409 lines
17 KiB
409 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import * as asn1js from 'asn1js';
import { fromBase64, stringToArrayBuffer } from 'pvutils';
import { Certificate } from 'pkijs';
import { differenceInHours, getUnixTime } from 'date-fns';
import {
} from './parse-pki-cert-oids';
It may be helpful to visualize a certificate's SEQUENCE structure alongside this parsing file.
You can do so by decoding a certificate here: https://lapo.it/asn1js/#
A certificate is encoded in ASN.1 data - a SEQUENCE is how you define structures in ASN.1.
GeneralNames, Extension, AlgorithmIdentifier are all examples of SEQUENCEs
* Error handling:
{ can_parse: false } -> returned if the external library cannot convert the certificate
{ parsing_errors: [] } -> returned if the certificate was converted, but there's ANY problem parsing certificate details.
This means we cannot cross-sign in the UI and prompt the user to do so manually using the CLI.
export function jsonToCertObject(jsonString) {
const cert_base64 = jsonString.replace(/(-----(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE-----|\n)/g, '');
const cert_der = fromBase64(cert_base64);
const cert_asn1 = asn1js.fromBER(stringToArrayBuffer(cert_der));
return new Certificate({ schema: cert_asn1.result });
export function parseCertificate(certificateContent) {
let cert;
try {
cert = jsonToCertObject(certificateContent);
} catch (error) {
console.debug('DEBUG: Converting Certificate', error); // eslint-disable-line
return { can_parse: false };
let parsedCertificateValues;
try {
const subjectValues = parseSubject(cert?.subject?.typesAndValues);
const extensionValues = parseExtensions(cert?.extensions);
const [signature_bits, use_pss] = mapSignatureBits(cert?.signatureAlgorithm);
const formattedValues = formatValues(subjectValues, extensionValues);
parsedCertificateValues = { ...formattedValues, signature_bits, use_pss };
} catch (error) {
console.debug('DEBUG: Parsing Certificate', error); // eslint-disable-line
parsedCertificateValues = { parsing_errors: [new Error('error parsing certificate values')] };
const expiryDate = cert?.notAfter?.value;
const issueDate = cert?.notBefore?.value;
const ttl = `${differenceInHours(expiryDate, issueDate)}h`;
return {
can_parse: true,
not_valid_after: getUnixTime(expiryDate),
not_valid_before: getUnixTime(issueDate),
export function parsePkiCert(model) {
// model has to be the responseJSON from PKI serializer
// return if no certificate or if the "certificate" is actually a CRL
if (!model.certificate || model.certificate.includes('BEGIN X509 CRL')) {
return parseCertificate(model.certificate);
export function formatValues(subject, extension) {
if (!subject || !extension) {
return { parsing_errors: [new Error('error formatting certificate values')] };
const { subjValues, subjErrors } = subject;
const { extValues, extErrors } = extension;
const parsing_errors = [...subjErrors, ...extErrors];
const exclude_cn_from_sans =
extValues.alt_names?.length > 0 && !extValues.alt_names?.includes(subjValues?.common_name) ? true : false;
// now that we've finished parsing data, join all extension arrays
for (const ext in extValues) {
if (Array.isArray(extValues[ext])) {
extValues[ext] = extValues[ext].length !== 0 ? extValues[ext].join(', ') : null;
return {
Explanation of cross-signing and how to use the verify function:
(See setup script here: https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-tools/blob/main/vault-ui/pki/pki-cross-sign-config.sh)
1. A trust chain exists between "old-parent-issuer-name" -> "old-intermediate"
2. We create a new root, "my-parent-issuer-name" to phase out the old one
* cross-signing step performed in the UI *
3. Cross-sign "old-intermediate" against new root "my-parent-issuer-name" which generates a new intermediate issuer,
"newly-cross-signed-int-name", to phase out the old intermediate
* validate cross-signing accurately copied the old intermediate issuer *
4. Generate a leaf certificate from "newly-cross-signed-int-name", let's call it "baby-leaf"
5. Verify that "baby-leaf" validates against both chains:
"old-parent-issuer-name" -> "old-intermediate" -> "baby-leaf"
"my-parent-issuer-name" -> "newly-cross-signed-int-name" -> "baby-leaf"
We're just concerned with the link between the leaf and both intermediates
to confirm the UI performed the cross-sign correctly
(which already assumes the link between each parent and intermediate is valid)
verifyCertificates(oldIntermediate, crossSignedCert, leaf)
export async function verifyCertificates(certA, certB, leaf) {
const parsedCertA = jsonToCertObject(certA);
const parsedCertB = jsonToCertObject(certB);
if (leaf) {
const parsedLeaf = jsonToCertObject(leaf);
const chainA = await verifySignature(parsedCertA, parsedLeaf);
const chainB = await verifySignature(parsedCertB, parsedLeaf);
// the leaf's issuer should be equal to the subject data of the intermediate certs
const isEqualA = parsedLeaf.issuer.isEqual(parsedCertA.subject);
const isEqualB = parsedLeaf.issuer.isEqual(parsedCertB.subject);
return chainA && chainB && isEqualA && isEqualB;
// can be used to validate if a certificate is self-signed (i.e. a root cert), by passing it as both certA and B
return (await verifySignature(parsedCertA, parsedCertB)) && parsedCertA.issuer.isEqual(parsedCertB.subject);
export async function verifySignature(parent, child) {
try {
return await child.verify(parent);
} catch (error) {
// ed25519 is an unsupported signature algorithm and so verify() errors
// SKID (subject key ID) is the byte array of the key identifier
// AKID (authority key ID) is a SEQUENCE-type extension that includes the key identifier and potentially other information.
const skidExtension = parent.extensions.find((ext) => ext.extnID === OTHER_OIDs.subject_key_identifier);
const akidExtension = parent.extensions.find((ext) => ext.extnID === OTHER_OIDs.authority_key_identifier);
// return false if either extension is missing
// this could mean a false-negative but that's okay for our use-case
if (!skidExtension || !akidExtension) return false;
const skid = new Uint8Array(skidExtension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
const akid = new Uint8Array(akidExtension.extnValue.valueBlock.valueHex);
// Check that AKID includes the SKID, which saves us from parsing the AKID and is unlikely to return false-positives.
return akid.toString().includes(skid.toString());
We wish to get each SUBJECT_OIDs (see utils/parse-pki-cert-oids.js) out of this certificate's subject.
A subject is a list of RDNs, where each RDN is a (type, value) tuple
and where a type is an OID. The OID for CN can be found here:
Each value is then encoded as another ASN.1 object; in the case of a
CommonName field, this is usually a PrintableString, BMPString, or a
UTF8String. Regardless of encoding, it should be present in the
valueBlock's value field if it is renderable.
export function parseSubject(subject) {
if (!subject) return null;
const values = {};
const errors = [];
const isUnexpectedSubjectOid = (rdn) => !Object.values(SUBJECT_OIDs).includes(rdn.type);
if (subject.any(isUnexpectedSubjectOid)) {
const unknown = subject.filter(isUnexpectedSubjectOid).map((rdn) => rdn.type);
errors.push(new Error('certificate contains unsupported subject OIDs: ' + unknown.join(', ')));
const returnValues = (OID) => {
const values = subject.filter((rdn) => rdn?.type === OID).map((rdn) => rdn?.value?.valueBlock?.value);
// Theoretically, there might be multiple (or no) CommonNames -- but Vault
// presently refuses to issue certificates without CommonNames in most
// cases. For now, return the first CommonName we find. Alternatively, we
// might update our callers to handle multiple and return a string array
return values ? (values?.length ? values[0] : null) : null;
Object.keys(SUBJECT_OIDs).forEach((key) => (values[key] = returnValues(SUBJECT_OIDs[key])));
return { subjValues: values, subjErrors: errors };
export function parseExtensions(extensions) {
if (!extensions) return null;
const values = {};
const errors = [];
const allowedOids = Object.values({ ...EXTENSION_OIDs, ...OTHER_OIDs });
const isUnknownExtension = (ext) => !allowedOids.includes(ext.extnID);
if (extensions.any(isUnknownExtension)) {
const unknown = extensions.filter(isUnknownExtension).map((ext) => ext.extnID);
errors.push(new Error('certificate contains unsupported extension OIDs: ' + unknown.join(', ')));
// make each extension its own key/value pair
for (const attrName in EXTENSION_OIDs) {
values[attrName] = extensions.find((ext) => ext.extnID === EXTENSION_OIDs[attrName])?.parsedValue;
if (values.subject_alt_name) {
// we only support SANs of type 2 (altNames), 6 (uri) and 7 (ipAddress)
const supportedTypes = Object.values(SAN_TYPES);
const supportedNames = Object.keys(SAN_TYPES);
const sans = values.subject_alt_name?.altNames;
if (!sans) {
errors.push(new Error('certificate contains an unsupported subjectAltName construction'));
} else if (sans.any((san) => !supportedTypes.includes(san.type))) {
// pass along error that unsupported values exist
errors.push(new Error('subjectAltName contains unsupported types'));
// still check and parse any supported values
if (sans.any((san) => supportedTypes.includes(san.type))) {
supportedNames.forEach((attrName) => {
values[attrName] = sans
.filter((gn) => gn.type === Number(SAN_TYPES[attrName]))
.map((gn) => gn.value);
} else if (sans.every((san) => supportedTypes.includes(san.type))) {
supportedNames.forEach((attrName) => {
values[attrName] = sans.filter((gn) => gn.type === Number(SAN_TYPES[attrName])).map((gn) => gn.value);
} else {
errors.push(new Error('unsupported subjectAltName values'));
// permitted_dns_domains
if (values.name_constraints) {
// we only support Name Constraints of dnsName (type 2), this value lives in the permittedSubtree of the Name Constraints sequence
// permittedSubtrees contain an array of subtree objects, each object has a 'base' key and EITHER a 'minimum' or 'maximum' key
// GeneralSubtree { "base": { "type": 2, "value": "dnsname1.com" }, minimum: 0 }
const nameConstraints = values.name_constraints;
if (Object.keys(nameConstraints).includes('excludedSubtrees')) {
errors.push(new Error('nameConstraints contains excludedSubtrees'));
} else if (nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.any((subtree) => subtree.minimum !== 0)) {
errors.push(new Error('nameConstraints permittedSubtree contains non-zero minimums'));
} else if (nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.any((subtree) => subtree.maximum)) {
errors.push(new Error('nameConstraints permittedSubtree contains maximum'));
} else if (nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.any((subtree) => subtree.base.type !== 2)) {
errors.push(new Error('nameConstraints permittedSubtree can only contain dnsName (type 2)'));
// still check and parse any supported values
if (nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.any((subtree) => subtree.base.type === 2)) {
values.permitted_dns_domains = nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees
.filter((gn) => gn.base.type === 2)
.map((gn) => gn.base.value);
} else if (nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.every((subtree) => subtree.base.type === 2)) {
values.permitted_dns_domains = nameConstraints.permittedSubtrees.map((gn) => gn.base.value);
} else {
errors.push(new Error('unsupported nameConstraints values'));
if (values.basic_constraints) {
values.max_path_length = values.basic_constraints?.pathLenConstraint;
if (values.ip_sans) {
const parsed_ips = [];
for (const ip_san of values.ip_sans) {
const unused = ip_san.valueBlock.unusedBits;
if (unused !== undefined && unused !== null && unused !== 0) {
errors.push(new Error('unsupported ip_san value: non-zero unused bits in encoding'));
const ip = new Uint8Array(ip_san.valueBlock.valueHex);
// Length of the IP determines the type: 4 bytes for IPv4, 16 bytes for
// IPv6.
if (ip.length === 4) {
const ip_addr = ip.join('.');
} else if (ip.length === 16) {
const src = new Array(...ip);
const hex = src.map((value) => '0' + new Number(value).toString(16));
const trimmed = hex.map((value) => value.slice(value.length - 2, 3));
// add a colon after every other number (those with an odd index)
let ip_addr = trimmed.map((value, index) => (index % 2 === 0 ? value : value + ':')).join('');
// Remove trailing :, if any.
ip_addr = ip_addr.slice(-1) === ':' ? ip_addr.slice(0, -1) : ip_addr;
} else {
new Error(
'unsupported ip_san value: unknown IP address size (should be 4 or 16 bytes, was ' +
parseInt(ip.length / 2) +
values.ip_sans = parsed_ips;
if (values.key_usage) {
// KeyUsage is a big-endian bit-packed enum. Unused right-most bits are
// truncated. So, a KeyUsage with CertSign+CRLSign would be "000001100",
// with the right two bits truncated, and packed into an 8-bit, one-byte
// string ("00000011"), introducing a leading zero. unused indicates that
// this bit can be discard, shifting our result over by one, to go back
// to its original form (minus trailing zeros).
// We can thus take our enumeration (KEY_USAGE_BITS), check whether the
// bits are asserted, and push in our pretty names as appropriate.
const unused = values.key_usage.valueBlock.unusedBits;
const keyUsage = new Uint8Array(values.key_usage.valueBlock.valueHex);
const computedKeyUsages = [];
for (const enumIndex in KEY_USAGE_BITS) {
// May span two bytes.
const byteIndex = parseInt(enumIndex / 8);
const bitIndex = parseInt(enumIndex % 8);
const enumName = KEY_USAGE_BITS[enumIndex];
const mask = 1 << (8 - bitIndex); // Big endian.
if (byteIndex >= keyUsage.length) {
// DecipherOnly is rare and would push into a second byte, but we
// don't have one so exit.
let enumByte = keyUsage[byteIndex];
const needsAdjust = byteIndex + 1 === keyUsage.length && unused > 0;
if (needsAdjust) {
enumByte = parseInt(enumByte << unused);
const isSet = (mask & enumByte) === mask;
if (isSet) {
// Vault currently doesn't allow setting key_usage during issuer
// generation, but will allow it if it comes in via an externally
// generated CSR. Validate that key_usage matches expectations and
// prune accordingly.
const expectedUsages = ['CertSign', 'CRLSign'];
const isUnexpectedKeyUsage = (ext) => !expectedUsages.includes(ext);
if (computedKeyUsages.any(isUnexpectedKeyUsage)) {
const unknown = computedKeyUsages.filter(isUnexpectedKeyUsage);
errors.push(new Error('unsupported key usage value on issuer certificate: ' + unknown.join(', ')));
values.key_usage = computedKeyUsages;
if (values.other_sans) {
// We need to parse these into their server-side values.
const parsed_sans = [];
for (const san of values.other_sans) {
let [objectId, constructed] = san.valueBlock.value;
objectId = objectId.toJSON().valueBlock.value;
constructed = constructed.valueBlock.value[0].toJSON(); // can I just grab the first element here?
const { blockName } = constructed;
const value = constructed.valueBlock.value;
parsed_sans.push(`${objectId};${blockName.replace('String', '')}:${value}`);
values.other_sans = parsed_sans;
delete values.subject_alt_name;
delete values.basic_constraints;
delete values.name_constraints;
return { extValues: values, extErrors: errors };
values is an object with keys from EXTENSION_OIDs and SAN_TYPES
values = {
"alt_names": string[],
"uri_sans": string[],
"permitted_dns_domains": string[],
"max_path_length": int,
"key_usage": ['CertSign', 'CRLSign'],
"ip_sans": ['', '1234:fd2:5621:1:89::4500'],
function mapSignatureBits(sigAlgo) {
const { algorithmId } = sigAlgo;
// use_pss is true, additional OIDs need to be mapped
if (algorithmId === '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10') {
// object identifier for PSS is very nested
const objId = sigAlgo.algorithmParams?.valueBlock?.value[0]?.valueBlock?.value[0]?.valueBlock?.value[0]
.split(' : ')[1];
return [SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_OIDs[algorithmId][objId], true];
return [SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_OIDs[algorithmId], false];