* ci: break config into separate files * Untangle githooks * githooks: fix whitespace * .hooks/pre-commit: add ui -> lint-staged check - We no longer require dependency on husky with this change. * ui: remove husky dependency and config - The previous commit obviates the need for it. - We will now have to manage these hooks by hand, but this removes the conflict between husky-installed hooks and those in the .hooks dir. * ui: update yarn.lock with husky removed * .hooks/pre-commit: always use subshell + docs - Always use subshell means we consistently exit from the same place which feels less complex. - Docs are necessary for horrible bash like this I think... * Makefile: remove old husky githooks - Husky has installed a handler for every single git hook. - This causes warnings on every git operation. - Eventually we can remove this, but better not to confuse people with these messages for now. * ci: fix go build tags * Makefile: improve compatibility of rm call - Looks like the xargs in Travis does something different to the one on my mac, this more verbose call should be safe everywhere. * ci: fix make target names * ci: fix test-ui invocation * Makefile: simplify husky hook cleanup * ci: more focussed readme
158 lines
5.4 KiB
158 lines
5.4 KiB
"name": "vault",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "The official UI for Vault by HashiCorp",
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"author": "",
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"start2": "ember server --proxy=http://localhost:8202 --port=4202",
"test": "node scripts/start-vault.js & yarn run lint:js & ember test",
"test:browserstack": "export CI=true; node scripts/start-vault.js & node scripts/run-browserstack-tests.js",
"test-oss": "yarn run test -f='!enterprise'",
"test-quick": "node scripts/start-vault.js & ember test",
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