import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { changelogUrlFor } from '../../../helpers/changelog-url-for'; const CHANGELOG_URL = ''; module('Integration | Helper | changelog-url-for', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test('it builds an enterprise URL', function (assert) { const result = changelogUrlFor(['1.5.0+prem']); assert.equal(result, CHANGELOG_URL.concat('150')); }); test('it builds an OSS URL', function (assert) { const result = changelogUrlFor(['1.4.3']); assert.equal(result, CHANGELOG_URL.concat('143')); }); test('it returns the base changelog URL if the version is less than 1.4.3', function (assert) { const result = changelogUrlFor(['1.4.0']); assert.equal(result, CHANGELOG_URL); }); test('it returns the base changelog URL if version cannot be found', function (assert) { const result = changelogUrlFor(['']); assert.equal(result, CHANGELOG_URL); }); });