we'll exclude self-loops here) --
// either via a parent or child relationship.
issuerIdEntryMap := make(map[issuerID]*issuerEntry, len(issuers))
issuerIdCertMap := make(map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate, len(issuers))
issuerIdParentsMap := make(map[issuerID][]issuerID, len(issuers))
issuerIdChildrenMap := make(map[issuerID][]issuerID, len(issuers))
// For every known issuer, we map that subject back to the id of issuers
// containing that subject. This lets us build our issuerID -> parents
// mapping efficiently. Worst case we'll have a single linear chain where
// every entry has a distinct subject.
subjectIssuerIdsMap := make(map[string][]issuerID, len(issuers))
// First, read every issuer entry from storage. We'll propagate entries
// to three of the maps here: all but issuerIdParentsMap and
// issuerIdChildrenMap, which we'll do in a second pass.
for _, identifier := range issuers {
var stored *issuerEntry
// When the reference issuer is provided and matches this identifier,
// prefer the updated reference copy instead.
if referenceCert != nil && identifier == referenceCert.ID {
stored = referenceCert
} else {
// Otherwise, fetch it from disk.
stored, err = sc.fetchIssuerById(identifier)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch issuer %v to build chain: %v", identifier, err)
if stored == nil || len(stored.Certificate) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bad issuer while building chain: missing certificate entry: %v", identifier)
issuerIdEntryMap[identifier] = stored
cert, err := stored.GetCertificate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse issuer %v to certificate to build chain: %v", identifier, err)
issuerIdCertMap[identifier] = cert
subjectIssuerIdsMap[string(cert.RawSubject)] = append(subjectIssuerIdsMap[string(cert.RawSubject)], identifier)
// Now that we have the subj->issuer map built, we can build the parent
// and child mappings. We iterate over all issuers and build it one step
// at a time.
// This is worst case O(n^2) because all of the issuers could have the
// same name and be self-signed certs with different keys. That makes the
// chain building (below) fast as they've all got empty parents/children
// maps.
// Note that the order of iteration is stable. Why? We've built
// subjectIssuerIdsMap from the (above) sorted issuers by appending the
// next entry to the present list; since they're already sorted, that
// lookup will also be sorted. Thus, each of these iterations are also
// in sorted order, so the resulting map entries (of ids) are also sorted.
// Thus, the graph structure is in sorted order and thus the toposort
// below will be stable.
for _, child := range issuers {
// Fetch the certificate as we'll need it later.
childCert := issuerIdCertMap[child]
parentSubject := string(issuerIdCertMap[child].RawIssuer)
parentCerts, ok := subjectIssuerIdsMap[parentSubject]
if !ok {
// When the issuer isn't known to Vault, the lookup by the issuer
// will be empty. This most commonly occurs when intermediates are
// directly added (via intermediate/set-signed) without providing
// the root.
// Now, iterate over all possible parents and assign the child/parent
// relationship.
for _, parent := range parentCerts {
// Skip self-references to the exact same certificate.
if child == parent {
// While we could use Subject/Authority Key Identifier (SKI/AKI)
// as a heuristic for whether or not this relationship is valid,
// this is insufficient as otherwise valid CA certificates could
// elide this information. That means its best to actually validate
// the signature (e.g., call child.CheckSignatureFrom(parent))
// instead.
parentCert := issuerIdCertMap[parent]
if err := childCert.CheckSignatureFrom(parentCert); err != nil {
// We cannot return an error here as it could be that this
// signature is entirely valid -- but just for a different
// key. Instead, skip adding the parent->child and
// child->parent link.
// Otherwise, we can append it to the map, allowing us to walk the
// issuer->parent mapping.
issuerIdParentsMap[child] = append(issuerIdParentsMap[child], parent)
// Also cross-add the child relationship step at the same time.
issuerIdChildrenMap[parent] = append(issuerIdChildrenMap[parent], child)
// Finally, we consult RFC 8446 Section 4.4.2 for creating an algorithm for
// building the chain:
// > ... The sender's certificate MUST come in the first
// > CertificateEntry in the list. Each following certificate SHOULD
// > directly certify the one immediately preceding it. Because
// > certificate validation requires that trust anchors be distributed
// > independently, a certificate that specifies a trust anchor MAY be
// > omitted from the chain, provided that supported peers are known to
// > possess any omitted certificates.
// >
// > Note: Prior to TLS 1.3, "certificate_list" ordering required each
// > certificate to certify the one immediately preceding it; however,
// > some implementations allowed some flexibility. Servers sometimes
// > send both a current and deprecated intermediate for transitional
// > purposes, and others are simply configured incorrectly, but these
// > cases can nonetheless be validated properly. For maximum
// > compatibility, all implementations SHOULD be prepared to handle
// > potentially extraneous certificates and arbitrary orderings from any
// > TLS version, with the exception of the end-entity certificate which
// > MUST be first.
// So, we take this to mean we should build chains via DFS: each issuer is
// explored until an empty parent pointer (i.e., self-loop) is reached and
// then the last most recently seen duplicate parent link is then explored.
// However, we don't actually need to do a DFS (per issuer) here. We can
// simply invert the (pseudo-)directed graph, i.e., topologically sort it.
// Some number of certs (roots without cross-signing) lack parent issuers.
// These are already "done" from the PoV of chain building. We can thus
// iterating through the parent mapping to find entries without parents to
// start the sort. After processing, we can add all children and visit them
// if all parents have been processed.
// Note though, that while topographical sorting is equivalent to the DFS,
// we have to take care to make it a pseudo-DAG. This means handling the
// most common 2-star (2-clique) sub-graphs of reissued certificates,
// manually building their chain prior to starting the topographical sort.
// This thus runs in O(|V| + |E|) -> O(n^2) in the number of issuers.
processedIssuers := make(map[issuerID]bool, len(issuers))
toVisit := make([]issuerID, 0, len(issuers))
// Handle any explicitly constructed certificate chains. Here, we don't
// validate much what the user provides; if they provide since-deleted
// refs, skip them; if they duplicate entries, add them multiple times.
// The other chain building logic will be able to deduplicate them when
// used as parents to other certificates.
for _, candidate := range issuers {
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[candidate]
if len(entry.ManualChain) == 0 {
entry.CAChain = nil
for _, parentId := range entry.ManualChain {
parentEntry := issuerIdEntryMap[parentId]
if parentEntry == nil {
entry.CAChain = append(entry.CAChain, parentEntry.Certificate)
// Mark this node as processed and add its children.
processedIssuers[candidate] = true
children, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[candidate]
if !ok {
toVisit = append(toVisit, children...)
// Setup the toVisit queue.
for _, candidate := range issuers {
parentCerts, ok := issuerIdParentsMap[candidate]
if ok && len(parentCerts) > 0 {
// Assumption: no self-loops in the parent mapping, so if there's
// a non-empty parent mapping it means we can skip this node as
// it can't be processed yet.
// Because this candidate has no known parent issuers; update the
// list.
toVisit = append(toVisit, candidate)
// If the queue is empty (and we know we have issuers), trigger the
// clique/cycle detection logic so we aren't starved for nodes.
if len(toVisit) == 0 {
toVisit, err = processAnyCliqueOrCycle(issuers, processedIssuers, toVisit, issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdCertMap, issuerIdParentsMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, subjectIssuerIdsMap)
if err != nil {
return err
// Now actually build the CAChain entries... Use a safety mechanism to
// ensure we don't accidentally infinite-loop (if we introduce a bug).
maxVisitCount := len(issuers)*len(issuers)*len(issuers) + 100
for len(toVisit) > 0 && maxVisitCount >= 0 {
var issuer issuerID
issuer, toVisit = toVisit[0], toVisit[1:]
// If (and only if) we're presently starved for next nodes to visit,
// attempt to resolve cliques and cycles again to fix that. This is
// because all-cycles cycle detection is at least as costly as
// traversing the entire graph a couple of times.
// Additionally, we do this immediately after popping a node from the
// queue as we wish to ensure we never become starved for nodes.
if len(toVisit) == 0 {
toVisit, err = processAnyCliqueOrCycle(issuers, processedIssuers, toVisit, issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdCertMap, issuerIdParentsMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, subjectIssuerIdsMap)
if err != nil {
return err
// Self-loops and cross-signing might lead to this node already being
// processed; skip it on the second pass.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[issuer]; ok && processed {
// Check our parent certs now; if they are all processed, we can
// process this node. Otherwise, we'll re-add this to the queue
// when the last parent is processed (and we re-add its children).
parentCerts, ok := issuerIdParentsMap[issuer]
if ok && len(parentCerts) > 0 {
// For each parent, validate that we've processed it.
mustSkip := false
for _, parentCert := range parentCerts {
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[parentCert]; !ok || !processed {
mustSkip = true
if mustSkip {
// Skip this node for now, we'll come back to it later.
// Now we can build the chain. Start with the current cert...
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[issuer]
entry.CAChain = []string{entry.Certificate}
// ...and add all parents into it. Note that we have to tell if
// that parent was already visited or not.
if ok && len(parentCerts) > 0 {
// Split children into two categories: roots and intermediates.
// When building a straight-line chain, we want to prefer the
// root (thus, ending the verification) to any cross-signed
// intermediates. If a root is cross-signed, we'll include it's
// cross-signed cert in _its_ chain, thus ignoring our duplicate
// parent here.
// Why? When you step from the present node ("issuer") onto one
// of its parents, if you step onto a root, it is a no-op: you
// can still visit all of the neighbors (because any neighbors,
// if they exist, must be cross-signed alternative paths).
// However, if you directly step onto the cross-signed, now you're
// taken in an alternative direction (via its chain), and must
// revisit any roots later.
var roots []issuerID
var intermediates []issuerID
for _, parentCertId := range parentCerts {
if bytes.Equal(issuerIdCertMap[parentCertId].RawSubject, issuerIdCertMap[parentCertId].RawIssuer) {
roots = append(roots, parentCertId)
} else {
intermediates = append(intermediates, parentCertId)
if len(parentCerts) > 1024*1024*1024 {
return errutil.InternalError{Err: fmt.Sprintf("error building certificate chain, %d is too many parent certs",
includedParentCerts := make(map[string]bool, len(parentCerts)+1)
includedParentCerts[entry.Certificate] = true
for _, parentCert := range append(roots, intermediates...) {
// See discussion of the algorithm above as to why this is
// in the correct order. However, note that we do need to
// exclude duplicate certs, hence the map above.
// Assumption: issuerIdEntryMap and issuerIdParentsMap is well
// constructed.
parent := issuerIdEntryMap[parentCert]
for _, parentChainCert := range parent.CAChain {
addToChainIfNotExisting(includedParentCerts, entry, parentChainCert)
// Now, mark this node as processed and go and visit all of its
// children.
processedIssuers[issuer] = true
childrenCerts, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[issuer]
if ok && len(childrenCerts) > 0 {
toVisit = append(toVisit, childrenCerts...)
// Assumption: no nodes left unprocessed. They should've either been
// reached through the parent->child addition or they should've been
// self-loops.
var msg string
for _, issuer := range issuers {
if visited, ok := processedIssuers[issuer]; !ok || !visited {
pretty := prettyIssuer(issuerIdEntryMap, issuer)
msg += fmt.Sprintf("[failed to build chain correctly: unprocessed issuer %v: ok: %v; visited: %v]\n", pretty, ok, visited)
if len(msg) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(msg)
// Finally, write all issuers to disk.
for _, issuer := range issuers {
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[issuer]
err := sc.writeIssuer(entry)
if err != nil {
pretty := prettyIssuer(issuerIdEntryMap, issuer)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to persist issuer (%v) chain to disk: %v", pretty, err)
// Everything worked \o/
return nil
func addToChainIfNotExisting(includedParentCerts map[string]bool, entry *issuerEntry, certToAdd string) {
included, ok := includedParentCerts[certToAdd]
if ok && included {
entry.CAChain = append(entry.CAChain, certToAdd)
includedParentCerts[certToAdd] = true
func processAnyCliqueOrCycle(
issuers []issuerID,
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
toVisit []issuerID,
issuerIdEntryMap map[issuerID]*issuerEntry,
issuerIdCertMap map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate,
issuerIdParentsMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
issuerIdChildrenMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
subjectIssuerIdsMap map[string][]issuerID,
) ([]issuerID /* toVisit */, error) {
// Topological sort really only works on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).
// But a pool of arbitrary (issuer) certificates are actually neither!
// This pool could contain both cliques and cycles. Because this could
// block chain construction, we need to handle these cases.
// Within the helper for rebuildIssuersChains, we realize that we might
// have certain pathological cases where cliques and cycles might _mix_.
// This warrants handling them outside of the topo-sort code, effectively
// acting as a node-collapsing technique (turning many nodes into one).
// In reality, we just special-case this and handle the processing of
// these nodes manually, fixing their CAChain value and then skipping
// them.
// Since clique detection is (in this case) cheap (at worst O(n) on the
// size of the graph), we favor it over the cycle detection logic. The
// order (in the case of mixed cliques+cycles) doesn't matter, as the
// discovery of the clique will lead to the cycle. We additionally find
// all (unprocessed) cliques first, so our cycle detection code can avoid
// falling into cliques.
// We need to be able to handle cliques adjacent to cycles. This is
// necessary because a cross-signed cert (with same subject and key as
// the clique, but different issuer) could be part of a cycle; this cycle
// loop forms a parent chain (that topo-sort can't resolve) -- AND the
// clique itself mixes with this, so resolving one or the other isn't
// sufficient (as the reissued clique plus the cross-signed cert
// effectively acts as a single node in the cycle). Oh, and there might
// be multiple cycles. :-)
// We also might just have cycles, separately from reissued cliques.
// The nice thing about both cliques and cycles is that, as long as you
// deduplicate your certs, all issuers in the collection (including the
// mixed collection) have the same chain entries, just in different
// orders (preferring the cycle and appending the remaining clique
// entries afterwards).
// To begin, cache all cliques that we know about.
allCliques, issuerIdCliqueMap, allCliqueNodes, err := findAllCliques(processedIssuers, issuerIdCertMap, subjectIssuerIdsMap, issuers)
if err != nil {
// Found a clique that is too large; exit with an error.
return nil, err
for _, issuer := range issuers {
// Skip anything that's already been processed.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[issuer]; ok && processed {
// This first branch is finding cliques. However, finding a clique is
// not sufficient as discussed above -- we also need to find any
// incident cycle as this cycle is a parent and child to the clique,
// which means the cycle nodes _must_ include the clique _and_ the
// clique must include the cycle (in the CA Chain computation).
// However, its not sufficient to just do one and then the other:
// we need the closure of all cliques (and their incident cycles).
// Finally -- it isn't enough to consider this chain in isolation
// either. We need to consider _all_ parents and ensure they've been
// processed before processing this closure.
var cliques [][]issuerID
var cycles [][]issuerID
closure := make(map[issuerID]bool)
var cliquesToProcess []issuerID
cliquesToProcess = append(cliquesToProcess, issuer)
for len(cliquesToProcess) > 0 {
var node issuerID
node, cliquesToProcess = cliquesToProcess[0], cliquesToProcess[1:]
// Skip potential clique nodes which have already been processed
// (either by the topo-sort or by this clique-finding code).
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[node]; ok && processed {
if nodeInClosure, ok := closure[node]; ok && nodeInClosure {
// Check if we have a clique for this node from our computed
// collection of cliques.
cliqueId, ok := issuerIdCliqueMap[node]
if !ok {
cliqueNodes := allCliques[cliqueId]
// Add our discovered clique. Note that we avoid duplicate cliques by
// the skip logic above. Additionally, we know that cliqueNodes must
// be unique and not duplicated with any existing nodes so we can add
// all nodes to closure.
cliques = append(cliques, cliqueNodes)
for _, node := range cliqueNodes {
closure[node] = true
// Try and expand the clique to see if there's common cycles around
// it. We exclude _all_ clique nodes from the expansion path, because
// it will unnecessarily bloat the detected cycles AND we know that
// we'll find them again from the neighborhood search.
// Additionally, note that, detection of cycles should be independent
// of cliques: cliques form under reissuance, and cycles form via
// cross-signing chains; the latter ensures that any cliques can be
// strictly bypassed from cycles (but the chain construction later
// ensures we pull in the cliques into the cycles).
foundCycles, err := findCyclesNearClique(processedIssuers, issuerIdCertMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, allCliqueNodes)
if err != nil {
// Cycle is too large.
return toVisit, err
// Assumption: each cycle in foundCycles is in canonical order (see note
// below about canonical ordering). Deduplicate these against already
// existing cycles and add them to the closure nodes.
for _, cycle := range foundCycles {
cycles = appendCycleIfNotExisting(cycles, cycle)
// Now, for each cycle node, we need to find all adjacent cliques.
// We do this by finding each child of the cycle and adding it to
// the queue. If these nodes aren't on cliques, we'll skip them
// fairly quickly since the cliques were pre-computed.
for _, cycleNode := range cycle {
children, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[cycleNode]
if !ok {
cliquesToProcess = append(cliquesToProcess, children...)
// While we're here, add this cycle node to the closure.
closure[cycleNode] = true
// Before we begin, we need to compute the _parents_ of the nodes in
// these cliques and cycles and ensure they've all been processed (if
// they're not already part of the closure).
parents, ok := computeParentsFromClosure(processedIssuers, issuerIdParentsMap, closure)
if !ok {
// At least one parent wasn't processed; skip this cliques and
// cycles group for now until they have all been processed.
// Ok, we've computed the closure. Now we can build CA nodes and mark
// everything as processed, growing the toVisit queue in the process.
// For every node we've found...
for node := range closure {
// Skip anything that's already been processed.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[node]; ok && processed {
// Before we begin, mark this node as processed (so we can continue
// later) and add children to toVisit.
processedIssuers[node] = true
childrenCerts, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[node]
if ok && len(childrenCerts) > 0 {
toVisit = append(toVisit, childrenCerts...)
// It can either be part of a clique or a cycle. We wish to add
// the nodes of whatever grouping
foundNode := false
for _, clique := range cliques {
inClique := false
for _, cliqueNode := range clique {
if cliqueNode == node {
inClique = true
if inClique {
foundNode = true
// Compute this node's CAChain. Note order doesn't matter
// (within the clique), but we'll preserve the relative
// order of associated cycles.
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[node]
entry.CAChain = []string{entry.Certificate}
includedParentCerts := make(map[string]bool, len(closure)+1)
includedParentCerts[entry.Certificate] = true
// First add nodes from this clique, then all cycles, and then
// all other cliques.
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, clique)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, cycles...)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, cliques...)
addParentChainsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, includedParentCerts, entry, parents)
// Otherwise, it must be part of a cycle.
for _, cycle := range cycles {
inCycle := false
offsetInCycle := 0
for index, cycleNode := range cycle {
if cycleNode == node {
inCycle = true
offsetInCycle = index
if inCycle {
foundNode = true
// Compute this node's CAChain. Note that order within cycles
// matters, but we'll preserve the relative order.
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[node]
entry.CAChain = []string{entry.Certificate}
includedParentCerts := make(map[string]bool, len(closure)+1)
includedParentCerts[entry.Certificate] = true
// First add nodes from this cycle, then all cliques, then all
// other cycles, and finally from parents.
orderedCycle := append(cycle[offsetInCycle:], cycle[0:offsetInCycle]...)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, orderedCycle)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, cliques...)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, cycles...)
addParentChainsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, includedParentCerts, entry, parents)
if !foundNode {
// Unable to find node; return an error. This shouldn't happen
// generally.
pretty := prettyIssuer(issuerIdEntryMap, issuer)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find node (%v) in closure (%v) but not in cycles (%v) or cliques (%v)", pretty, closure, cycles, cliques)
// We might also have cycles without having associated cliques. We assume
// that any cliques (if they existed and were relevant for the remaining
// cycles) were processed at this point. However, we might still have
// unprocessed cliques (and related cycles) at this point _if_ an
// unrelated cycle is the parent to that clique+cycle group.
for _, issuer := range issuers {
// Skip this node if it is already processed.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[issuer]; ok && processed {
// Cliques should've been processed by now, if they were necessary
// for processable cycles, so ignore them from here to avoid
// bloating our search paths.
cycles, err := findAllCyclesWithNode(processedIssuers, issuerIdCertMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, issuer, allCliqueNodes)
if err != nil {
// To large of cycle.
return nil, err
closure := make(map[issuerID]bool)
for _, cycle := range cycles {
for _, node := range cycle {
closure[node] = true
// Before we begin, we need to compute the _parents_ of the nodes in
// these cycles and ensure they've all been processed (if they're not
// part of the closure).
parents, ok := computeParentsFromClosure(processedIssuers, issuerIdParentsMap, closure)
if !ok {
// At least one parent wasn't processed; skip this cycle
// group for now until they have all been processed.
// Finally, for all detected cycles, build the CAChain for nodes in
// cycles. Since they all share a common parent, they must all contain
// each other.
for _, cycle := range cycles {
// For each node in each cycle
for nodeIndex, node := range cycle {
// If the node is processed already, skip it.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[node]; ok && processed {
// Otherwise, build its CAChain.
entry := issuerIdEntryMap[node]
entry.CAChain = []string{entry.Certificate}
// No indication as to size of chain here
includedParentCerts := make(map[string]bool)
includedParentCerts[entry.Certificate] = true
// First add nodes from this cycle, then all other cycles, and
// finally from parents.
orderedCycle := append(cycle[nodeIndex:], cycle[0:nodeIndex]...)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, orderedCycle)
addNodeCertsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, includedParentCerts, entry, cycles...)
addParentChainsToEntry(issuerIdEntryMap, includedParentCerts, entry, parents)
// Finally, mark the node as processed and add the remaining
// children to toVisit.
processedIssuers[node] = true
childrenCerts, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[node]
if ok && len(childrenCerts) > 0 {
toVisit = append(toVisit, childrenCerts...)
return toVisit, nil
func findAllCliques(
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
issuerIdCertMap map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate,
subjectIssuerIdsMap map[string][]issuerID,
issuers []issuerID,
) ([][]issuerID, map[issuerID]int, []issuerID, error) {
var allCliques [][]issuerID
issuerIdCliqueMap := make(map[issuerID]int)
var allCliqueNodes []issuerID
for _, node := range issuers {
// Check if the node has already been visited...
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[node]; ok && processed {
// ...if so it might have had a manually constructed chain; skip
// it for clique detection.
if _, ok := issuerIdCliqueMap[node]; ok {
// ...if so it must be on another clique; skip the clique finding
// so we don't get duplicated cliques.
// See if this is a node on a clique and find that clique.
cliqueNodes, err := isOnReissuedClique(processedIssuers, issuerIdCertMap, subjectIssuerIdsMap, node)
if err != nil {
// Clique is too large.
return nil, nil, nil, err
// Skip nodes which really aren't a clique.
if len(cliqueNodes) <= 1 {
// Add this clique and update the mapping. A given node can only be in one
// clique.
cliqueId := len(allCliques)
allCliques = append(allCliques, cliqueNodes)
allCliqueNodes = append(allCliqueNodes, cliqueNodes...)
for _, cliqueNode := range cliqueNodes {
issuerIdCliqueMap[cliqueNode] = cliqueId
return allCliques, issuerIdCliqueMap, allCliqueNodes, nil
func isOnReissuedClique(
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
issuerIdCertMap map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate,
subjectIssuerIdsMap map[string][]issuerID,
node issuerID,
) ([]issuerID, error) {
// Finding max cliques in arbitrary graphs is a nearly pathological
// problem, usually left to the realm of SAT solvers and NP-Complete
// theoretical.
// We're not dealing with arbitrary graphs though. We're dealing with
// a highly regular, highly structured constructed graph.
// Reissued cliques form in certificate chains when two conditions hold:
// 1. The Subject of the certificate matches the Issuer.
// 2. The underlying public key is the same, resulting in the signature
// validating for any pair of certs.
// This follows from the definition of a reissued certificate (same key
// material, subject, and issuer but with a different serial number and
// a different validity period). The structure means that the graph is
// highly regular: given a partial or self-clique, if any candidate node
// can satisfy this relation with any node of the existing clique, it must
// mean it must form a larger clique and satisfy this relationship with
// all other nodes in the existing clique.
// (Aside: this is not the only type of clique, but it is the only type
// of 3+ node clique. A 2-star is emitted from certain graphs, but we
// chose to handle that case in the cycle detection code rather than
// under this reissued clique detection code).
// What does this mean for our algorithm? A simple greedy search is
// sufficient. If we index our certificates by subject -> issuerID
// (and cache its value across calls, which we've already done for
// building the parent/child relationship), we can find all other issuers
// with the same public key and subject as the existing node fairly
// easily.
// However, we should also set some reasonable bounds on clique size.
// Let's limit it to 6 nodes.
maxCliqueSize := 6
// Per assumptions of how we've built the graph, these map lookups should
// both exist.
cert := issuerIdCertMap[node]
subject := string(cert.RawSubject)
issuer := string(cert.RawIssuer)
candidates := subjectIssuerIdsMap[subject]
// If the given node doesn't have the same subject and issuer, it isn't
// a valid clique node.
if subject != issuer {
return nil, nil
// We have two choices here for validating that the two keys are the same:
// perform a cheap ASN.1 encoding comparison of the public keys, which
// _should_ be the same but may not be, or perform a more costly (but
// which should definitely be correct) signature verification. We prefer
// cheap and call it good enough.
spki := cert.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo
// We know candidates has everything satisfying _half_ of the first
// condition (the subject half), so validate they match the other half
// (the issuer half) and the second condition. For node (which is
// included in candidates), the condition should vacuously hold.
var clique []issuerID
for _, candidate := range candidates {
// Skip already processed nodes, even if they could be clique
// candidates. We'll treat them as any other (already processed)
// external parent in that scenario.
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[candidate]; ok && processed {
candidateCert := issuerIdCertMap[candidate]
hasRightKey := bytes.Equal(candidateCert.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo, spki)
hasMatchingIssuer := string(candidateCert.RawIssuer) == issuer
if hasRightKey && hasMatchingIssuer {
clique = append(clique, candidate)
// Clique is invalid if it contains zero or one nodes.
if len(clique) <= 1 {
return nil, nil
// Validate it is within the acceptable clique size.
if len(clique) > maxCliqueSize {
return clique, fmt.Errorf("error building issuer chains: excessively reissued certificate: %v entries", len(clique))
// Must be a valid clique.
return clique, nil
func containsIssuer(collection []issuerID, target issuerID) bool {
if len(collection) == 0 {
return false
for _, needle := range collection {
if needle == target {
return true
return false
func appendCycleIfNotExisting(knownCycles [][]issuerID, candidate []issuerID) [][]issuerID {
// There's two ways to do cycle detection: canonicalize the cycles,
// rewriting them to have the least (or max) element first or just
// brute force the detection.
// Canonicalizing them is faster and easier to write (just compare
// canonical forms) so do that instead.
canonicalized := canonicalizeCycle(candidate)
found := false
for _, existing := range knownCycles {
if len(existing) != len(canonicalized) {
equivalent := true
for index, node := range canonicalized {
if node != existing[index] {
equivalent = false
if equivalent {
found = true
if !found {
return append(knownCycles, canonicalized)
return knownCycles
func canonicalizeCycle(cycle []issuerID) []issuerID {
// Find the minimum value and put it at the head, keeping the relative
// ordering the same.
minIndex := 0
for index, entry := range cycle {
if entry < cycle[minIndex] {
minIndex = index
ret := append(cycle[minIndex:], cycle[0:minIndex]...)
if len(ret) != len(cycle) {
return ret
func findCyclesNearClique(
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
issuerIdCertMap map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate,
issuerIdChildrenMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
cliqueNodes []issuerID,
) ([][]issuerID, error) {
// When we have a reissued clique, we need to find all cycles next to it.
// Presumably, because they all have non-empty parents, they should not
// have been visited yet. We further know that (because we're exploring
// the children path), any processed check would be unnecessary as all
// children shouldn't have been processed yet (since their parents aren't
// either).
// So, we can explore each of the children of any one clique node and
// find all cycles using that node, until we come back to the starting
// node, excluding the clique and other cycles.
cliqueNode := cliqueNodes[0]
// Copy the clique nodes as excluded nodes; we'll avoid exploring cycles
// which have parents that have been already explored.
excludeNodes := cliqueNodes[:]
var knownCycles [][]issuerID
// We know the node has at least one child, since the clique is non-empty.
for _, child := range issuerIdChildrenMap[cliqueNode] {
// Skip children that are part of the clique.
if containsIssuer(excludeNodes, child) {
// Find cycles containing this node.
newCycles, err := findAllCyclesWithNode(processedIssuers, issuerIdCertMap, issuerIdChildrenMap, child, excludeNodes)
if err != nil {
// Found too large of a cycle
return nil, err
// Add all cycles into the known cycles list.
for _, cycle := range newCycles {
knownCycles = appendCycleIfNotExisting(knownCycles, cycle)
// Exclude only the current child. Adding everything in the cycles
// results might prevent discovery of other valid cycles.
excludeNodes = append(excludeNodes, child)
// Sort cycles from longest->shortest.
sort.SliceStable(knownCycles, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(knownCycles[i]) < len(knownCycles[j])
return knownCycles, nil
func findAllCyclesWithNode(
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
issuerIdCertMap map[issuerID]*x509.Certificate,
issuerIdChildrenMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
source issuerID,
exclude []issuerID,
) ([][]issuerID, error) {
// We wish to find all cycles involving this particular node and report
// the corresponding paths. This is a full-graph traversal (excluding
// certain paths) as we're not just checking if a cycle occurred, but
// instead returning all of cycles with that node.
// Set some limit on max cycle size.
maxCycleSize := 8
// Whether we've visited any given node.
cycleVisited := make(map[issuerID]bool)
visitCounts := make(map[issuerID]int)
parentCounts := make(map[issuerID]map[issuerID]bool)
// Paths to the specified node. Some of these might be cycles.
pathsTo := make(map[issuerID][][]issuerID)
// Nodes to visit.
var visitQueue []issuerID
// Add the source node to start. In order to set up the paths to a
// given node, we seed pathsTo with the single path involving just
// this node
visitQueue = append(visitQueue, source)
pathsTo[source] = [][]issuerID{{source}}
// Begin building paths.
// Loop invariant:
// pathTo[x] contains valid paths to reach this node, from source.
for len(visitQueue) > 0 {
var current issuerID
current, visitQueue = visitQueue[0], visitQueue[1:]
// If we've already processed this node, we have a cycle. Skip this
// node for now; we'll build cycles later.
if processed, ok := cycleVisited[current]; ok && processed {
// Mark this node as visited for next time.
cycleVisited[current] = true
if _, ok := visitCounts[current]; !ok {
visitCounts[current] = 0
visitCounts[current] += 1
// For every child of this node...
children, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[current]
if !ok {
// Node has no children, nothing else we can do.
for _, child := range children {
// Ensure we can visit this child; exclude processedIssuers and
// exclude lists.
if childProcessed, ok := processedIssuers[child]; ok && childProcessed {
skipNode := false
for _, excluded := range exclude {
if excluded == child {
skipNode = true
if skipNode {
// Track this parent->child relationship to know when to exit.
setOfParents, ok := parentCounts[child]
if !ok {
setOfParents = make(map[issuerID]bool)
parentCounts[child] = setOfParents
_, existingParent := setOfParents[current]
setOfParents[current] = true
// Since we know that we can visit this node, we should now build
// all destination paths using this node, from our current node.
// Since these are all starting at a single path from source,
// if we have any cycles back to source, we'll find them here.
// Only add this if it is a net-new path that doesn't repeat
// (either internally -- indicating an internal cycle -- or
// externally with an existing path).
addedPath := false
if _, ok := pathsTo[child]; !ok {
pathsTo[child] = make([][]issuerID, 0)
for _, path := range pathsTo[current] {
if child != source {
// We only care about source->source cycles. If this
// cycles, but isn't a source->source cycle, don't add
// this path.
foundSelf := false
for _, node := range path {
if child == node {
foundSelf = true
if foundSelf {
// Skip this path.
if len(path) > 1024*1024*1024 {
return nil, errutil.InternalError{Err: fmt.Sprintf("Error updating certificate path: path of length %d is too long", len(path))}
// Make sure to deep copy the path.
newPath := make([]issuerID, 0, len(path)+1)
newPath = append(newPath, path...)
newPath = append(newPath, child)
isSamePath := false
for _, childPath := range pathsTo[child] {
if len(childPath) != len(newPath) {
isSamePath = true
for index, node := range childPath {
if newPath[index] != node {
isSamePath = false
if isSamePath {
if !isSamePath {
pathsTo[child] = append(pathsTo[child], newPath)
addedPath = true
// Add this child as a candidate to visit next.
visitQueue = append(visitQueue, child)
// If there's a new parent or we found a new path, then we should
// revisit this child, to update _its_ children and see if there's
// another new path. Eventually the paths will stabilize and we'll
// end up with no new parents or paths.
if !existingParent || addedPath {
cycleVisited[child] = false
// Ok, we've now exited from our loop. Any cycles would've been detected
// and their paths recorded in pathsTo. Now we can iterate over these
// (starting a source), clean them up and validate them.
var cycles [][]issuerID
for _, cycle := range pathsTo[source] {
// Skip the trivial cycle.
if len(cycle) == 1 && cycle[0] == source {
// Validate cycle starts and ends with source.
if cycle[0] != source {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cycle (%v) unexpectedly starts with node %v; expected to start with %v", cycle, cycle[0], source)
// If the cycle doesn't start/end with the source,
// skip it.
if cycle[len(cycle)-1] != source {
truncatedCycle := cycle[0 : len(cycle)-1]
if len(truncatedCycle) >= maxCycleSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cycle (%v) exceeds max size: %v > %v", cycle, len(cycle), maxCycleSize)
// Now one last thing: our cycle was built via parent->child
// traversal, but we want child->parent ordered cycles. So,
// just reverse it.
reversed := reversedCycle(truncatedCycle)
cycles = appendCycleIfNotExisting(cycles, reversed)
// Sort cycles from longest->shortest.
sort.SliceStable(cycles, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(cycles[i]) > len(cycles[j])
return cycles, nil
func reversedCycle(cycle []issuerID) []issuerID {
var result []issuerID
for index := len(cycle) - 1; index >= 0; index-- {
result = append(result, cycle[index])
return result
func computeParentsFromClosure(
processedIssuers map[issuerID]bool,
issuerIdParentsMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
closure map[issuerID]bool,
) (map[issuerID]bool, bool) {
parents := make(map[issuerID]bool)
for node := range closure {
nodeParents, ok := issuerIdParentsMap[node]
if !ok {
for _, parent := range nodeParents {
if nodeInClosure, ok := closure[parent]; ok && nodeInClosure {
parents[parent] = true
if processed, ok := processedIssuers[parent]; ok && processed {
return nil, false
return parents, true
func addNodeCertsToEntry(
issuerIdEntryMap map[issuerID]*issuerEntry,
issuerIdChildrenMap map[issuerID][]issuerID,
includedParentCerts map[string]bool,
entry *issuerEntry,
issuersCollection ...[]issuerID,
) {
for _, collection := range issuersCollection {
// Find a starting point into this collection such that it verifies
// something in the existing collection.
offset := 0
for index, issuer := range collection {
children, ok := issuerIdChildrenMap[issuer]
if !ok {
foundChild := false
for _, child := range children {
childEntry := issuerIdEntryMap[child]
if inChain, ok := includedParentCerts[childEntry.Certificate]; ok && inChain {
foundChild = true
if foundChild {
offset = index
// Assumption: collection is in child -> parent order. For cliques,
// this is trivially true because everyone can validate each other,
// but for cycles we have to ensure that in findAllCyclesWithNode.
// This allows us to build the chain in the correct order.
for _, issuer := range append(collection[offset:], collection[0:offset]...) {
nodeEntry := issuerIdEntryMap[issuer]
addToChainIfNotExisting(includedParentCerts, entry, nodeEntry.Certificate)
func addParentChainsToEntry(
issuerIdEntryMap map[issuerID]*issuerEntry,
includedParentCerts map[string]bool,
entry *issuerEntry,
parents map[issuerID]bool,
) {
for parent := range parents {
nodeEntry := issuerIdEntryMap[parent]
for _, cert := range nodeEntry.CAChain {
addToChainIfNotExisting(includedParentCerts, entry, cert)