Jordan Reimer 07ce9ba30b
Identity manager secure context fallback (#19403)
* adds check for isSecureContext in identity-manager and falls back to incrementing ids

* adds uuid package to replace crypto.randomUUID

* adds test for okta number challenge nonce value validation
2023-02-28 12:26:10 -07:00

331 lines
11 KiB

import Ember from 'ember';
import { next } from '@ember/runloop';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { match, alias, or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { dasherize } from '@ember/string';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { supportedAuthBackends } from 'vault/helpers/supported-auth-backends';
import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency';
import { waitFor } from '@ember/test-waiters';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
const BACKENDS = supportedAuthBackends();
* @module AuthForm
* The `AuthForm` is used to sign users into Vault.
* @example ```js
* // All properties are passed in via query params.
* <AuthForm @wrappedToken={{wrappedToken}} @cluster={{model}} @namespace={{namespaceQueryParam}} @selectedAuth={{authMethod}} @onSuccess={{action this.onSuccess}}/>```
* @param {string} wrappedToken - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown.
* @param {object} cluster - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown. This corresponds to an Ember Model.
* @param {string} namespace- The currently active namespace.
* @param {string} selectedAuth - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown.
* @param {function} onSuccess - Fired on auth success.
* @param {function} [setOktaNumberChallenge] - Sets whether we are waiting for okta number challenge to be used to sign in.
* @param {boolean} [waitingForOktaNumberChallenge=false] - Determines if we are waiting for the Okta Number Challenge to sign in.
* @param {function} [setCancellingAuth] - Sets whether we are cancelling or not the login authentication for Okta Number Challenge.
* @param {boolean} [cancelAuthForOktaNumberChallenge=false] - Determines if we are cancelling the login authentication for the Okta Number Challenge.
const DEFAULTS = {
token: null,
username: null,
password: null,
customPath: null,
export default Component.extend(DEFAULTS, {
router: service(),
auth: service(),
flashMessages: service(),
store: service(),
csp: service('csp-event'),
// passed in via a query param
selectedAuth: null,
methods: null,
cluster: null,
namespace: null,
wrappedToken: null,
// internal
oldNamespace: null,
authMethods: BACKENDS,
// number answer for okta number challenge if applicable
oktaNumberChallengeAnswer: null,
didReceiveAttrs() {
const {
wrappedToken: token,
oldWrappedToken: oldToken,
oldNamespace: oldNS,
namespace: ns,
selectedAuth: newMethod,
oldSelectedAuth: oldMethod,
cancelAuthForOktaNumberChallenge: cancelAuth,
} = this;
// if we are cancelling the login then we reset the number challenge answer and cancel the current authenticate and polling tasks
if (cancelAuth) {
this.set('oktaNumberChallengeAnswer', null);
next(() => {
if (!token && (oldNS === null || oldNS !== ns)) {
this.set('oldNamespace', ns);
// we only want to trigger this once
if (token && !oldToken) {
this.set('oldWrappedToken', token);
if (oldMethod && oldMethod !== newMethod) {
this.set('oldSelectedAuth', newMethod);
didRender() {
// on very narrow viewports the active tab may be overflowed, so we scroll it into view here
const activeEle = this.element.querySelector('');
if (activeEle) {
next(() => {
const firstMethod = this.firstMethod();
// set `with` to the first method
if (
!this.wrappedToken &&
((this.fetchMethods.isIdle && firstMethod && !this.selectedAuth) ||
(this.selectedAuth && !this.selectedAuthBackend))
) {
this.set('selectedAuth', firstMethod);
firstMethod() {
const firstMethod = this.methodsToShow.firstObject;
if (!firstMethod) return;
// prefer backends with a path over those with a type
return firstMethod.path || firstMethod.type;
resetDefaults() {
getAuthBackend(type) {
const { wrappedToken, methods, selectedAuth, selectedAuthIsPath: keyIsPath } = this;
const selected = type || selectedAuth;
if (!methods && !wrappedToken) {
return {};
// if type is provided we can ignore path since we are attempting to lookup a specific backend by type
if (keyIsPath && !type) {
return methods.findBy('path', selected);
return BACKENDS.findBy('type', selected);
selectedAuthIsPath: match('selectedAuth', /\/$/),
selectedAuthBackend: computed(
function () {
return this.getAuthBackend();
providerName: computed('selectedAuthBackend.type', function () {
if (!this.selectedAuthBackend) {
let type = this.selectedAuthBackend.type || 'token';
type = type.toLowerCase();
const templateName = dasherize(type);
return templateName;
hasCSPError: alias('csp.connectionViolations.firstObject'),
cspErrorText: `This is a standby Vault node but can't communicate with the active node via request forwarding. Sign in at the active node to use the Vault UI.`,
allSupportedMethods: computed('methodsToShow', 'hasMethodsWithPath', function () {
const hasMethodsWithPath = this.hasMethodsWithPath;
const methodsToShow = this.methodsToShow;
return hasMethodsWithPath ? methodsToShow.concat(BACKENDS) : methodsToShow;
hasMethodsWithPath: computed('methodsToShow', function () {
return this.methodsToShow.isAny('path');
methodsToShow: computed('methods', function () {
const methods = this.methods || [];
const shownMethods = methods.filter((m) =>
BACKENDS.find((b) => b.type.toLowerCase() === m.type.toLowerCase())
return shownMethods.length ? shownMethods : BACKENDS;
unwrapToken: task(
waitFor(function* (token) {
// will be using the Token Auth Method, so set it here
this.set('selectedAuth', 'token');
const adapter ='tools');
try {
const response = yield adapter.toolAction('unwrap', null, { clientToken: token });
this.set('token', response.auth.client_token);
} catch (e) {
this.set('error', `Token unwrap failed: ${e.errors[0]}`);
fetchMethods: task(
waitFor(function* () {
const store =;
try {
const methods = yield store.findAll('auth-method', {
adapterOptions: {
unauthenticated: true,
'methods', => {
const method = m.serialize({ includeId: true });
return {
mountDescription: method.description,
next(() => {
} catch (e) {
this.set('error', `There was an error fetching Auth Methods: ${e.errors[0]}`);
showLoading: or('isLoading', 'authenticate.isRunning', 'fetchMethods.isRunning', 'unwrapToken.isRunning'),
authenticate: task(
waitFor(function* (backendType, data) {
const {
cluster: { id: clusterId },
} = this;
try {
if (backendType === 'okta') {
this.pollForOktaNumberChallenge.perform(data.nonce, data.path);
} else {
const authResponse = yield this.auth.authenticate({
backend: backendType,
this.onSuccess(authResponse, backendType, data);
} catch (e) {
this.set('isLoading', false);
if (!this.auth.mfaError) {
this.set('error', `Authentication failed: ${this.auth.handleError(e)}`);
pollForOktaNumberChallenge: task(function* (nonce, mount) {
// yield for 1s to wait to see if there is a login error before polling
yield timeout(1000);
if (this.error) {
let response = null;
// keep polling /auth/okta/verify/:nonce API every 1s until a response is given with the correct number for the Okta Number Challenge
while (response === null) {
// when testing, the polling loop causes promises to be rejected making acceptance tests fail
// so disable the poll in tests
if (Ember.testing) {
yield timeout(1000);
response = yield this.auth.getOktaNumberChallengeAnswer(nonce, mount);
this.set('oktaNumberChallengeAnswer', response);
delayAuthMessageReminder: task(function* () {
if (Ember.testing) {
yield timeout(0);
} else {
yield timeout(5000);
actions: {
doSubmit(passedData, event, token) {
if (event) {
if (token) {
this.set('token', token);
this.set('error', null);
// if callback from oidc or jwt we have a token at this point
const backend = token ? this.getAuthBackend('token') : this.selectedAuthBackend || {};
const backendMeta = BACKENDS.find(
(b) => (b.type || '').toLowerCase() === (backend.type || '').toLowerCase()
const attributes = (backendMeta || {}).formAttributes || [];
const data = this.getProperties(...attributes);
if (passedData) {
Object.assign(data, passedData);
if (this.customPath || {
data.path = this.customPath ||;
// add nonce field for okta backend
if (backend.type === 'okta') {
data.nonce = uuidv4();
// add a default path of okta if it doesn't exist to be used for Okta Number Challenge
if (!data.path) {
data.path = 'okta';
return this.authenticate.unlinked().perform(backend.type, data);
handleError(e) {
isLoading: false,
error: e ? this.auth.handleError(e) : null,
returnToLoginFromOktaNumberChallenge() {
this.set('oktaNumberChallengeAnswer', null);