import { Response } from 'miragejs'; /** Scenarios Config off, no data Config on, no data Config on, with data Filtering (data with mounts) Filtering (data without mounts) Filtering (data without mounts) * -- HISTORY ONLY -- Filtering different date ranges (hist only) Upgrade warning No permissions for license Version queries available queries unavailable License start date this month */ export const SELECTORS = { dashboardActiveTab: '.active[data-test-dashboard]', emptyStateTitle: '[data-test-empty-state-title]', usageStats: '[data-test-usage-stats]', dateDisplay: '[data-test-date-display]', attributionBlock: '[data-test-clients-attribution]', filterBar: '[data-test-clients-filter-bar]', rangeDropdown: '[data-test-popup-menu-trigger]', monthDropdown: '[data-test-popup-menu-trigger="month"]', yearDropdown: '[data-test-popup-menu-trigger="year"]', dateDropdownSubmit: '[data-test-date-dropdown-submit]', runningTotalMonthStats: '[data-test-running-total="single-month-stats"]', runningTotalMonthlyCharts: '[data-test-running-total="monthly-charts"]', monthlyUsageBlock: '[data-test-monthly-usage]', selectedAuthMount: 'div#auth-method-search-select [data-test-selected-option] div', selectedNs: 'div#namespace-search-select [data-test-selected-option] div', }; export const CHART_ELEMENTS = { entityClientDataBars: '[data-test-group="entity_clients"]', nonEntityDataBars: '[data-test-group="non_entity_clients"]', yLabels: '[data-test-group="y-labels"]', actionBars: '[data-test-group="action-bars"]', labelActionBars: '[data-test-group="label-action-bars"]', totalValues: '[data-test-group="total-values"]', }; export function sendResponse(data, httpStatus = 200) { if (httpStatus === 403) { return [ httpStatus, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ errors: ['permission denied'] }), ]; } if (httpStatus === 204) { // /activity endpoint returns 204 when no data, while // /activity/monthly returns 200 with zero values on data return [httpStatus, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }]; } return [httpStatus, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify(data)]; } export function overrideResponse(httpStatus, data) { if (httpStatus === 403) { return new Response( 403, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ errors: ['permission denied'] }) ); } // /activity endpoint returns 204 when no data, while // /activity/monthly returns 200 with zero values on data if (httpStatus === 204) { return new Response(204, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); } return new Response(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify(data)); }