/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import validators from 'vault/utils/validators'; module('Unit | Util | validators', function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('it should validate presence', function (assert) { let isValid; const check = (value) => (isValid = validators.presence(value)); check(null); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when value is null'); check(''); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when value is empty string'); check(true); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when value is true'); check(0); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when value is 0 as integer'); check('0'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when value is 0 as string'); }); test('it should validate length', function (assert) { let isValid; const options = { nullable: true, min: 3, max: 5 }; const check = (prop) => (isValid = validators.length(prop, options)); check(null); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when nullable is true'); options.nullable = false; check(null); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when nullable is false'); check('12'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when string not min length'); check('123456'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when string over max length'); check('1234'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when string between min and max length'); check(12); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when integer not min length'); check(123456); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when integer over max length'); check(1234); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when integer between min and max length'); options.min = 1; check(0); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when integer is 0 and min is 1'); check('0'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when string is 0 and min is 1'); }); test('it should validate number', function (assert) { let isValid; const options = { nullable: true }; const check = (prop) => (isValid = validators.number(prop, options)); check(null); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when nullable is true'); options.nullable = false; check(null); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when nullable is false'); check(9); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid for number'); check('9'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid for number as string'); check('foo'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid for string that is not a number'); check('12foo'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid for string that contains a number'); check(0); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid for 0 as an integer'); check('0'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid for 0 as a string'); }); test('it should validate white space', function (assert) { let isValid; const check = (prop) => (isValid = validators.containsWhiteSpace(prop)); check('validText'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when text contains no spaces'); check('valid-text'); assert.true(isValid, 'Valid when text contains no spaces and hyphen'); check('some space'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when text contains single space'); check('text with spaces'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when text contains multiple spaces'); check(' leadingSpace'); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when text has leading whitespace'); check('trailingSpace '); assert.false(isValid, 'Invalid when text has trailing whitespace'); }); });