import AdapterError from '@ember-data/adapter/error'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { hash, resolve } from 'rsvp'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { pluralize } from 'ember-inflector'; import ApplicationAdapter from './application'; const ENDPOINTS = [ 'health', 'seal-status', 'tokens', 'token', 'seal', 'unseal', 'init', 'capabilities-self', 'license', ]; const REPLICATION_ENDPOINTS = { reindex: 'reindex', recover: 'recover', status: 'status', primary: ['enable', 'disable', 'demote', 'secondary-token', 'revoke-secondary'], secondary: ['enable', 'disable', 'promote', 'update-primary'], }; const REPLICATION_MODES = ['dr', 'performance']; export default ApplicationAdapter.extend({ version: service(), namespaceService: service('namespace'), shouldBackgroundReloadRecord() { return true; }, findRecord(store, type, id, snapshot) { const fetches = { health:, sealStatus: this.sealStatus().catch((e) => e), }; if (this.version.isEnterprise && this.namespaceService.inRootNamespace) { fetches.replicationStatus = this.replicationStatus().catch((e) => e); } return hash(fetches).then(({ health, sealStatus, replicationStatus }) => { let ret = { id, name: snapshot.attr('name'), }; ret = assign(ret, health); if (sealStatus instanceof AdapterError === false) { ret = assign(ret, { nodes: [sealStatus] }); } if (replicationStatus && replicationStatus instanceof AdapterError === false) { ret = assign(ret,; } return resolve(ret); }); }, pathForType(type) { return type === 'cluster' ? 'clusters' : pluralize(type); }, health() { return this.ajax(this.urlFor('health'), 'GET', { data: { standbycode: 200, sealedcode: 200, uninitcode: 200, drsecondarycode: 200, performancestandbycode: 200, }, unauthenticated: true, }); }, features() { return this.ajax(`${this.urlFor('license')}/features`, 'GET', { unauthenticated: true, }); }, sealStatus() { return this.ajax(this.urlFor('seal-status'), 'GET', { unauthenticated: true }); }, seal() { return this.ajax(this.urlFor('seal'), 'PUT'); }, unseal(data) { return this.ajax(this.urlFor('unseal'), 'PUT', { data, unauthenticated: true, }); }, initCluster(data) { return this.ajax(this.urlFor('init'), 'PUT', { data, unauthenticated: true, }); }, authenticate({ backend, data }) { const { role, jwt, token, password, username, path, nonce } = data; const url = this.urlForAuth(backend, username, path); const verb = backend === 'token' ? 'GET' : 'POST'; const options = { unauthenticated: true, }; if (backend === 'token') { options.headers = { 'X-Vault-Token': token, }; } else if (backend === 'jwt' || backend === 'oidc') { = { role, jwt }; } else if (backend === 'okta') { = { password, nonce }; } else { = token ? { token, password } : { password }; } return this.ajax(url, verb, options); }, mfaValidate({ mfa_request_id, mfa_constraints }) { const options = { data: { mfa_request_id, mfa_payload: mfa_constraints.reduce((obj, { selectedMethod, passcode }) => { let payload = []; if (passcode) { // duo requires passcode= prepended to the actual passcode // this isn't a great UX so we add it behind the scenes to fulfill the requirement // check if user added passcode= to avoid duplication payload = selectedMethod.type === 'duo' && !passcode.includes('passcode=') ? [`passcode=${passcode}`] : [passcode]; } obj[] = payload; return obj; }, {}), }, }; return this.ajax('/v1/sys/mfa/validate', 'POST', options); }, urlFor(endpoint) { if (!ENDPOINTS.includes(endpoint)) { throw new Error( `Calls to a ${endpoint} endpoint are not currently allowed in the vault cluster adapater` ); } return `${this.buildURL()}/${endpoint}`; }, urlForAuth(type, username, path) { const authBackend = type.toLowerCase(); const authURLs = { github: 'login', jwt: 'login', oidc: 'login', userpass: `login/${encodeURIComponent(username)}`, ldap: `login/${encodeURIComponent(username)}`, okta: `login/${encodeURIComponent(username)}`, radius: `login/${encodeURIComponent(username)}`, token: 'lookup-self', }; const urlSuffix = authURLs[authBackend]; const urlPrefix = path && authBackend !== 'token' ? path : authBackend; if (!urlSuffix) { throw new Error(`There is no auth url for ${type}.`); } return `/v1/auth/${urlPrefix}/${urlSuffix}`; }, urlForReplication(replicationMode, clusterMode, endpoint) { let suffix; const errString = `Calls to replication ${endpoint} endpoint are not currently allowed in the vault cluster adapater`; if (clusterMode) { assert(errString, REPLICATION_ENDPOINTS[clusterMode].includes(endpoint)); suffix = `${replicationMode}/${clusterMode}/${endpoint}`; } else { assert(errString, REPLICATION_ENDPOINTS[endpoint]); suffix = `${endpoint}`; } return `${this.buildURL()}/replication/${suffix}`; }, replicationStatus() { return this.ajax(`${this.buildURL()}/replication/status`, 'GET', { unauthenticated: true }); }, replicationDrPromote(data, options) { const verb = options && options.checkStatus ? 'GET' : 'PUT'; return this.ajax(`${this.buildURL()}/replication/dr/secondary/promote`, verb, { data, unauthenticated: true, }); }, generateDrOperationToken(data, options) { let verb = options && options.checkStatus ? 'GET' : 'PUT'; if (options.cancel) { verb = 'DELETE'; } let url = `${this.buildURL()}/replication/dr/secondary/generate-operation-token/`; if (!data || data.pgp_key || data.attempt) { // start the generation url = url + 'attempt'; } else { // progress the operation url = url + 'update'; } return this.ajax(url, verb, { data, unauthenticated: true, }); }, replicationAction(action, replicationMode, clusterMode, data) { assert( `${replicationMode} is an unsupported replication mode.`, replicationMode && REPLICATION_MODES.includes(replicationMode) ); const url = action === 'recover' || action === 'reindex' ? this.urlForReplication(replicationMode, null, action) : this.urlForReplication(replicationMode, clusterMode, action); return this.ajax(url, 'POST', { data }); }, });