import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import trimRight from 'vault/utils/trim-right'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; /** * @module PolicyForm * PolicyForm components are the forms to create and edit all types of policies. This is only the form, not the outlying layout, and expects that the form model is passed from the parent. * * @example * * ``` * @callback onCancel - callback triggered when cancel button is clicked * @callback onSave - callback triggered when save button is clicked. Passes saved model * @param {object} model - ember data model from createRecord */ export default class PolicyFormComponent extends Component { @service flashMessages; @tracked errorBanner = ''; @tracked file = null; @tracked showFileUpload = false; @task *save(event) { event.preventDefault(); try { const { name, policyType, isNew } = this.args.model; yield; this.flashMessages.success( `${policyType.toUpperCase()} policy "${name}" was successfully ${isNew ? 'created' : 'updated'}.` ); this.args.onSave(this.args.model); } catch (error) { const message = error.errors ? error.errors.join('. ') : error.message; this.errorBanner = message; } } @action setModelName({ target }) { = target.value.toLowerCase(); } @action setPolicyFromFile(index, fileInfo) { const { value, fileName } = fileInfo; this.args.model.policy = value; if (! { const trimmedFileName = trimRight(fileName, ['.json', '.txt', '.hcl', '.policy']); = trimmedFileName.toLowerCase(); } this.showFileUpload = false; } @action cancel() { const method = this.args.model.isNew ? 'unloadRecord' : 'rollbackAttributes'; this.args.model[method](); this.args.onCancel(); } }