import { later, run } from '@ember/runloop'; import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; import { resolve } from 'rsvp'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import fetch from 'fetch'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import authForm from '../../pages/components/auth-form'; const component = create(authForm); const authService = Service.extend({ async authenticate() { return fetch('http://localhost:2000'); }, handleError() {}, setLastFetch() {}, }); const workingAuthService = Service.extend({ authenticate() { return resolve({}); }, handleError() {}, setLastFetch() {}, }); const routerService = Service.extend({ transitionTo() { return { followRedirects() { return resolve(); }, }; }, }); module('Integration | Component | auth form', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.owner.lookup('service:csp-event').attach(); this.owner.register('service:router', routerService); this.router = this.owner.lookup('service:router'); }); hooks.afterEach(function () { this.owner.lookup('service:csp-event').remove(); }); const CSP_ERR_TEXT = `Error This is a standby Vault node but can't communicate with the active node via request forwarding. Sign in at the active node to use the Vault UI.`; test('it renders error on CSP violation', async function (assert) { this.owner.unregister('service:auth'); this.owner.register('service:auth', authService); this.auth = this.owner.lookup('service:auth'); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({ standby: true })); this.set('selectedAuth', 'token'); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster selectedAuth=selectedAuth}}`); assert.equal(component.errorText, ''); component.login(); // because this is an ember-concurrency backed service, // we have to manually force settling the run queue later(() => run.cancelTimers(), 50); return settled().then(() => { assert.equal(component.errorText, CSP_ERR_TEXT); }); }); test('it renders with vault style errors', async function (assert) { let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/auth/**', () => { return [ 400, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ errors: ['Not allowed'], }), ]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); this.set('selectedAuth', 'token'); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster selectedAuth=selectedAuth}}`); return component.login().then(() => { assert.equal(component.errorText, 'Error Authentication failed: Not allowed'); server.shutdown(); }); }); test('it renders AdapterError style errors', async function (assert) { let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/auth/**', () => { return [400, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); this.set('selectedAuth', 'token'); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster selectedAuth=selectedAuth}}`); // ARG TODO research and see if adapter errors changed, but null used to be Bad Request return component.login().then(() => { assert.equal(component.errorText, 'Error Authentication failed: null'); server.shutdown(); }); }); test('it renders no tabs when no methods are passed', async function (assert) { let methods = { 'approle/': { type: 'approle', }, }; let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts', () => { return [200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ data: { auth: methods } })]; }); }); await render(hbs``); assert.equal(component.tabs.length, 0, 'renders a tab for every backend'); server.shutdown(); }); test('it renders all the supported methods and Other tab when methods are present', async function (assert) { let methods = { 'foo/': { type: 'userpass', }, 'approle/': { type: 'approle', }, }; let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts', () => { return [200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ data: { auth: methods } })]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster }}`); assert.equal(component.tabs.length, 2, 'renders a tab for userpass and Other'); assert.equal(component.tabs.objectAt(0).name, 'foo', 'uses the path in the label'); assert.equal(component.tabs.objectAt(1).name, 'Other', 'second tab is the Other tab'); server.shutdown(); }); test('it renders the description', async function (assert) { let methods = { 'approle/': { type: 'userpass', description: 'app description', }, }; let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts', () => { return [200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ data: { auth: methods } })]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster }}`); assert.equal(component.descriptionText, 'app description', 'renders a description for auth methods'); server.shutdown(); }); test('it calls authenticate with the correct path', async function (assert) { this.owner.unregister('service:auth'); this.owner.register('service:auth', workingAuthService); this.auth = this.owner.lookup('service:auth'); let authSpy = sinon.spy(this.auth, 'authenticate'); let methods = { 'foo/': { type: 'userpass', }, }; let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts', () => { return [200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ data: { auth: methods } })]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); this.set('selectedAuth', 'foo/'); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster selectedAuth=selectedAuth}}`); await component.login(); await settled(); assert.ok(authSpy.calledOnce, 'a call to authenticate was made'); let { data } = authSpy.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(data.path, 'foo', 'uses the id for the path'); authSpy.restore(); server.shutdown(); }); test('it renders no tabs when no supported methods are present in passed methods', async function (assert) { let methods = { 'approle/': { type: 'approle', }, }; let server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/sys/internal/ui/mounts', () => { return [200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ data: { auth: methods } })]; }); }); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); await render(hbs``); server.shutdown(); assert.equal(component.tabs.length, 0, 'renders a tab for every backend'); }); test('it makes a request to unwrap if passed a wrappedToken and logs in', async function (assert) { this.owner.register('service:auth', workingAuthService); this.auth = this.owner.lookup('service:auth'); let authSpy = sinon.spy(this.auth, 'authenticate'); let server = new Pretender(function () {'/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap', () => { return [ 200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ auth: { client_token: '12345', }, }), ]; }); }); let wrappedToken = '54321'; this.set('wrappedToken', wrappedToken); this.set('cluster', EmberObject.create({})); await render(hbs``); later(() => run.cancelTimers(), 50); await settled(); assert.equal(server.handledRequests[0].url, '/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap', 'makes call to unwrap the token'); assert.equal( server.handledRequests[0].requestHeaders['X-Vault-Token'], wrappedToken, 'uses passed wrapped token for the unwrap' ); assert.ok(authSpy.calledOnce, 'a call to authenticate was made'); server.shutdown(); authSpy.restore(); }); test('it shows an error if unwrap errors', async function (assert) { let server = new Pretender(function () {'/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap', () => { return [ 400, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ errors: ['There was an error unwrapping!'], }), ]; }); }); this.set('wrappedToken', '54321'); await render(hbs`{{auth-form cluster=cluster wrappedToken=wrappedToken}}`); later(() => run.cancelTimers(), 50); await settled(); assert.equal( component.errorText, 'Error Token unwrap failed: There was an error unwrapping!', 'shows the error' ); server.shutdown(); }); });