import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { reject } from 'rsvp'; import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency'; import Ember from 'ember'; import ClusterRoute from 'vault/mixins/cluster-route'; import ModelBoundaryRoute from 'vault/mixins/model-boundary-route'; const POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 10000; export default Route.extend(ModelBoundaryRoute, ClusterRoute, { namespaceService: service('namespace'), version: service(), permissions: service(), store: service(), auth: service(), currentCluster: service(), modelTypes: computed(function() { return ['node', 'secret', 'secret-engine']; }), queryParams: { namespaceQueryParam: { refreshModel: true, }, }, getClusterId(params) { const { cluster_name } = params; const cluster = this.modelFor('vault').findBy('name', cluster_name); return cluster ? cluster.get('id') : null; }, async beforeModel() { const params = this.paramsFor(this.routeName); this.namespaceService.setNamespace(params.namespaceQueryParam); const id = this.getClusterId(params); if (id) { this.auth.setCluster(id); await this.permissions.getPaths.perform(); return this.version.fetchFeatures(); } else { return reject({ httpStatus: 404, message: 'not found', path: params.cluster_name }); } }, model(params) { const id = this.getClusterId(params); return'cluster', id); }, poll: task(function*() { while (true) { // when testing, the polling loop causes promises to never settle so acceptance tests hang // to get around that, we just disable the poll in tests if (Ember.testing) { return; } yield timeout(POLL_INTERVAL_MS); try { yield this.controller.model.reload(); yield this.transitionToTargetRoute(); } catch (e) { // we want to keep polling here } } }) .cancelOn('deactivate') .keepLatest(), afterModel(model, transition) { this._super(...arguments); this.currentCluster.setCluster(model); // Check that namespaces is enabled and if not, // clear the namespace by transition to this route w/o it if (this.namespaceService.path && !this.version.hasNamespaces) { return this.transitionTo(this.routeName, { queryParams: { namespace: '' } }); } return this.transitionToTargetRoute(transition); }, setupController() { this._super(...arguments); this.poll.perform(); }, actions: { error(e) { if (e.httpStatus === 503 && e.errors[0] === 'Vault is sealed') { this.refresh(); } return true; }, }, });