import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { not } from '@ember/object/computed'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; export default Component.extend({ classNames: 'config-pki-ca', store: service('store'), flashMessages: service(), errors: null, /* * @param boolean * @private * bool that gets flipped if you have a CA cert and click the Replace Cert button */ replaceCA: false, /* * @param boolean * @private * bool that gets flipped if you push the click the "Set signed intermediate" button */ setSignedIntermediate: false, /* * @param boolean * @private * bool that gets flipped if you push the click the "Set signed intermediate" button */ signIntermediate: false, /* * @param boolean * @private * * true when there's no CA cert currently configured */ needsConfig: not('config.pem'), /* * @param DS.Model * @private * * a `pki-ca-certificate` model used to back the form when uploading or creating a CA cert * created and set on `init`, and unloaded on willDestroy * */ model: null, /* * @param DS.Model * @public * * a `pki-config` model - passed in in the component usage * */ config: null, /* * @param Function * @public * * function that gets called to refresh the config model * */ onRefresh() {}, loading: false, willDestroy() { const ca = this.model; if (ca && !ca.isDestroyed && !ca.isDestroying) { ca.unloadRecord(); } this._super(...arguments); }, createOrReplaceModel(modelType) { const ca = this.model; const config = this.config; const store =; const backend = config.get('backend'); if (ca) { ca.unloadRecord(); } const caCert = store.createRecord(modelType || 'pki-ca-certificate', { id: `${backend}-ca-cert`, backend, }); this.set('model', caCert); }, /* * @private * @returns array * * When a CA is configured, we let them download * the CA in der, pem, and the CA Chain in pem (if one exists) * * This array provides the text and download hrefs for those links. * */ downloadHrefs: computed('config', 'config.{backend,pem,caChain,der}', function () { const config = this.config; const { backend, pem, caChain, der } = config; if (!pem) { return []; } const pemFile = new Blob([pem], { type: 'text/plain' }); const links = [ { display: 'Download CA Certificate in PEM format', name: `${backend}_ca.pem`, url: URL.createObjectURL(pemFile), }, { display: 'Download CA Certificate in DER format', name: `${backend}_ca.der`, url: URL.createObjectURL(der), }, ]; if (caChain) { const caChainFile = new Blob([caChain], { type: 'text/plain' }); links.push({ display: 'Download CA Certificate Chain', name: `${backend}_ca_chain.pem`, url: URL.createObjectURL(caChainFile), }); } return links; }), actions: { saveCA(method) { this.set('loading', true); const model = this.model; const isUpload = this.model.uploadPemBundle; model .save({ adapterOptions: { method } }) .then(() => { if (method === 'setSignedIntermediate' || isUpload) { this.send('refresh'); this.flashMessages.success('The certificate for this backend has been updated.'); } }) .catch((e) => { this.set('errors', e.errors); }) .finally(() => { this.set('loading', false); }); }, refresh() { this.setProperties({ setSignedIntermediate: false, signIntermediate: false, replaceCA: false, }); this.onRefresh(); }, toggleReplaceCA() { if (!this.replaceCA) { this.createOrReplaceModel(); } this.toggleProperty('replaceCA'); }, toggleVal(name, val) { if (!name) { return; } const model = name === 'signIntermediate' ? 'pki-ca-certificate-sign' : null; if (!this.get(name)) { this.createOrReplaceModel(model); } if (val !== undefined) { this.set(name, val); } else { this.toggleProperty(name); } }, }, });