Andreas Gruhler 0036a35c58
Update helm.mdx (#20020)
I was wondering why the default VaultAuth CR was not created. It was due the fact that I copy/pasted the snippet from the docs here, which has the wrong key.
2023-04-07 09:31:08 -07:00

253 lines
12 KiB

layout: docs
page_title: Vault Secrets Operator Helm Chart Configuration
description: >-
Configuration for the Vault Secrets Operator Helm chart.
@include 'vso-beta-note.mdx'
# Vault Secrets Operator Helm Chart
The chart is customizable using
[Helm configuration values](
<!-- DO NOT EDIT. The docs below are generated automatically. To change, edit
the vault-secrets-operator repo's values.yaml: file commit=7236932478761438b62db3f21634308b3baaf891 -->
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## Top-Level Stanzas
Use these links to navigate to a particular top-level stanza.
- [`controller`](#h-controller)
- [`metricsService`](#h-metricsservice)
- [`defaultVaultConnection`](#h-defaultvaultconnection)
- [`defaultAuthMethod`](#h-defaultauthmethod)
- [`tests`](#h-tests)
## All Values
### controller ((#h-controller))
- `controller` ((#v-controller)) - Top level configuration for the vault secrets operator deployment.
This is comprised of a controller and a kube rbac proxy container.
- `replicas` ((#v-controller-replicas)) (`integer: 1`) - Set the number of replicas for the operator.
- `kubeRbacProxy` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy)) - Settings related to the kubeRbacProxy container. This container is an HTTP proxy for the
controller manager which performs RBAC authorization against the Kubernetes API using SubjectAccessReviews.
- `image` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-image)) - Image sets the repo and tag of the kube-rbac-proxy image to use for the controller.
- `repository` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-image-repository)) (`string:`)
- `tag` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-image-tag)) (`string: v0.11.0`)
- `resources` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources)) (`map`) - Configures the default resources for the kube rbac proxy container.
For more information on configuring resources, see the K8s documentation:
- `limits` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-limits))
- `cpu` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-limits-cpu)) (`string: 500m`)
- `memory` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-limits-memory)) (`string: 128Mi`)
- `requests` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-requests))
- `cpu` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-requests-cpu)) (`string: 5m`)
- `memory` ((#v-controller-kuberbacproxy-resources-requests-memory)) (`string: 64Mi`)
- `manager` ((#v-controller-manager)) - Settings related to the vault-secrets-operator container.
- `image` ((#v-controller-manager-image)) - Image sets the repo and tag of the vault-secrets-operator image to use for the controller.
- `repository` ((#v-controller-manager-image-repository)) (`string: hashicorp/vault-secrets-operator`)
- `tag` ((#v-controller-manager-image-tag)) (`string: 0.1.0-beta`)
- `clientCache` ((#v-controller-manager-clientcache)) - Configures the client cache which is used by the controller to cache (and potentially persist) vault tokens that
are the result of using the VaultAuthMethod. This enables re-use of Vault Tokens around their TTLs as well as the
ability to renew.
- `persistenceModel` ((#v-controller-manager-clientcache-persistencemodel)) (`string: ""`) - Defines the `-client-cache-persistence-model` which caches+persists vault tokens.
Valid values are:
"none" - in-memory client cache is used, no tokens are persisted.
"direct-unencrypted" - in-memory client cache is persisted, unencrypted. This is NOT recommended for any production workload.
"direct-encrypted" - in-memory client cache is persisted encrypted using the Vault Transit engine.
default: "none"
- `cacheSize` ((#v-controller-manager-clientcache-cachesize)) (`integer: ""`) - Defines the size of the in-memory LRU cache *in entries*, that is used by the client cache controller.
Larger numbers will increase memory usage by the controller, lower numbers will cause more frequent evictions
of the client cache which can result in additional Vault client counts.
default: 10000
- `maxConcurrentReconciles` ((#v-controller-manager-maxconcurrentreconciles)) (`integer: ""`) - Defines the maximum number of concurrent reconciles by the controller.
NOTE: Currently this is only used by the reconciliation logic of dynamic secrets.
default: 100
- `resources` ((#v-controller-manager-resources)) (`map`) - Configures the default resources for the vault-secrets-operator container.
For more information on configuring resources, see the K8s documentation:
- `limits` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-limits))
- `cpu` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-limits-cpu)) (`string: 500m`)
- `memory` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-limits-memory)) (`string: 128Mi`)
- `requests` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-requests))
- `cpu` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-requests-cpu)) (`string: 10m`)
- `memory` ((#v-controller-manager-resources-requests-memory)) (`string: 64Mi`)
- `controllerConfigMapYaml` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml)) (`map`) - Sets the configuration settings used by the controller. Any custom changes will be reflected in the
data field of the configmap.
For more information on configuring resources, see the K8s documentation:
- `health` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-health))
- `healthProbeBindAddress` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-health-healthprobebindaddress)) (`string: :8081`)
- `leaderElection` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-leaderelection))
- `leaderElect` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-leaderelection-leaderelect)) (`boolean: true`)
- `resourceName` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-leaderelection-resourcename)) (`string:`)
- `metrics` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-metrics))
- `bindAddress` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-metrics-bindaddress)) (`string:`)
- `webhook` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-webhook))
- `port` ((#v-controller-controllerconfigmapyaml-webhook-port)) (`integer: 9443`)
- `kubernetesClusterDomain` ((#v-controller-kubernetesclusterdomain)) (`string: cluster.local`) - Configures the environment variable KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN used by KubeDNS.
### metricsService ((#h-metricsservice))
- `metricsService` ((#v-metricsservice)) (`map`) - Configure the metrics service ports used by the metrics service.
Set the configuration fo the metricsService port.
- `ports` ((#v-metricsservice-ports)) (`map`) - Set the port settings for the metrics service.
For more information on configuring resources, see the K8s documentation:
- `name` ((#v-metricsservice-ports-name)) (`string: https`)
- `port` ((#v-metricsservice-ports-port)) (`integer: 8443`)
- `protocol` ((#v-metricsservice-ports-protocol)) (`string: TCP`)
- `targetPort` ((#v-metricsservice-ports-targetport)) (`string: https`)
- `type` ((#v-metricsservice-type)) (`string: ClusterIP`)
### defaultVaultConnection ((#h-defaultvaultconnection))
- `defaultVaultConnection` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection)) - Configures the default VaultConnection CR which will be used by resources
if they do not specify a VaultConnection reference. The name is 'default' and will
always be installed in the same namespace as the operator.
* It is strongly recommended to deploy the vault secrets operator in a secure Vault environment
which includes a configuration utilizing TLS and installing Vault into its own restricted namespace.
- `enabled` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - toggles the deployment of the VaultAuthMethod CR
- `address` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-address)) (`string: ""`) - Address of the Vault Server
Example: http://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
- `caCertSecret` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-cacertsecret)) (`string: ""`) - CACertSecret containing the trusted PEM encoded CA certificate chain.
Note: This secret must exist prior to deploying the CR.
- `tlsServerName` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-tlsservername)) (`string: ""`) - TLSServerName to use as the SNI host for TLS connections.
- `skipTLSVerify` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-skiptlsverify)) (`boolean: false`) - SkipTLSVerify for TLS connections.
- `headers` ((#v-defaultvaultconnection-headers)) (`string: ""`) - Headers to be included in all Vault requests.
headers: |
"vault-something1": "foo"
"vault-something2": "bar"
"vault-something3": "baz"
### defaultAuthMethod ((#h-defaultauthmethod))
- `defaultAuthMethod` ((#v-defaultauthmethod)) - Configures and deploys the default VaultAuthMethod CR which will be used by resources
if they do not specify a VaultAuthMethod reference. The name is 'default' and will
always be installed in the same namespace as the operator.
* It is strongly recommended to deploy the vault secrets operator in a secure Vault environment
which includes a configuration utilizing TLS and installing Vault into its own restricted namespace.
- `enabled` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - toggles the deployment of the VaultAuthMethod CR
- `namespace` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-namespace)) (`string: ""`) - Vault namespace for the VaultAuthMethod CR
- `method` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-method)) (`string: kubernetes`) - Vault Auth method to be used with the VaultAuthMethod CR
- `mount` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-mount)) (`string: kubernetes`) - Mount path for the Vault Auth Method.
- `kubernetes` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-kubernetes)) - Vault Kubernetes auth method specific configuration
- `role` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-kubernetes-role)) (`string: ""`) - Vault Auth Role to use
This is a required field and must be setup in Vault prior to deploying the helm chart
if `defaultAuthMethod.enabled=true`
- `serviceAccount` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-kubernetes-serviceaccount)) (`string: default`) - Kubernetes ServiceAccount associated with the default Vault Auth Role
- `tokenAudiences` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-kubernetes-tokenaudiences)) (`array<string>: []`) - Token Audience is required and should match whatever the audience
of the vault kubernetes auth role has set.
- `params` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-params)) (`string: ""`) - Params to use when authenticating to Vault
params: |
"vault-something1": "foo"
"vault-something2": "bar"
"vault-something3": "baz"
- `headers` ((#v-defaultauthmethod-headers)) (`string: ""`) - Headers to be included in all Vault requests.
headers: |
"vault-something1": "foo"
"vault-something2": "bar"
"vault-something3": "baz"
### tests ((#h-tests))
- `tests` ((#v-tests)) - # Used by unit tests, and will not be rendered except when using `helm template`, this can be safely ignored.
- `enabled` ((#v-tests-enabled)) (`boolean: true`)
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## Helm Chart Examples
The below `config.yaml` results in a single replica installation of the Vault Secrets Operator
with a default vault connection and auth method custom resource deployed.
It expects a local Vault installation within the kubernetes cluster
accessible via `http://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200` with TLS disabled,
and a [Vault Auth Method](/vault/docs/auth/kubernetes) to be setup against the `default` ServiceAccount.
# config.yaml
enabled: true
enabled: true
## Customizing the Helm Chart
If you need to extend the Helm chart with additional options, we recommend using a third-party tool,
such as [kustomize]( using the project repo `config/` path
in the [vault-secrets-operator]( project.