* Add DNS challenge validation to ACME This allows us to validate against wildcard domain names, as the HTTP-01 challenge does not support wildcard validation. Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com> * Properly delay challenge retry attempts Previously we'd essentially semi-busy wait for a challenge to become retry-able, as the queue itself had no knowledge of the retry after value of the validation attempt. Now, we plumb through this value into the queue itself, to aide selection of validations to attempt. Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com>
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package pki
import (
var MaxChallengeTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
const MaxRetryAttempts = 5
type ChallengeValidation struct {
// Account KID that this validation attempt is recorded under.
Account string `json:"account"`
// The authorization ID that this validation attempt is for.
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
ChallengeType ACMEChallengeType `json:"challenge_type"`
// The token of this challenge and the JWS thumbprint of the account
// we're validating against.
Token string `json:"token"`
Thumbprint string `json:"thumbprint"`
Initiated time.Time `json:"initiated"`
FirstValidation time.Time `json:"first_validation,omitempty"`
RetryCount int `json:"retry_count,omitempty"`
LastRetry time.Time `json:"last_retry,omitempty"`
RetryAfter time.Time `json:"retry_after,omitempty"`
type ChallengeQueueEntry struct {
Identifier string
RetryAfter time.Time
type ACMEChallengeEngine struct {
NumWorkers int
ValidationLock sync.Mutex
NewValidation chan string
Closing chan struct{}
Validations *list.List
func NewACMEChallengeEngine() *ACMEChallengeEngine {
ace := &ACMEChallengeEngine{}
ace.NewValidation = make(chan string, 1)
ace.Closing = make(chan struct{}, 1)
ace.Validations = list.New()
ace.NumWorkers = 5
return ace
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) Initialize(b *backend, sc *storageContext) error {
if err := ace.LoadFromStorage(b, sc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed loading initial in-progress validations: %w", err)
return nil
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) LoadFromStorage(b *backend, sc *storageContext) error {
items, err := sc.Storage.List(sc.Context, acmeValidationPrefix)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed loading list of validations from disk: %w", err)
defer ace.ValidationLock.Unlock()
// Add them to our queue of validations to work through later.
for _, item := range items {
Identifier: item,
return nil
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) Run(b *backend) {
for true {
// err == nil on shutdown.
b.Logger().Debug("Starting ACME challenge validation engine")
err := ace._run(b)
if err != nil {
b.Logger().Error("Got unexpected error from ACME challenge validation engine", "err", err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) _run(b *backend) error {
// This runner uses a background context for storage operations: we don't
// want to tie it to a inbound request and we don't want to set a time
// limit, so create a fresh background context.
runnerSC := b.makeStorageContext(context.Background(), b.storage)
// We want at most a certain number of workers operating to verify
// challenges.
var finishedWorkersChannels []chan bool
for true {
// Wait until we've got more work to do.
select {
case <-ace.Closing:
b.Logger().Debug("shutting down ACME challenge validation engine")
return nil
case <-ace.NewValidation:
// First try to reap any finished workers. Read from their channels
// and if not finished yet, add to a fresh slice.
var newFinishedWorkersChannels []chan bool
for _, channel := range finishedWorkersChannels {
select {
case <-channel:
// This channel had not been written to, indicating that the
// worker had not yet finished.
newFinishedWorkersChannels = append(newFinishedWorkersChannels, channel)
finishedWorkersChannels = newFinishedWorkersChannels
// If we have space to take on another work item, do so.
firstIdentifier := ""
startedWork := false
now := time.Now()
for len(finishedWorkersChannels) < ace.NumWorkers {
var task *ChallengeQueueEntry
// Find our next work item. We do all of these operations
// while holding the queue lock, hence some repeated checks
// afterwards. Out of this, we get a candidate task, using
// element == nil as a sentinel for breaking our parent
// loop.
element := ace.Validations.Front()
if element != nil {
task = element.Value.(*ChallengeQueueEntry)
if !task.RetryAfter.IsZero() && now.Before(task.RetryAfter) {
// We cannot work on this element yet; remove it to
// the back of the queue. This allows us to potentially
// select the next item in the next iteration.
if firstIdentifier != "" && task.Identifier == firstIdentifier {
// We found and rejected this element before; exit the
// loop by "claiming" we didn't find any work.
element = nil
} else if firstIdentifier == "" {
firstIdentifier = task.Identifier
if element == nil {
// There was no more work to do to fill up the queue; exit
// this loop.
if now.Before(task.RetryAfter) {
// Here, while we found an element, we didn't want to
// completely exit the loop (perhaps it was our first time
// finding a work order), so retry without modifying
// firstIdentifier.
// Since this work item was valid, we won't expect to see it in
// the validation queue again until it is executed. Here, we
// want to avoid infinite looping above (if we removed the one
// valid item and the remainder are all not immediately
// actionable). At the worst, we'll spend a little more time
// looping through the queue until we hit a repeat.
firstIdentifier = ""
// Here, we got a piece of work that is ready to check; create a
// channel and a new go routine and run it. Note that this still
// could have a RetryAfter date we're not aware of (e.g., if the
// cluster restarted as we do not read the entries there).
channel := make(chan bool, 1)
go ace.VerifyChallenge(runnerSC, task.Identifier, channel)
finishedWorkersChannels = append(finishedWorkersChannels, channel)
startedWork = true
// If we have no more capacity for work, we should pause a little to
// let the system catch up. Additionally, if we only had
// non-actionable work items, we should pause until some time has
// elapsed: not too much that we potentially starve any new incoming
// items from validation, but not too short that we cause a busy loop.
if len(finishedWorkersChannels) == ace.NumWorkers || !startedWork {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Lastly, if we have more work to do, re-trigger ourselves.
if ace.Validations.Front() != nil {
select {
case ace.NewValidation <- "retry":
return fmt.Errorf("unexpectedly exited from ACMEChallengeEngine._run()")
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) AcceptChallenge(sc *storageContext, account string, authz *ACMEAuthorization, challenge *ACMEChallenge, thumbprint string) error {
name := authz.Id + "-" + string(challenge.Type)
path := acmeValidationPrefix + name
entry, err := sc.Storage.Get(sc.Context, path)
if err == nil && entry != nil {
// Challenge already in the queue; exit without re-adding it.
return nil
if authz.Status != ACMEAuthorizationPending {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot accept already validated authorization %v (%v)", authz.Id, authz.Status)
if challenge.Status != ACMEChallengePending && challenge.Status != ACMEChallengeProcessing {
return fmt.Errorf("challenge is in invalid state (%v) in authorization %v", challenge.Status, authz.Id)
token := challenge.ChallengeFields["token"].(string)
cv := &ChallengeValidation{
Account: account,
Authorization: authz.Id,
ChallengeType: challenge.Type,
Token: token,
Thumbprint: thumbprint,
Initiated: time.Now(),
json, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON(path, &cv)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating challenge validation queue entry: %w", err)
if err := sc.Storage.Put(sc.Context, json); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing challenge validation entry: %w", err)
if challenge.Status == ACMEChallengePending {
challenge.Status = ACMEChallengeProcessing
authzPath := getAuthorizationPath(account, authz.Id)
if err := saveAuthorizationAtPath(sc, authzPath, authz); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error saving updated authorization %v: %w", authz.Id, err)
defer ace.ValidationLock.Unlock()
Identifier: name,
select {
case ace.NewValidation <- name:
return nil
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) VerifyChallenge(runnerSc *storageContext, id string, finished chan bool) {
sc, _ /* cancel func */ := runnerSc.WithFreshTimeout(MaxChallengeTimeout)
runnerSc.Backend.Logger().Debug("Starting verification of challenge: %v", id)
if retry, retryAfter, err := ace._verifyChallenge(sc, id); err != nil {
// Because verification of this challenge failed, we need to retry
// it in the future. Log the error and re-add the item to the queue
// to try again later.
sc.Backend.Logger().Error(fmt.Sprintf("ACME validation failed for %v: %v", id, err))
if retry {
defer ace.ValidationLock.Unlock()
Identifier: id,
RetryAfter: retryAfter,
// Let the validator know there's a pending challenge.
select {
case ace.NewValidation <- id:
// We're the only producer on this channel and it has a buffer size
// of one element, so it is safe to directly write here.
finished <- true
// We're the only producer on this channel and it has a buffer size of one
// element, so it is safe to directly write here.
finished <- false
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) _verifyChallenge(sc *storageContext, id string) (bool, time.Time, error) {
now := time.Now()
path := acmeValidationPrefix + id
challengeEntry, err := sc.Storage.Get(sc.Context, path)
if err != nil {
return true, now, fmt.Errorf("error loading challenge %v: %w", id, err)
if challengeEntry == nil {
// Something must've successfully cleaned up our storage entry from
// under us. Assume we don't need to rerun, else the client will
// trigger us to re-run.
err = nil
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
var cv *ChallengeValidation
if err := challengeEntry.DecodeJSON(&cv); err != nil {
return true, now, fmt.Errorf("error decoding challenge %v: %w", id, err)
if now.Before(cv.RetryAfter) {
return true, cv.RetryAfter, fmt.Errorf("retrying challenge %v too soon", id)
authzPath := getAuthorizationPath(cv.Account, cv.Authorization)
authz, err := loadAuthorizationAtPath(sc, authzPath)
if err != nil {
return true, now, fmt.Errorf("error loading authorization %v/%v for challenge %v: %w", cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id, err)
if authz.Status != ACMEAuthorizationPending {
// Something must've finished up this challenge for us. Assume we
// don't need to rerun and exit instead.
err = nil
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
var challenge *ACMEChallenge
for _, authzChallenge := range authz.Challenges {
if authzChallenge.Type == cv.ChallengeType {
challenge = authzChallenge
if challenge == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("no challenge of type %v in authorization %v/%v for challenge %v", cv.ChallengeType, cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
if challenge.Status != ACMEChallengePending && challenge.Status != ACMEChallengeProcessing {
err = fmt.Errorf("challenge is in invalid state %v in authorization %v/%v for challenge %v", challenge.Status, cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
var valid bool
switch challenge.Type {
case ACMEHTTPChallenge:
if authz.Identifier.Type != ACMEDNSIdentifier && authz.Identifier.Type != ACMEIPIdentifier {
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported identifier type for authorization %v/%v in challenge %v: %v", cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id, authz.Identifier.Type)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
if authz.Wildcard {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to validate wildcard authorization %v/%v in challenge %v via http-01 challenge", cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
valid, err = ValidateHTTP01Challenge(authz.Identifier.Value, cv.Token, cv.Thumbprint)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error validating http-01 challenge %v: %w", id, err)
return ace._verifyChallengeRetry(sc, cv, authz, err, id)
case ACMEDNSChallenge:
if authz.Identifier.Type != ACMEDNSIdentifier {
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported identifier type for authorization %v/%v in challenge %v: %v", cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id, authz.Identifier.Type)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
valid, err = ValidateDNS01Challenge(authz.Identifier.Value, cv.Token, cv.Thumbprint)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error validating dns-01 challenge %v: %w", id, err)
return ace._verifyChallengeRetry(sc, cv, authz, err, id)
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported ACME challenge type %v for challenge %v", cv.ChallengeType, id)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
if !valid {
err = fmt.Errorf("challenge failed with no additional information")
return ace._verifyChallengeRetry(sc, cv, authz, err, id)
// If we got here, the challenge verification was successful. Update
// the authorization appropriately.
expires := now.Add(15 * 24 * time.Hour)
challenge.Status = ACMEChallengeValid
challenge.Validated = now.Format(time.RFC3339)
authz.Status = ACMEAuthorizationValid
authz.Expires = expires.Format(time.RFC3339)
if err := saveAuthorizationAtPath(sc, authzPath, authz); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error saving updated (validated) authorization %v/%v for challenge %v: %w", cv.Account, cv.Authorization, id, err)
return ace._verifyChallengeRetry(sc, cv, authz, err, id)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, nil, id)
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) _verifyChallengeRetry(sc *storageContext, cv *ChallengeValidation, authz *ACMEAuthorization, err error, id string) (bool, time.Time, error) {
now := time.Now()
path := acmeValidationPrefix + id
if cv.RetryCount > MaxRetryAttempts {
err = fmt.Errorf("reached max error attempts for challenge %v: %w", id, err)
return ace._verifyChallengeCleanup(sc, err, id)
if cv.FirstValidation.IsZero() {
cv.FirstValidation = now
cv.RetryCount += 1
cv.LastRetry = now
cv.RetryAfter = now.Add(time.Duration(cv.RetryCount*5) * time.Second)
json, jsonErr := logical.StorageEntryJSON(path, cv)
if jsonErr != nil {
return true, now, fmt.Errorf("error persisting updated challenge validation queue entry (error prior to retry, if any: %v): %w", err, jsonErr)
if putErr := sc.Storage.Put(sc.Context, json); putErr != nil {
return true, now, fmt.Errorf("error writing updated challenge validation entry (error prior to retry, if any: %v): %w", err, putErr)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("retrying validation: %w", err)
return true, cv.RetryAfter, err
func (ace *ACMEChallengeEngine) _verifyChallengeCleanup(sc *storageContext, err error, id string) (bool, time.Time, error) {
now := time.Now()
// Remove our ChallengeValidation entry only.
if deleteErr := sc.Storage.Delete(sc.Context, acmeValidationPrefix+id); deleteErr != nil {
return true, now.Add(-1 * time.Second), fmt.Errorf("error deleting challenge %v (error prior to cleanup, if any: %v): %w", id, err, deleteErr)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("removing challenge validation attempt and not retrying %v; previous error: %w", id, err)
return false, now, err