
204 lines
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package gocb
import (
gocbcore ""
const (
goCbVersionStr = "v2.1.4"
// QueryIndexType provides information on the type of indexer used for an index.
type QueryIndexType string
const (
// QueryIndexTypeGsi indicates that GSI was used to build the index.
QueryIndexTypeGsi QueryIndexType = "gsi"
// QueryIndexTypeView indicates that views were used to build the index.
QueryIndexTypeView QueryIndexType = "views"
// QueryStatus provides information about the current status of a query.
type QueryStatus string
const (
// QueryStatusRunning indicates the query is still running
QueryStatusRunning QueryStatus = "running"
// QueryStatusSuccess indicates the query was successful.
QueryStatusSuccess QueryStatus = "success"
// QueryStatusErrors indicates a query completed with errors.
QueryStatusErrors QueryStatus = "errors"
// QueryStatusCompleted indicates a query has completed.
QueryStatusCompleted QueryStatus = "completed"
// QueryStatusStopped indicates a query has been stopped.
QueryStatusStopped QueryStatus = "stopped"
// QueryStatusTimeout indicates a query timed out.
QueryStatusTimeout QueryStatus = "timeout"
// QueryStatusClosed indicates that a query was closed.
QueryStatusClosed QueryStatus = "closed"
// QueryStatusFatal indicates that a query ended with a fatal error.
QueryStatusFatal QueryStatus = "fatal"
// QueryStatusAborted indicates that a query was aborted.
QueryStatusAborted QueryStatus = "aborted"
// QueryStatusUnknown indicates that the query status is unknown.
QueryStatusUnknown QueryStatus = "unknown"
// ServiceType specifies a particular Couchbase service type.
type ServiceType gocbcore.ServiceType
const (
// ServiceTypeManagement represents a management service.
ServiceTypeManagement ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.MgmtService)
// ServiceTypeKeyValue represents a memcached service.
ServiceTypeKeyValue ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.MemdService)
// ServiceTypeViews represents a views service.
ServiceTypeViews ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.CapiService)
// ServiceTypeQuery represents a query service.
ServiceTypeQuery ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.N1qlService)
// ServiceTypeSearch represents a full-text-search service.
ServiceTypeSearch ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.FtsService)
// ServiceTypeAnalytics represents an analytics service.
ServiceTypeAnalytics ServiceType = ServiceType(gocbcore.CbasService)
// QueryProfileMode specifies the profiling mode to use during a query.
type QueryProfileMode string
const (
// QueryProfileModeNone disables query profiling
QueryProfileModeNone QueryProfileMode = "off"
// QueryProfileModePhases includes phase profiling information in the query response
QueryProfileModePhases QueryProfileMode = "phases"
// QueryProfileModeTimings includes timing profiling information in the query response
QueryProfileModeTimings QueryProfileMode = "timings"
// SubdocFlag provides special handling flags for sub-document operations
type SubdocFlag memd.SubdocFlag
const (
// SubdocFlagNone indicates no special behaviours
SubdocFlagNone SubdocFlag = SubdocFlag(memd.SubdocFlagNone)
// SubdocFlagCreatePath indicates you wish to recursively create the tree of paths
// if it does not already exist within the document.
SubdocFlagCreatePath SubdocFlag = SubdocFlag(memd.SubdocFlagMkDirP)
// SubdocFlagXattr indicates your path refers to an extended attribute rather than the document.
SubdocFlagXattr SubdocFlag = SubdocFlag(memd.SubdocFlagXattrPath)
// SubdocFlagUseMacros indicates that you wish macro substitution to occur on the value
SubdocFlagUseMacros SubdocFlag = SubdocFlag(memd.SubdocFlagExpandMacros)
// SubdocDocFlag specifies document-level flags for a sub-document operation.
type SubdocDocFlag memd.SubdocDocFlag
const (
// SubdocDocFlagNone indicates no special behaviours
SubdocDocFlagNone SubdocDocFlag = SubdocDocFlag(memd.SubdocDocFlagNone)
// SubdocDocFlagMkDoc indicates that the document should be created if it does not already exist.
SubdocDocFlagMkDoc SubdocDocFlag = SubdocDocFlag(memd.SubdocDocFlagMkDoc)
// SubdocDocFlagAddDoc indices that the document should be created only if it does not already exist.
SubdocDocFlagAddDoc SubdocDocFlag = SubdocDocFlag(memd.SubdocDocFlagAddDoc)
// SubdocDocFlagAccessDeleted indicates that you wish to receive soft-deleted documents.
SubdocDocFlagAccessDeleted SubdocDocFlag = SubdocDocFlag(memd.SubdocDocFlagAccessDeleted)
// DurabilityLevel specifies the level of synchronous replication to use.
type DurabilityLevel uint8
const (
// DurabilityLevelMajority specifies that a mutation must be replicated (held in memory) to a majority of nodes.
DurabilityLevelMajority DurabilityLevel = iota + 1
// DurabilityLevelMajorityAndPersistOnMaster specifies that a mutation must be replicated (held in memory) to a
// majority of nodes and also persisted (written to disk) on the active node.
// DurabilityLevelPersistToMajority specifies that a mutation must be persisted (written to disk) to a majority
// of nodes.
// MutationMacro can be supplied to MutateIn operations to perform ExpandMacros operations.
type MutationMacro string
const (
// MutationMacroCAS can be used to tell the server to use the CAS macro.
MutationMacroCAS MutationMacro = "\"${Mutation.CAS}\""
// MutationMacroSeqNo can be used to tell the server to use the seqno macro.
MutationMacroSeqNo MutationMacro = "\"${Mutation.seqno}\""
// MutationMacroValueCRC32c can be used to tell the server to use the value_crc32c macro.
MutationMacroValueCRC32c MutationMacro = "\"${Mutation.value_crc32c}\""
// ClusterState specifies the current state of the cluster
type ClusterState uint
const (
// ClusterStateOnline indicates that all nodes are online and reachable.
ClusterStateOnline ClusterState = iota + 1
// ClusterStateDegraded indicates that all services will function, but possibly not optimally.
// ClusterStateOffline indicates that no nodes were reachable.
// EndpointState specifies the current state of an endpoint.
type EndpointState uint
const (
// EndpointStateDisconnected indicates the endpoint socket is unreachable.
EndpointStateDisconnected EndpointState = iota + 1
// EndpointStateConnecting indicates the endpoint socket is connecting.
// EndpointStateConnected indicates the endpoint socket is connected and ready.
// EndpointStateDisconnecting indicates the endpoint socket is disconnecting.
// PingState specifies the result of the ping operation
type PingState uint
const (
// PingStateOk indicates that the ping operation was successful.
PingStateOk PingState = iota + 1
// PingStateTimeout indicates that the ping operation timed out.
// PingStateError indicates that the ping operation failed.