* wait for all hash promises to be settled * skeleton tests with policies for write without read * adjust what gets returned from the model hook * refactor secret-edit model hook to use async/await * return a stub version if we can't read secret data * return a stub model for v1 kv * tweak tests to make re-runs friendlier * allow write without CAS if both v2 models cannot be read * show warnings on edit pages for different write without read scenarios * add no read empty states on secret show pages * review feedback * make message language consistent * use version models from metadata if we can read it * refresh route on delete / undelete / destroy * hide controls in the toolbar when you can't read the secret data * show deleted / destroyed messaging over cannot read messaging on the show page * fix test with model stub * refactor large model hook into several functions * comment clarifications
372 lines
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372 lines
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import { isBlank, isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, set } from '@ember/object';
import { alias, or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { task, waitForEvent } from 'ember-concurrency';
import FocusOnInsertMixin from 'vault/mixins/focus-on-insert';
import WithNavToNearestAncestor from 'vault/mixins/with-nav-to-nearest-ancestor';
import keys from 'vault/lib/keycodes';
import KVObject from 'vault/lib/kv-object';
import { maybeQueryRecord } from 'vault/macros/maybe-query-record';
const LIST_ROUTE = 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list';
const LIST_ROOT_ROUTE = 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root';
const SHOW_ROUTE = 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.show';
export default Component.extend(FocusOnInsertMixin, WithNavToNearestAncestor, {
wizard: service(),
router: service(),
store: service(),
flashMessages: service(),
// a key model
key: null,
model: null,
// a value to pre-fill the key input - this is populated by the corresponding
// 'initialKey' queryParam
initialKey: null,
// set in the route's setupController hook
mode: null,
secretData: null,
wrappedData: null,
isWrapping: false,
showWrapButton: computed.not('wrappedData'),
// called with a bool indicating if there's been a change in the secretData
onDataChange() {},
onRefresh() {},
onToggleAdvancedEdit() {},
// did user request advanced mode
preferAdvancedEdit: false,
// use a named action here so we don't have to pass one in
// this will bubble to the route
toggleAdvancedEdit: 'toggleAdvancedEdit',
error: null,
codemirrorString: null,
hasLintError: false,
isV2: false,
init() {
let secrets = this.model.secretData;
if (!secrets && this.model.selectedVersion) {
this.set('isV2', true);
secrets = this.model.belongsTo('selectedVersion').value().secretData;
const data = KVObject.create({ content: [] }).fromJSON(secrets);
this.set('secretData', data);
this.set('codemirrorString', data.toJSONString());
if (data.isAdvanced()) {
this.set('preferAdvancedEdit', true);
if (this.wizard.featureState === 'details' && this.mode === 'create') {
let engine = this.model.backend.includes('kv') ? 'kv' : this.model.backend;
this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine('details', 'CONTINUE', engine);
if (this.mode === 'edit') {
waitForKeyUp: task(function*() {
while (true) {
let event = yield waitForEvent(document.body, 'keyup');
partialName: computed('mode', function() {
return `partials/secret-form-${this.mode}`;
updatePath: maybeQueryRecord(
context => {
if (context.mode === 'create') {
let backend = context.isV2 ? context.get('model.engine.id') : context.model.backend;
let id = context.model.id;
let path = context.isV2 ? `${backend}/data/${id}` : `${backend}/${id}`;
return {
id: path,
canDelete: alias('model.canDelete'),
canEdit: alias('updatePath.canUpdate'),
v2UpdatePath: maybeQueryRecord(
context => {
if (context.mode === 'create' || context.isV2 === false) {
let backend = context.get('model.engine.id');
let id = context.model.id;
return {
id: `${backend}/metadata/${id}`,
canEditV2Secret: alias('v2UpdatePath.canUpdate'),
requestInFlight: or('model.isLoading', 'model.isReloading', 'model.isSaving'),
buttonDisabled: or('requestInFlight', 'model.isFolder', 'model.flagsIsInvalid', 'hasLintError', 'error'),
modelForData: computed('isV2', 'model', function() {
return this.isV2 ? this.model.belongsTo('selectedVersion').value() : this.model;
basicModeDisabled: computed('secretDataIsAdvanced', 'showAdvancedMode', function() {
return this.secretDataIsAdvanced || this.showAdvancedMode === false;
secretDataAsJSON: computed('secretData', 'secretData.[]', function() {
return this.secretData.toJSON();
secretDataIsAdvanced: computed('secretData', 'secretData.[]', function() {
return this.secretData.isAdvanced();
showAdvancedMode: computed('preferAdvancedEdit', 'secretDataIsAdvanced', 'lastChange', function() {
return this.secretDataIsAdvanced || this.preferAdvancedEdit;
isWriteWithoutRead: computed(
function() {
// if the version couldn't be read from the server
if (this.isV2 && this.model.selectedVersion.failedServerRead) {
return true;
// if the model couldn't be read from the server
if (!this.isV2 && this.model.failedServerRead) {
return true;
return false;
transitionToRoute() {
return this.router.transitionTo(...arguments);
onEscape(e) {
if (e.keyCode !== keys.ESC || this.mode !== 'show') {
const parentKey = this.model.parentKey;
if (parentKey) {
this.transitionToRoute(LIST_ROUTE, parentKey);
} else {
// successCallback is called in the context of the component
persistKey(successCallback) {
let secret = this.model;
let secretData = this.modelForData;
let isV2 = this.isV2;
let key = secretData.get('path') || secret.id;
if (key.startsWith('/')) {
key = key.replace(/^\/+/g, '');
secretData.set(secretData.pathAttr, key);
return secretData.save().then(() => {
if (!secretData.isError) {
if (isV2) {
secret.set('id', key);
if (isV2 && Object.keys(secret.changedAttributes()).length) {
// save secret metadata
.then(() => {
this.saveComplete(successCallback, key);
.catch(e => {
this.set(e, e.errors.join(' '));
} else {
this.saveComplete(successCallback, key);
saveComplete(callback, key) {
if (this.wizard.featureState === 'secret') {
this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine('secret', 'CONTINUE');
checkRows() {
if (this.secretData.length === 0) {
actions: {
//submit on shift + enter
handleKeyDown(e) {
if (!(e.keyCode === keys.ENTER && e.metaKey)) {
let $form = this.element.querySelector('form');
if ($form.length) {
handleChange() {
this.set('codemirrorString', this.secretData.toJSONString(true));
set(this.modelForData, 'secretData', this.secretData.toJSON());
handleWrapClick() {
this.set('isWrapping', true);
if (this.isV2) {
.queryRecord(this.modelForData.id, { wrapTTL: 1800 })
.then(resp => {
this.set('wrappedData', resp.wrap_info.token);
this.flashMessages.success('Secret Successfully Wrapped!');
.catch(() => {
this.flashMessages.error('Could Not Wrap Secret');
.finally(() => {
this.set('isWrapping', false);
} else {
.queryRecord(null, null, { backend: this.model.backend, id: this.modelForData.id, wrapTTL: 1800 })
.then(resp => {
this.set('wrappedData', resp.wrap_info.token);
this.flashMessages.success('Secret Successfully Wrapped!');
.catch(() => {
this.flashMessages.error('Could Not Wrap Secret');
.finally(() => {
this.set('isWrapping', false);
clearWrappedData() {
this.set('wrappedData', null);
handleCopySuccess() {
this.flashMessages.success('Copied Wrapped Data!');
handleCopyError() {
this.flashMessages.error('Could Not Copy Wrapped Data');
createOrUpdateKey(type, event) {
let model = this.modelForData;
// prevent from submitting if there's no key
// maybe do something fancier later
if (type === 'create' && isBlank(model.get('path') || model.id)) {
this.persistKey(() => {
this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, this.model.id);
deleteKey() {
let { id } = this.model;
this.model.destroyRecord().then(() => {
refresh() {
addRow() {
const data = this.secretData;
if (isNone(data.findBy('name', ''))) {
data.pushObject({ name: '', value: '' });
deleteRow(name) {
const data = this.secretData;
const item = data.findBy('name', name);
if (isBlank(item.name)) {
toggleAdvanced(bool) {
codemirrorUpdated(val, codemirror) {
this.set('error', null);
const noErrors = codemirror.state.lint.marked.length === 0;
if (noErrors) {
try {
set(this.modelForData, 'secretData', this.secretData.toJSON());
} catch (e) {
this.set('error', e.message);
this.set('hasLintError', !noErrors);
this.set('codemirrorString', val);
formatJSON() {
this.set('codemirrorString', this.secretData.toJSONString(true));