terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" } enos = { source = "app.terraform.io/hashicorp-qti/enos" } } } variable "vault_agent_template_destination" { type = string description = "The destination of the template rendered by Agent" } variable "vault_agent_template_contents" { type = string description = "The template contents to be rendered by Agent" } variable "vault_root_token" { type = string description = "The Vault root token" } variable "vault_instances" { type = map(object({ private_ip = string public_ip = string })) description = "The Vault cluster instances that were created" } variable "vault_instance_count" { type = number description = "How many vault instances are in the cluster" } variable "vault_install_dir" { type = string description = "The directory where the Vault binary will be installed" } locals { vault_instances = { for idx in range(var.vault_instance_count) : idx => { public_ip = values(var.vault_instances)[idx].public_ip private_ip = values(var.vault_instances)[idx].private_ip } } } resource "enos_remote_exec" "set_up_approle_auth_and_agent" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/set-up-approle-and-agent.sh", { vault_install_dir = var.vault_install_dir vault_token = var.vault_root_token vault_agent_template_destination = var.vault_agent_template_destination vault_agent_template_contents = var.vault_agent_template_contents }) transport = { ssh = { host = local.vault_instances[0].public_ip } } }