import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'vault/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; import page from 'vault/tests/pages/policy/show'; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | policy/acl/:name', { beforeEach() { return authLogin(); }, }); test('it redirects to list if navigating to root', function(assert) { page.visit({ type: 'acl', name: 'root' }); andThen(function() { assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/policies/acl', 'navigation to root show redirects you to policy list'); }); }); test('it navigates to edit when the toggle is clicked', function(assert) { page.visit({ type: 'acl', name: 'default' }).toggleEdit(); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/policy/acl/default/edit', 'toggle navigates to edit page'); }); });