madalynrose 2b41283a91
UI console (#4631)
* adding columnify and ember-cli-cjs-transform

* add yargs-parser

* remove vendored yargs-parser tokenizer and use cjs transform to import it from actual yargs-parser

* add clear command that clears the log, but maintains history

* make codemirror have no gutter and be auto-height when rendered in the console output log

* add fullscreen command and hook up fullscreen toggle button

* hook up copy button
2018-05-25 16:33:22 -04:00

28 lines
953 B

import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import columnify from 'columnify';
import { capitalize } from 'vault/helpers/capitalize';
import { stringifyObjectValues } from 'vault/components/console/log-object';
moduleForComponent('console/log-object', 'Integration | Component | console/log object', {
integration: true,
test('it renders', function(assert) {
const objectContent = { one: 'two', three: 'four', seven: { five: 'six' }, eight: [5, 6] };
const data = { one: 'two', three: 'four', seven: { five: 'six' }, eight: [5, 6] };
const expectedText = columnify(data, {
preserveNewLines: true,
headingTransform: function(heading) {
return capitalize([heading]);
this.set('content', objectContent);
this.render(hbs`{{console/log-object content=content}}`);