* add dynamic segement to list-root so that you can sepecify the tab you want to go to * create new info-table-item-array component to handle array items passed into a info-table * do not underline links if they are in an info-table-row confirmed with design * implement the InfoTableItemArray component * amend wildcard helper to take in regular string * setup the logic and more logic * fix routing to roles issue * test for new component * change data-test-mode to count * handle case when wildcardCount is 0
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44 lines
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import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import layout from '../templates/components/info-table-row';
* @module InfoTableRow
* `InfoTableRow` displays a label and a value in a table-row style manner. The component is responsive so
* that the value breaks under the label on smaller viewports.
* @example
* ```js
* <InfoTableRow @value={{5}} @label="TTL" @helperText="Some description"/>
* ```
* @param value=null {any} - The the data to be displayed - by default the content of the component will only show if there is a value. Also note that special handling is given to boolean values - they will render `Yes` for true and `No` for false.
* @param label=null {string} - The display name for the value.
* @param helperText=null {string} - Text to describe the value displayed beneath the label.
* @param alwaysRender=false {Boolean} - Indicates if the component content should be always be rendered. When false, the value of `value` will be used to determine if the component should render.
* @param [type=array] {string} - The type of value being passed in. This is used for when you want to trim an array. For example, if you have an array value that can equal length 15+ this will trim to show 5 and count how many more are there
* @param [isLink=true] {Boolean} - Passed through to InfoTableItemArray. Indicates if the item should contain a link-to component. Only setup for arrays, but this could be changed if needed.
* @param [modelType=null] {string} - Passed through to InfoTableItemArray. Tells what model you want data for the allOptions to be returned from. Used in conjunction with the the isLink.
* @param [queryParam] {String} - Passed through to InfoTableItemArray. If you want to specific a tab for the View All XX to display to. Ex: role
* @param [backend] {String} - Passed through to InfoTableItemArray. To specify secrets backend to point link to Ex: transformation
* @param [viewAll] {String} - Passed through to InfoTableItemArray. Specify the word at the end of the link View all xx.
export default Component.extend({
'data-test-component': 'info-table-row',
classNames: ['info-table-row'],
isVisible: or('alwaysRender', 'value'),
alwaysRender: false,
label: null,
helperText: null,
value: null,
valueIsBoolean: computed('value', function() {
return typeOf(this.get('value')) === 'boolean';