Matthew Irish 88cf9e6a76
clear namespaces on logout and properly render nested namespaces in the namepace picker (#7186)
* reset namespace cache when a user logs out

* fix issue where if you log in to a namespace with an initial /, nested namespaces would not show up in the navigation

* set an empty list of namespaces instead of ignoring error

* add tests for namespace bugs

* use this consistently in template
2019-08-01 16:53:57 -05:00

78 lines
3.3 KiB

{{#if (and (not accessibleNamespaces.length) inRootNamespace)}}
<div class="namespace-picker no-namespaces">
{{!-- Just yield the logo if they're in the root namespace and only have access to it --}}
<div class="namespace-picker">
<BasicDropdown @horizontalPosition="auto-left" @verticalPosition="below" as |D|>
@class="button is-transparent namespace-picker-trigger has-current-color"
{{#if namespaceDisplay}}
<span class="namespace-name">{{namespaceDisplay}}</span>
<span class="namespace-name is-hidden-tablet">/ (Root)</span>
@class="has-text-white auto-width is-status-chevron"
<D.content @class="namespace-picker-content">
<div class="namespace-header-bar level is-mobile">
<div class="level-left">
{{#if (not isUserRootNamespace)}}
<NamespaceLink @targetNamespace={{or (object-at (dec 2 menuLeaves.length) lastMenuLeaves) auth.authData.userRootNamespace}} @class="namespace-link button is-ghost icon">
<div class="level-right">
{{#if canList}}
{{#link-to "vault.cluster.access.namespaces" class="namespace-manage-link"}}
<header class="current-namespace">
<h5 class="list-header">Current namespace</h5>
<div class="level is-mobile namespace-link">
<span class="level-left" data-test-current-namespace>{{if namespacePath (concat namespacePath "/") "root"}}</span>
<span class="level-right">
<Icon @glyph="check-circle-outline" class="has-text-success" />
<div class="namespace-list {{if isAnimating "animated-list"}}">
{{#if (contains '' lastMenuLeaves)}}
{{!-- leaf is '' which is the root namespace, and then we need to iterate the root leaves --}}
<div class="leaf-panel
{{if (eq '' currentLeaf) "leaf-panel-current" "leaf-panel-left"}}
">{{~#each rootLeaves as |rootLeaf|}}
<NamespaceLink @targetNamespace={{rootLeaf}} @class="namespace-link" @showLastSegment={{true}} />
{{#each lastMenuLeaves as |leaf|}}
<div class="leaf-panel
{{if (eq leaf currentLeaf) "leaf-panel-current" "leaf-panel-left"}}
{{if (and isAdding (eq leaf changedLeaf)) "leaf-panel-adding"}}
{{if (and (not isAdding) (eq leaf changedLeaf)) "leaf-panel-exiting"}}
">{{~#each-in (get namespaceTree leaf) as |leafName|}}
<NamespaceLink @targetNamespace={{concat leaf "/" leafName}} @class="namespace-link" @showLastSegment={{true}} />
<div class="navbar-separator"></div>