import Ember from 'ember'; import DS from 'ember-data'; import { queryRecord } from 'ember-computed-query'; const { attr } = DS; const { computed, get } = Ember; // these arrays define the order in which the fields will be displayed // see // for list of fields for each key type const OTP_FIELDS = [ 'name', 'keyType', 'defaultUser', 'adminUser', 'port', 'allowedUsers', 'cidrList', 'excludeCidrList', ]; const CA_FIELDS = [ 'name', 'keyType', 'allowUserCertificates', 'allowHostCertificates', 'defaultUser', 'allowedUsers', 'allowedDomains', 'ttl', 'maxTtl', 'allowedCriticalOptions', 'defaultCriticalOptions', 'allowedExtensions', 'defaultExtensions', 'allowBareDomains', 'allowSubdomains', 'allowUserKeyIds', 'keyIdFormat', ]; export default DS.Model.extend({ zeroAddress: attr('boolean', { readOnly: true, }), backend: attr('string', { readOnly: true, }), name: attr('string', { label: 'Role name', fieldValue: 'id', readOnly: true, }), keyType: attr('string', { possibleValues: ['ca', 'otp'], }), adminUser: attr('string', { helpText: 'Username of the admin user at the remote host', }), defaultUser: attr('string', { helpText: "Username to use when one isn't specified", }), allowedUsers: attr('string', { helpText: 'Create a whitelist of users that can use this key (e.g. `admin, dev`, or use `*` to allow all)', }), allowedDomains: attr('string', { helpText: 'List of domains for which a client can request a certificate (e.g. ``, or `*` to allow all)', }), cidrList: attr('string', { label: 'CIDR list', helpText: 'List of CIDR blocks for which this role is applicable', }), excludeCidrList: attr('string', { label: 'Exclude CIDR list', helpText: 'List of CIDR blocks that are not accepted by this role', }), port: attr('number', { defaultValue: 22, helpText: 'Port number for the SSH connection (default is `22`)', }), ttl: attr({ label: 'TTL', editType: 'ttl', }), maxTtl: attr({ label: 'Max TTL', editType: 'ttl', }), allowedCriticalOptions: attr('string', { helpText: 'List of critical options that certificates have when signed', }), defaultCriticalOptions: attr('object', { helpText: 'Map of critical options certificates should have if none are provided when signing', }), allowedExtensions: attr('string', { helpText: 'List of extensions that certificates can have when signed', }), defaultExtensions: attr('object', { helpText: 'Map of extensions certificates should have if none are provided when signing', }), allowUserCertificates: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'Specifies if certificates are allowed to be signed for us as a user', }), allowHostCertificates: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'Specifies if certificates are allowed to be signed for us as a host', }), allowBareDomains: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'Specifies if host certificates that are requested are allowed to use the base domains listed in Allowed Domains', }), allowSubdomains: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'Specifies if host certificates that are requested are allowed to be subdomains of those listed in Allowed Domains', }), allowUserKeyIds: attr('boolean', { label: 'Allow user key IDs', helpText: 'Specifies if users can override the key ID for a signed certificate with the "key_id" field', }), keyIdFormat: attr('string', { label: 'Key ID format', helpText: 'When supplied, this value specifies a custom format for the key id of a signed certificate', }), attrsForKeyType: computed('keyType', function() { const keyType = this.get('keyType'); let keys = keyType === 'ca' ? CA_FIELDS.slice(0) : OTP_FIELDS.slice(0); get(this.constructor, 'attributes').forEach((meta, name) => { const index = keys.indexOf(name); if (index === -1) { return; } keys.replace(index, 1, { type: meta.type, name, options: meta.options, }); }); return keys; }), updatePath: queryRecord( 'capabilities', context => { const { backend, id } = context.getProperties('backend', 'id'); return { id: `${backend}/roles/${id}`, }; }, 'id', 'backend' ), canDelete: computed.alias('updatePath.canDelete'), canEdit: computed.alias('updatePath.canUpdate'), canRead: computed.alias('updatePath.canRead'), generatePath: queryRecord( 'capabilities', context => { const { backend, id } = context.getProperties('backend', 'id'); return { id: `${backend}/creds/${id}`, }; }, 'id', 'backend' ), canGenerate: computed.alias('generatePath.canUpdate'), signPath: queryRecord( 'capabilities', context => { const { backend, id } = context.getProperties('backend', 'id'); return { id: `${backend}/sign/${id}`, }; }, 'id', 'backend' ), canSign: computed.alias('signPath.canUpdate'), zeroAddressPath: queryRecord( 'capabilities', context => { const { backend } = context.getProperties('backend'); return { id: `${backend}/config/zeroaddress`, }; }, 'backend' ), canEditZeroAddress: computed.alias('zeroAddressPath.canUpdate'), });