import { findAll, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; import logout from 'vault/tests/pages/logout'; import Ember from 'ember'; let adapterException; module('Acceptance | not-found', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { adapterException = Ember.Test.adapter.exception; Ember.Test.adapter.exception = () => {}; return authPage.login(); }); hooks.afterEach(function () { Ember.Test.adapter.exception = adapterException; return logout.visit(); }); test('top-level not-found', async function (assert) { await visit('/404'); assert.ok(findAll('[data-test-not-found]').length, 'renders the not found component'); assert.ok( findAll('[data-test-header-without-nav]').length, 'renders the not found component with a header' ); }); test('vault route not-found', async function (assert) { await visit('/vault/404'); assert.dom('[data-test-not-found]').exists('renders the not found component'); assert.ok(findAll('[data-test-header-with-nav]').length, 'renders header with nav'); }); test('cluster route not-found', async function (assert) { await visit('/vault/secrets/secret/404/show'); assert.dom('[data-test-not-found]').exists('renders the not found component'); assert.ok(findAll('[data-test-header-with-nav]').length, 'renders header with nav'); }); test('secret not-found', async function (assert) { await visit('/vault/secrets/secret/show/404'); assert.dom('[data-test-secret-not-found]').exists('renders the message about the secret not being found'); }); });