/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import layout from '../templates/components/replication-page'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; /** * @module ReplicationPage * The `ReplicationPage` component is the parent contextual component that holds the replication-dashboard, and various replication--card components. * It is the top level component on routes displaying replication dashboards. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {Object} cluster=null - An Ember data object that is pulled from the Ember Cluster Model. */ const MODE = { dr: 'Disaster Recovery', performance: 'Performance', }; export default Component.extend({ layout, store: service(), router: service(), reindexingDetails: null, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(arguments); this.getReplicationModeStatus.perform(); }, getReplicationModeStatus: task(function* () { let resp; const { replicationMode } = this.model; if (this.isSummaryDashboard) { // the summary dashboard is not mode specific and will error // while running replication/null/status in the replication-mode adapter return; } try { resp = yield this.store.adapterFor('replication-mode').fetchStatus(replicationMode); } catch (e) { // do not handle error } this.set('reindexingDetails', resp); }), isSummaryDashboard: computed('model.{performance.mode,dr.mode}', function () { const router = this.router; const currentRoute = router.get('currentRouteName'); // we only show the summary dashboard in the replication index route if (currentRoute === 'vault.cluster.replication.index') { const drMode = this.model.dr.mode; const performanceMode = this.model.performance.mode; return drMode === 'primary' && performanceMode === 'primary'; } return ''; }), formattedReplicationMode: computed('model.replicationMode', 'isSummaryDashboard', function () { // dr or performance 🤯 const { isSummaryDashboard } = this; if (isSummaryDashboard) { return 'Disaster Recovery & Performance'; } const mode = this.model.replicationMode; return MODE[mode]; }), clusterMode: computed('model.replicationAttrs', 'isSummaryDashboard', function () { // primary or secondary const { model } = this; const { isSummaryDashboard } = this; if (isSummaryDashboard) { // replicationAttrs does not exist when summaryDashboard return 'primary'; } return model.replicationAttrs.mode; }), isLoadingData: computed('clusterMode', 'model.replicationAttrs', function () { const { clusterMode } = this; const { model } = this; const { isSummaryDashboard } = this; if (isSummaryDashboard) { return false; } const clusterId = model.replicationAttrs.clusterId; const replicationDisabled = model.replicationAttrs.replicationDisabled; if (clusterMode === 'bootstrapping' || (!clusterId && !replicationDisabled)) { // if clusterMode is bootstrapping // if no clusterId, the data hasn't loaded yet, wait for another status endpoint to be called return true; } return false; }), isSecondary: computed('clusterMode', function () { const { clusterMode } = this; return clusterMode === 'secondary'; }), replicationDetailsSummary: computed('isSummaryDashboard', function () { const { model } = this; const { isSummaryDashboard } = this; if (!isSummaryDashboard) { return; } if (isSummaryDashboard) { const combinedObject = {}; combinedObject.dr = model['dr']; combinedObject.performance = model['performance']; return combinedObject; } return {}; }), replicationDetails: computed('model.replicationMode', 'isSummaryDashboard', function () { const { model } = this; const { isSummaryDashboard } = this; if (isSummaryDashboard) { // Cannot return null return {}; } const replicationMode = model.replicationMode; return model[replicationMode]; }), isDisabled: computed('replicationDetails.mode', function () { if (this.replicationDetails.mode === 'disabled' || this.replicationDetails.mode === 'primary') { return true; } return false; }), message: computed('model.anyReplicationEnabled', 'formattedReplicationMode', function () { let msg; if (this.model.anyReplicationEnabled) { msg = `This ${this.formattedReplicationMode} secondary has not been enabled. You can do so from the ${this.formattedReplicationMode} Primary.`; } else { msg = `This cluster has not been enabled as a ${this.formattedReplicationMode} Secondary. You can do so by enabling replication and adding a secondary from the ${this.formattedReplicationMode} Primary.`; } return msg; }), });