This is part 1 of 4 for renaming the `newdbplugin` package. This copies the existing package to the new location but keeps the current one in place so we can migrate the existing references over more easily.
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321 lines
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package mongodb
import (
paths "path"
dbplugin "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/database/dbplugin/v5"
func TestInit_clientTLS(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("Skipping this test because CircleCI can't mount the files we need without further investigation: " +
// Set up temp directory so we can mount it to the docker container
confDir := makeTempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(confDir)
// Create certificates for Mongo authentication
caCert := certhelpers.NewCert(t,
certhelpers.CommonName("test certificate authority"),
serverCert := certhelpers.NewCert(t,
clientCert := certhelpers.NewCert(t,
writeFile(t, paths.Join(confDir, "ca.pem"), caCert.CombinedPEM(), 0644)
writeFile(t, paths.Join(confDir, "server.pem"), serverCert.CombinedPEM(), 0644)
writeFile(t, paths.Join(confDir, "client.pem"), clientCert.CombinedPEM(), 0644)
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Set up Mongo config file
rawConf := `
mode: preferTLS
certificateKeyFile: /etc/mongo/server.pem
CAFile: /etc/mongo/ca.pem
allowInvalidHostnames: true`
writeFile(t, paths.Join(confDir, "mongod.conf"), []byte(rawConf), 0644)
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Start Mongo container
retURL, cleanup := startMongoWithTLS(t, "latest", confDir)
defer cleanup()
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Set up x509 user
mClient := connect(t, retURL)
setUpX509User(t, mClient, clientCert)
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Test
mongo := new()
initReq := dbplugin.InitializeRequest{
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"connection_url": retURL,
"allowed_roles": "*",
"tls_certificate_key": clientCert.CombinedPEM(),
"tls_ca": caCert.Pem,
VerifyConnection: true,
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_, err := mongo.Initialize(ctx, initReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to initialize mongo engine: %s", err)
// Initialization complete. The connection was established, but we need to ensure
// that we're connected as the right user
whoamiCmd := map[string]interface{}{
"connectionStatus": 1,
client, err := mongo.getConnection(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to make connection to Mongo: %s", err)
result := client.Database("test").RunCommand(ctx, whoamiCmd)
if result.Err() != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to connect to Mongo: %s", err)
expected := connStatus{
AuthInfo: authInfo{
AuthenticatedUsers: []user{
User: fmt.Sprintf("CN=%s", clientCert.Template.Subject.CommonName),
DB: "$external",
AuthenticatedUserRoles: []role{
Role: "readWrite",
DB: "test",
Role: "userAdminAnyDatabase",
DB: "admin",
Ok: 1,
// Sort the AuthenticatedUserRoles because Mongo doesn't return them in the same order every time
// Thanks Mongo! /tableflip
actual := connStatus{}
err = result.Decode(&actual)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to decode connection status: %s", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
t.Fatalf("Actual:%#v\nExpected:\n%#v", actual, expected)
func makeTempDir(t *testing.T) (confDir string) {
confDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "mongodb-test-data")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to make temp directory: %s", err)
// Convert the directory to an absolute path because docker needs it when mounting
confDir, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(confDir))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to determine where temp directory is on absolute path: %s", err)
return confDir
func startMongoWithTLS(t *testing.T, version string, confDir string) (retURL string, cleanup func()) {
if os.Getenv("MONGODB_URL") != "" {
return os.Getenv("MONGODB_URL"), func() {}
pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to connect to docker: %s", err)
pool.MaxWait = 30 * time.Second
containerName := "mongo-unit-test"
// Remove previously running container if it is still running because cleanup failed
err = pool.RemoveContainerByName(containerName)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to remove old running containers: %s", err)
runOpts := &dockertest.RunOptions{
Name: containerName,
Repository: "mongo",
Tag: version,
Cmd: []string{"mongod", "--config", "/etc/mongo/mongod.conf"},
// Mount the directory from local filesystem into the container
Mounts: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:/etc/mongo", confDir),
resource, err := pool.RunWithOptions(runOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start local mongo docker container: %s", err)
cleanup = func() {
err := pool.Purge(resource)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to cleanup local container: %s", err)
uri := url.URL{
Scheme: "mongodb",
Host: fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%s", resource.GetPort("27017/tcp")),
retURL = uri.String()
// exponential backoff-retry
err = pool.Retry(func() error {
var err error
dialInfo, err := mongodb.ParseMongoURL(retURL)
if err != nil {
return err
session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(dialInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
session.SetSyncTimeout(1 * time.Minute)
session.SetSocketTimeout(1 * time.Minute)
return session.Ping()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not connect to mongo docker container: %s", err)
return retURL, cleanup
func connect(t *testing.T, uri string) (client *mongo.Client) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
defer cancel()
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to make connection to Mongo: %s", err)
err = client.Ping(ctx, readpref.Primary())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to ping Mongo server: %s", err)
return client
func setUpX509User(t *testing.T, client *mongo.Client, cert certhelpers.Certificate) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
username := fmt.Sprintf("CN=%s", cert.Template.Subject.CommonName)
cmd := &createUserCommand{
Username: username,
Roles: []interface{}{
Role: "readWrite",
DB: "test",
Role: "userAdminAnyDatabase",
DB: "admin",
result := client.Database("$external").RunCommand(ctx, cmd)
err := result.Err()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create x509 user in database: %s", err)
type connStatus struct {
AuthInfo authInfo `bson:"authInfo"`
Ok int `bson:"ok"`
type authInfo struct {
AuthenticatedUsers []user `bson:"authenticatedUsers"`
AuthenticatedUserRoles roles `bson:"authenticatedUserRoles"`
type user struct {
User string `bson:"user"`
DB string `bson:"db"`
type role struct {
Role string `bson:"role"`
DB string `bson:"db"`
type roles []role
func (r roles) Len() int { return len(r) }
func (r roles) Less(i, j int) bool { return r[i].Role < r[j].Role }
func (r roles) Swap(i, j int) { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Writing to file
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func writeFile(t *testing.T, filename string, data []byte, perms os.FileMode) {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, perms)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to write to file [%s]: %s", filename, err)