Ryan Cragun 9da2fc4b8b
test: wait for nc to be listening before enabling auditor (#23142) (#23150)
Rather than assuming a short sleep will work, we instead wait until netcat is listening of the socket. We've also configured the netcat listener to persist after the first connection, which allows Vault and us to check the connection without the process closing.

As we implemented this we also ran into AWS issues in us-east-1 and us-west-2, so we've changed our deploy regions until those issues are resolved.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Cragun <>
2023-09-18 15:10:37 -06:00

138 lines
5.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
# artifactory_username is the username to use when testing an artifact stored in artfactory.
# artifactory_username = ""
# artifactory_token is the token to use when authenticating to artifactory.
# artifactory_token = "yourtoken"
# artifactory_host is the artifactory host to search for vault artifacts.
# artifactory_host = ""
# artifactory_repo is the artifactory repo to search for vault artifacts.
# artifactory_repo = "hashicorp-crt-stable-local*"
# aws_region is the AWS region where we'll create infrastructure
# for the smoke scenario
# aws_region = "us-east-1"
# aws_ssh_keypair_name is the AWS keypair to use for SSH
# aws_ssh_keypair_name = "enos-ci-ssh-key"
# aws_ssh_private_key_path is the path to the AWS keypair private key
# aws_ssh_private_key_path = "./support/private_key.pem"
# backend_edition is the backend (consul) release edition if applicable to the scenario.
# backend_edition = "oss"
# backend_license_path is the license for the backend if applicable (Consul Enterprise)".
# backend_license_path = "./support/consul.hclic"
# backend_log_level is the server log level for the backend. Supported values include 'trace',
# 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'"
# backend_log_level = "trace"
# backend_instance_type is the instance type to use for the Vault backend. Must support arm64
# backend_instance_type = "t4g.small"
# project_name is the description of the project. It will often be used to tag infrastructure
# resources.
# project_name = "vault-enos-integration"
# rhel_distro_version is the version of RHEL to use for "distro:rhel" variants.
# rhel_distro_version = "9.1" // or "8.8"
# tags are a map of tags that will be applied to infrastructure resources that
# support tagging.
# tags = { "Project Name" : "Vault", "Something Cool" : "Value" }
# terraform_plugin_cache_dir is the directory to cache Terraform modules and providers.
# It must exist.
# terraform_plugin_cache_dir = "/Users/<user>/.terraform/plugin-cache-dir
# tfc_api_token is the Terraform Cloud QTI Organization API token. We need this
# to download the enos Terraform provider and the enos Terraform modules.
# tfc_api_token = "XXXXX.atlasv1.XXXXX..."
# ui_test_filter is the test filter to limit the ui tests to execute for the ui scenario. It will
# be appended to the ember test command as '-f=\"<filter>\"'.
# ui_test_filter = "sometest"
# ui_run_tests sets whether to run the UI tests or not for the ui scenario. If set to false a
# cluster will be created but no tests will be run.
# ui_run_tests = true
# ubuntu_distro_version is the version of ubuntu to use for "distro:ubuntu" variants
# ubuntu_distro_version = "22.04" // or "20.04", "18.04"
# vault_artifact_path is the path to CRT generated or local bundle. When
# using the "builder:local" variant a bundle will be built from the current branch.
# In CI it will use the output of the build workflow.
# vault_artifact_path = "./dist/"
# vault_artifact_type is the type of Vault artifact to use when installing Vault from artifactory.
# It should be 'package' for .deb or # .rpm package and 'bundle' for .zip bundles"
# vault_artifact_type = "bundle"
# vault_autopilot_initial_release is the version of Vault to deploy before doing an autopilot upgrade
# to the test artifact.
# vault_autopilot_initial_release = {
# edition = "ent"
# version = "1.11.0"
# }
# }
# vault_build_date is the build date for Vault artifact. Some validations will require the binary build
# date to match"
# vault_build_date = "2023-07-07T14:06:37Z" // make ci-get-date for example
# vault_enable_audit_devices sets whether or not to enable every audit device. It true
# a file audit device will be enabled at the path /var/log/vault_audit.log, the syslog
# audit device will be enabled, and a socket audit device connecting to
# will be enabled. The netcat program is run in listening mode to provide an endpoint
# that the socket audit device can connect to.
# vault_enable_audit_devices = true
# vault_install_dir is the directory where the vault binary will be installed on
# the remote machines.
# vault_install_dir = "/opt/vault/bin"
# vault_local_binary_path is the path of the local binary that we're upgrading to.
# vault_local_binary_path = "./support/vault"
# vault_instance_type is the instance type to use for the Vault backend
# vault_instance_type = "t3.small"
# vault_instance_count is how many instances to create for the Vault cluster.
# vault_instance_count = 3
# vault_license_path is the path to a valid Vault enterprise edition license.
# This is only required for non-oss editions"
# vault_license_path = "./support/vault.hclic"
# vault_local_build_tags override the build tags we pass to the Go compiler for builder:local variants.
# vault_local_build_tags = ["ui", "ent"]
# vault_log_level is the server log level for Vault logs. Supported values (in order of detail) are
# trace, debug, info, warn, and err."
# vault_log_level = "trace"
# vault_product_version is the version of Vault we are testing. Some validations will expect the vault
# binary and cluster to report this version.
# vault_product_version = "1.15.0"
# vault_upgrade_initial_release is the Vault release to deploy before upgrading.
# vault_revision is the git sha of Vault artifact we are testing. Some validations will expect the vault
# binary and cluster to report this revision.
# vault_revision = "df733361af26f8bb29b63704168bbc5ab8d083de"
# vault_upgrade_initial_release is the Vault release to deploy before doing an in-place upgrade.
# vault_upgrade_initial_release = {
# edition = "oss"
# // Vault 1.10.5 has a known issue with retry_join.
# version = "1.10.4"
# }
# }