import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, fillIn, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; module('Integration | Component | regex-validator', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test('it renders input and validation messages', async function (assert) { let attr = EmberObject.create({ name: 'example', }); let spy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', spy); this.set('attr', attr); this.set('value', '(\\d{4})'); this.set('labelString', 'Regex Example'); await render( hbs`` ); assert.dom('.regex-label label').hasText('Regex Example', 'Label is correct'); assert.dom('[data-test-toggle-input="example-validation-toggle"]').exists('Validation toggle exists'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string]').doesNotExist('Test string input does not show'); await click('[data-test-toggle-input="example-validation-toggle"]'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string]').exists('Test string input shows after toggle'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string] label') .hasText('Test string', 'Test input label renders'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string] .sub-text') .doesNotExist('Test input sub text is hidden when not provided'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validation-message]') .doesNotExist('Validation message does not show if test string is empty'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', '123a'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-validation-message]').exists('Validation message shows after input filled'); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-error-message]') .hasText( 'This test string does not match the pattern regex.', 'Shows error when regex does not match string' ); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', '1234'); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-success-message]') .hasText('This test string matches the pattern regex.', 'Shows success when regex matches'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', '12345'); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-error-message]') .hasText( 'This test string does not match the pattern regex.', "Shows error if regex doesn't match complete string" ); await fillIn('[data-test-input="example"]', '(\\d{5})'); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce, 'Calls the passed onChange function when main input is changed'); }); test('it renders test input only when attr is not provided', async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ value: null, label: 'Sample input', subText: 'Some text to further describe the input', }); await render(hbs` `); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-pattern]') .doesNotExist('Pattern input is hidden when attr is not provided'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string] label') .hasText(this.label, 'Test input label renders'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-test-string] .sub-text') .hasText(this.subText, 'Test input sub text renders'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', 'test'); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-error-message]') .hasText( 'A pattern has not been entered. Enter a pattern to check this sample input against it.', 'Warning renders when test input has value but not regex exists' ); this.set('value', 'test'); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-success-message]') .hasText('This test string matches the pattern regex.', 'Shows success when regex matches'); this.set('value', 'foo'); await settled(); assert .dom('[data-test-inline-error-message]') .hasText( 'This test string does not match the pattern regex.', 'Pattern is validated on external value change' ); }); test('it renders capture groups', async function (assert) { this.set('value', '(test)(?\\d?)'); await render(hbs` `); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', 'foobar'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-validator-groups-placeholder]') .exists('Placeholder is shown when regex does not match test input value'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="regex-test-val"]', 'test8'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-group-position="$1"]').hasText('$1', 'First capture group position renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-group-value="$1"]').hasText('test', 'First capture group value renders'); assert .dom('[data-test-regex-group-position="$2"]') .hasText('$2', 'Second capture group position renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-group-value="$2"]').hasText('8', 'Second capture group value renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-group-position="$last"]').hasText('$last', 'Named capture group renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-regex-group-value="$last"]').hasText('8', 'Named capture group value renders'); }); });