
450 lines
14 KiB

package vault
import (
// HandleRequest is used to handle a new incoming request
func (c *Core) HandleRequest(req *logical.Request) (resp *logical.Response, err error) {
defer c.stateLock.RUnlock()
if c.sealed {
return nil, ErrSealed
if c.standby {
return nil, ErrStandby
// Allowing writing to a path ending in / makes it extremely difficult to
// understand user intent for the filesystem-like backends (generic,
// cubbyhole) -- did they want a key named foo/ or did they want to write
// to a directory foo/ with no (or forgotten) key, or...? It also affects
// lookup, because paths ending in / are considered prefixes by some
// backends. Basically, it's all just terrible, so don't allow it.
if strings.HasSuffix(req.Path, "/") &&
(req.Operation == logical.UpdateOperation ||
req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation) {
return logical.ErrorResponse("cannot write to a path ending in '/'"), nil
var auth *logical.Auth
if c.router.LoginPath(req.Path) {
resp, auth, err = c.handleLoginRequest(req)
} else {
resp, auth, err = c.handleRequest(req)
// Ensure we don't leak internal data
if resp != nil {
if resp.Secret != nil {
resp.Secret.InternalData = nil
if resp.Auth != nil {
resp.Auth.InternalData = nil
// We are wrapping if there is anything to wrap (not a nil response) and a
// TTL was specified for the token
wrapping := resp != nil && resp.WrapInfo != nil && resp.WrapInfo.TTL != 0
if wrapping {
cubbyResp, err := c.wrapInCubbyhole(req, resp)
// If not successful, returns either an error response from the
// cubbyhole backend or an error; if either is set, return
if cubbyResp != nil || err != nil {
return cubbyResp, err
// Create an audit trail of the response
if err := c.auditBroker.LogResponse(auth, req, resp, err); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit response (request path: %s): %v",
req.Path, err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
// If we are wrapping, now is when we create a new response object with the
// wrapped information, since the original response has been audit logged
if wrapping {
wrappingResp := &logical.Response{
WrapInfo: resp.WrapInfo,
resp = wrappingResp
func (c *Core) handleRequest(req *logical.Request) (retResp *logical.Response, retAuth *logical.Auth, retErr error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"core", "handle_request"}, time.Now())
// Validate the token
auth, te, ctErr := c.checkToken(req)
// We run this logic first because we want to decrement the use count even in the case of an error
if te != nil {
// Attempt to use the token (decrement NumUses)
var err error
te, err = c.tokenStore.UseToken(te)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to use token: %v", err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, nil, retErr
if te == nil {
// Token has been revoked by this point
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, logical.ErrPermissionDenied)
return nil, nil, retErr
if te.NumUses == -1 {
// We defer a revocation until after logic has run, since this is a
// valid request (this is the token's final use). We pass the ID in
// directly just to be safe in case something else modifies te later.
defer func(id string) {
err = c.tokenStore.Revoke(id)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to revoke token: %v", err)
retResp = nil
retAuth = nil
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
if retResp != nil && retResp.Secret != nil &&
// Some backends return a TTL even without a Lease ID
retResp.Secret.LeaseID != "" {
retResp = logical.ErrorResponse("Secret cannot be returned; token had one use left, so leased credentials were immediately revoked.")
if ctErr != nil {
// If it is an internal error we return that, otherwise we
// return invalid request so that the status codes can be correct
var errType error
switch ctErr {
case ErrInternalError, logical.ErrPermissionDenied:
errType = ctErr
errType = logical.ErrInvalidRequest
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(auth, req, ctErr); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path (%s): %v",
req.Path, err)
if errType != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, errType)
return logical.ErrorResponse(ctErr.Error()), nil, retErr
// Attach the display name
req.DisplayName = auth.DisplayName
// Create an audit trail of the request
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(auth, req, nil); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path (%s): %v",
req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Route the request
resp, err := c.router.Route(req)
if resp != nil {
// We don't allow backends to specify this, so ensure it's not set
resp.WrapInfo = nil
if req.WrapTTL != 0 {
resp.WrapInfo = &logical.WrapInfo{
TTL: req.WrapTTL,
// If there is a secret, we must register it with the expiration manager.
// We exclude renewal of a lease, since it does not need to be re-registered
if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "sys/renew/") {
// Get the SystemView for the mount
sysView := c.router.MatchingSystemView(req.Path)
if sysView == nil {
c.logger.Println("[ERR] core: unable to retrieve system view from router")
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Apply the default lease if none given
if resp.Secret.TTL == 0 {
resp.Secret.TTL = sysView.DefaultLeaseTTL()
// Limit the lease duration
maxTTL := sysView.MaxLeaseTTL()
if resp.Secret.TTL > maxTTL {
resp.Secret.TTL = maxTTL
// Generic mounts should return the TTL but not register
// for a lease as this provides a massive slowdown
registerLease := true
matchingBackend := c.router.MatchingBackend(req.Path)
if matchingBackend == nil {
c.logger.Println("[ERR] core: unable to retrieve generic backend from router")
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
if ptbe, ok := matchingBackend.(*PassthroughBackend); ok {
if !ptbe.GeneratesLeases() {
registerLease = false
resp.Secret.Renewable = false
if registerLease {
leaseID, err := c.expiration.Register(req, resp)
if err != nil {
"[ERR] core: failed to register lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
resp.Secret.LeaseID = leaseID
// Only the token store is allowed to return an auth block, for any
// other request this is an internal error. We exclude renewal of a token,
// since it does not need to be re-registered
if resp != nil && resp.Auth != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "auth/token/renew") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "auth/token/") {
"[ERR] core: unexpected Auth response for non-token backend "+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Register with the expiration manager. We use the token's actual path
// here because roles allow suffixes.
te, err := c.tokenStore.Lookup(resp.Auth.ClientToken)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to lookup token: %v", err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, nil, retErr
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, resp.Auth); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, ErrInternalError)
return nil, auth, retErr
// Return the response and error
if err != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, err)
return resp, auth, retErr
// handleLoginRequest is used to handle a login request, which is an
// unauthenticated request to the backend.
func (c *Core) handleLoginRequest(req *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, *logical.Auth, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"core", "handle_login_request"}, time.Now())
// Create an audit trail of the request, auth is not available on login requests
if err := c.auditBroker.LogRequest(nil, req, nil); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to audit request with path %s: %v",
req.Path, err)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// Route the request
resp, err := c.router.Route(req)
// A login request should never return a secret!
if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: unexpected Secret response for login path"+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// If the response generated an authentication, then generate the token
var auth *logical.Auth
if resp != nil && resp.Auth != nil {
auth = resp.Auth
// Determine the source of the login
source := c.router.MatchingMount(req.Path)
source = strings.TrimPrefix(source, credentialRoutePrefix)
source = strings.Replace(source, "/", "-", -1)
// Prepend the source to the display name
auth.DisplayName = strings.TrimSuffix(source+auth.DisplayName, "-")
sysView := c.router.MatchingSystemView(req.Path)
if sysView == nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: unable to look up sys view for login path"+
"(request path: %s)", req.Path)
return nil, nil, ErrInternalError
// Set the default lease if non-provided, root tokens are exempt
if auth.TTL == 0 && !strutil.StrListContains(auth.Policies, "root") {
auth.TTL = sysView.DefaultLeaseTTL()
// Limit the lease duration
if auth.TTL > sysView.MaxLeaseTTL() {
auth.TTL = sysView.MaxLeaseTTL()
// Generate a token
te := TokenEntry{
Path: req.Path,
Policies: auth.Policies,
Meta: auth.Metadata,
DisplayName: auth.DisplayName,
CreationTime: time.Now().Unix(),
TTL: auth.TTL,
if strutil.StrListSubset(te.Policies, []string{"root"}) {
te.Policies = []string{"root"}
} else {
// Use a map to filter out/prevent duplicates
policyMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, policy := range te.Policies {
if policy == "" {
// Don't allow a policy with no name, even though it is a valid
// slice member
policyMap[policy] = true
// Add the default policy
policyMap["default"] = true
te.Policies = []string{}
for k, _ := range policyMap {
te.Policies = append(te.Policies, k)
if err := c.tokenStore.create(&te); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to create token: %v", err)
return nil, auth, ErrInternalError
// Populate the client token and accessor
auth.ClientToken = te.ID
auth.Accessor = te.Accessor
auth.Policies = te.Policies
// Register with the expiration manager
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, auth); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
return nil, auth, ErrInternalError
// Attach the display name, might be used by audit backends
req.DisplayName = auth.DisplayName
return resp, auth, err
func (c *Core) wrapInCubbyhole(req *logical.Request, resp *logical.Response) (*logical.Response, error) {
// If we are wrapping, the first part (performed in this functions) happens
// before auditing so that resp.WrapInfo.Token can contain the HMAC'd
// wrapping token ID in the audit logs, so that it can be determined from
// the audit logs whether the token was ever actually used.
te := TokenEntry{
Path: req.Path,
Policies: []string{"cubbyhole-response-wrapping"},
CreationTime: time.Now().Unix(),
TTL: resp.WrapInfo.TTL,
NumUses: 1,
if err := c.tokenStore.create(&te); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to create wrapping token: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
resp.WrapInfo.Token = te.ID
httpResponse := logical.SanitizeResponse(resp)
// Because of the way that JSON encodes (likely just in Go) we actually get
// mixed-up values for ints if we simply put this object in the response
// and encode the whole thing; so instead we marshal it first, then store
// the string response. This actually ends up making it easier on the
// client side, too, as it becomes a straight read-string-pass-to-unmarshal
// operation.
marshaledResponse, err := json.Marshal(httpResponse)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to marshal wrapped response: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
cubbyReq := &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.CreateOperation,
Path: "cubbyhole/response",
ClientToken: te.ID,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"response": string(marshaledResponse),
cubbyResp, err := c.router.Route(cubbyReq)
if err != nil {
// Revoke since it's not yet being tracked for expiration
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to store wrapped response information: %v", err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
if cubbyResp != nil && cubbyResp.IsError() {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to store wrapped response information: %v", cubbyResp.Data["error"])
return cubbyResp, nil
auth := &logical.Auth{
ClientToken: te.ID,
Policies: []string{"cubbyhole-response-wrapping"},
LeaseOptions: logical.LeaseOptions{
TTL: te.TTL,
Renewable: false,
// Register the wrapped token with the expiration manager
if err := c.expiration.RegisterAuth(te.Path, auth); err != nil {
// Revoke since it's not yet being tracked for expiration
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] core: failed to register cubbyhole wrapping token lease "+
"(request path: %s): %v", req.Path, err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
return nil, nil