* add no-jquery rule and move event listeners to ember-concurrency tasks * remove unnecessary onchange and handleKeyDown actions * add element.closest polyfill and convert linked-block to use native dom apis * update pretender, fetch, page-object, add optional-features, remove ember/jquery * turn off jquery inclusion * remove jQuery.isPlainObject usage * violatedDirective isn't always formatted the same * use fetch and the ember-fetch adapter mixin * move to fetch and lowercase headers for pretender * display non-ember-data errors * use new async fn test style and lowercase headers in auth service test * setContext is not necessary with the new style tests and ember-cli-page-object - it actually triggers jquery usage * update ember-fetch, ember-cli-pretender * wait for permissions check * lowercase header name in auth test * refactor transit tests to one test per key type * simplify pollCluster helper * stop flakey tests by prefering the native fetch * avoid uncaught TransitionAborted error by navigating directly to unseal * unset model on controller after unloading it because controllers are singletons * update yarn.lock
180 lines
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180 lines
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import Service from '@ember/service';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import controlGroup from '../../pages/components/control-group';
const component = create(controlGroup);
const controlGroupService = Service.extend({
init() {
this.set('wrapInfo', null);
wrapInfoForAccessor() {
return this.get('wrapInfo');
const authService = Service.extend();
module('Integration | Component | control group', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
this.owner.register('service:auth', authService);
this.owner.register('service:control-group', controlGroupService);
this.controlGroup = this.owner.lookup('service:controlGroup');
this.auth = this.owner.lookup('service:auth');
const setup = (modelData = {}, authData = {}) => {
let modelDefaults = {
approved: false,
requestPath: 'foo/bar',
id: 'accessor',
requestEntity: { id: 'requestor', name: 'entity8509' },
reload: sinon.stub(),
let authDataDefaults = { entity_id: 'requestor' };
return {
model: {
authData: {
test('requestor rendering', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup();
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.ok(component.showsAccessorCallout, 'shows accessor callout');
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Locked');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'The path you requested is locked by a Control Group');
assert.equal(component.requestorText, `You are requesting access to ${model.requestPath}`);
assert.equal(component.showsTokenText, false, 'does not show token message when there is no token');
assert.ok(component.showsRefresh, 'shows refresh button');
assert.ok(component.authorizationText, 'Awaiting authorization.');
test('requestor rendering: with token', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup();
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
this.set('controlGroup.wrapInfo', { token: 'token' });
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.showsTokenText, true, 'shows token message');
assert.equal(component.token, 'token', 'shows token value');
test('requestor rendering: some approvals', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup({ authorizations: [{ name: 'manager 1' }, { name: 'manager 2' }] });
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.ok(component.authorizationText, 'Already approved by manager 1, manager 2');
test('requestor rendering: approved with no token', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup({ approved: true });
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Success!');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'You have been given authorization');
assert.equal(component.showsTokenText, false, 'does not show token message when there is no token');
assert.notOk(component.showsRefresh, 'does not shows refresh button');
assert.ok(component.showsSuccessComponent, 'renders control group success');
test('requestor rendering: approved with token', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup({ approved: true });
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
this.set('controlGroup.wrapInfo', { token: 'token' });
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.showsTokenText, true, 'shows token');
assert.notOk(component.showsRefresh, 'does not shows refresh button');
assert.ok(component.showsSuccessComponent, 'renders control group success');
test('authorizer rendering', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup({ canAuthorize: true }, { entity_id: 'manager' });
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Locked');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'Someone is requesting access to a path locked by a Control Group');
`${model.requestEntity.name} is requesting access to ${model.requestPath}`
assert.equal(component.showsTokenText, false, 'does not show token message when there is no token');
assert.ok(component.showsAuthorize, 'shows authorize button');
test('authorizer rendering:authorized', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup(
{ canAuthorize: true, authorizations: [{ id: 'manager', name: 'manager' }] },
{ entity_id: 'manager' }
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Thanks!');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'You have given authorization');
assert.ok(component.showsBackLink, 'back link is visible');
test('authorizer rendering: authorized and success', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup(
{ approved: true, canAuthorize: true, authorizations: [{ id: 'manager', name: 'manager' }] },
{ entity_id: 'manager' }
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Thanks!');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'You have given authorization');
assert.ok(component.showsBackLink, 'back link is visible');
`${model.requestEntity.name} is authorized to access ${model.requestPath}`
assert.notOk(component.showsSuccessComponent, 'does not render control group success');
test('third-party: success', async function(assert) {
let { model, authData } = setup(
{ approved: true, canAuthorize: true, authorizations: [{ id: 'foo', name: 'foo' }] },
{ entity_id: 'manager' }
this.set('model', model);
this.set('auth.authData', authData);
await render(hbs`{{control-group model=model}}`);
assert.equal(component.bannerPrefix, 'Success!');
assert.equal(component.bannerText, 'This Control Group has been authorized');
assert.ok(component.showsBackLink, 'back link is visible');
assert.notOk(component.showsSuccessComponent, 'does not render control group success');