import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; export default Controller.extend({ flashMessages: service(), wizard: service(), queryParams: { page: 'page', pageFilter: 'pageFilter', }, filter: null, page: 1, pageFilter: null, filterFocused: false, // set via the route `loading` action isLoading: false, filterMatchesKey: computed('filter', 'model', 'model.[]', function() { var filter = this.filter; var content = this.model; return !!(content && content.length && content.findBy('id', filter)); }), firstPartialMatch: computed('filter', 'model', 'model.[]', 'filterMatchesKey', function() { var filter = this.filter; var content = this.model; if (!content) { return; } var filterMatchesKey = this.filterMatchesKey; var re = new RegExp('^' + filter); return filterMatchesKey ? null : content.find(function(key) { return re.test(key.get('id')); }); }), actions: { setFilter: function(val) { this.set('filter', val); }, setFilterFocus: function(bool) { this.set('filterFocused', bool); }, deletePolicy(model) { let policyType = model.get('policyType'); let name =; let flash = this.flashMessages; model .destroyRecord() .then(() => { // this will clear the dataset cache on the store this.send('reload'); flash.success(`${policyType.toUpperCase()} policy "${name}" was successfully deleted.`); if (this.wizard.featureState === 'delete') { this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine('delete', 'CONTINUE', policyType); } }) .catch(e => { let errors = e.errors ? e.errors.join('') : e.message; flash.danger( `There was an error deleting the ${policyType.toUpperCase()} policy "${name}": ${errors}.` ); }); }, }, });