import apiPath from 'vault/utils/api-path'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; module('Unit | Util | api path', function () { test('it returns a function', function (assert) { const ret = apiPath`foo`; assert.strictEqual(typeof ret, 'function'); }); test('it iterpolates strings from passed context object', function (assert) { const ret = apiPath`foo/${'one'}/${'two'}`; const result = ret({ one: 1, two: 2 }); assert.strictEqual(result, 'foo/1/2', 'returns the expected string'); }); test('it throws when the key is not found in the context', function (assert) { const ret = apiPath`foo/${'one'}/${'two'}`; assert.throws(() => { ret({ one: 1 }); }, /Error: Assertion Failed: Expected 2 keys in apiPath context, only recieved one/); }); });