--- layout: docs page_title: Vault Agent Template description: >- Vault Agent's Template functionality allows Vault secrets to be rendered to files using Consul Template markup. --- # Vault Agent Templates Vault Agent's Template functionality allows Vault secrets to be rendered to files using [Consul Template markup][consul-templating-language]. ## Functionality The `template_config` stanza configures overall default behavior for the templating engine. Note that `template_config` can only be defined once, and is different from the `template` stanza. Unlike `template` which focuses on where and how a specific secret is rendered, `template_config` contains parameters affecting how the templating engine as a whole behaves and its interaction with the rest of Agent. This includes, but is not limited to, program exit behavior. Other parameters that apply to the templating engine as a whole may be added over time. The `template` stanza configures the Vault agent for rendering secrets to files using Consul Template markup language. Multiple `template` stanzas can be defined to render multiple files. When the agent is started with templating enabled, it will attempt to acquire a Vault token using the configured auto-auth Method. On failure, it will back off for a short while (including some randomness to help prevent thundering herd scenarios) and retry. On success, secrets defined in the templates will be retrieved from Vault and rendered locally. ## Templating Language The template output content can be provided directly as part of the `contents` option in a `template` stanza or as a separate `.ctmpl` file and specified in the `source` option of a `template` stanza. The following links contain additional resources for the templating language used by Vault Agent templating. - [Consul Templating Documentation][consul-templating-language] - [Go Templating Language Documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#pkg-overview) ### Template Language Example Template with Vault Agent requires the use of the `secret` [function](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/blob/master/docs/templating-language.md#secret) or `pkiCert` [function](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/blob/main/docs/templating-language.md#pkicert) from Consul Template. The following is an example of a template that retrieves a generic secret from Vault's KV store: ``` {{ with secret "secret/my-secret" }} {{ .Data.data.foo }} {{ end }} ``` The following is an example of a template that issues a PKI certificate in Vault's PKI secrets engine. The fetching of the certificate or key from a PKI role through this function will be based on the certificate's expiration. To generate a new certificate and create a bundle with the key, certificate, and CA, use: ``` {{ with pkiCert "pki/issue/my-domain-dot-com" "common_name=foo.example.com" }} {{ .Data.Key }} {{ .Data.Cert }} {{ .Data.CA }} {{ end }} ``` To fetch only the issuing CA for this mount, use: ``` {{- with secret "pki/cert/ca" -}} {{ .Data.certificate }} {{- end -}} ``` Alternatively, `pki/cert/ca_chain` can be used to fetch the full CA chain. ## Global Configurations The top level `template_config` block has the following configuration entries that affect all templates: - `exit_on_retry_failure` `(bool: false)` - This option configures Vault Agent to exit after it has exhausted its number of template retry attempts due to failures. - `static_secret_render_interval` `(string or integer: 5m)` - If specified, configures how often Vault Agent Template should render non-leased secrets such as KV v2. This setting will not change how often Vault Agent Templating renders leased secrets. Uses [duration format strings](/docs/concepts/duration-format). ### `template_config` Stanza Example ```hcl template_config { exit_on_retry_failure = true static_secret_render_interval = "10m" } ``` ### Interaction between `exit_on_retry_failure` and `error_on_missing_key` The parameter [`error_on_missing_key`](/docs/agent/template#error_on_missing_key) can be specified within the `template` stanza which determines if a template should error when a key is missing in the secret. When `error_on_missing_key` is not specified or set to `false` and the key to render is not in the secret's response, the templating engine will ignore it (or render `""`) and continue on with its rendering. If the desire is to have Agent fail and exit on a missing key, both `template.error_on_missing_key` and `template_config.exit_on_retry_failure` must be set to true. Otherwise, the templating engine will error and render to its destination, but agent will not exit and will retry until the key exists or until the process is terminated. Note that a missing key from a secret's response is different from a missing or non-existent secret. The templating engine will always error if a secret is missing, but will only error for a missing key if `error_on_missing_key` is set. Whether Vault Agent will exit when the templating engine errors depends on the value of `exit_on_retry_failure`. ## Template Configurations The top level `template` block has multiple configuration entries. The parameters found in the template configuration section in the consul-template [documentation page](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/blob/main/docs/configuration.md#templates) can be used here: - `source` `(string: "")` - Path on disk to use as the input template. This option is required if not using the `contents` option. - `destination` `(string: required)` - Path on disk where the rendered secrets should be created. If the parent directories do not exist, Vault Agent will attempt to create them, unless `create_dest_dirs` is false. - `create_dest_dirs` `(bool: true)` - This option tells Vault Agent to create the parent directories of the destination path if they do not exist. - `contents` `(string: "")` - This option allows embedding the contents of a template in the configuration file rather then supplying the `source` path to the template file. This is useful for short templates. This option is mutually exclusive with the `source` option. - `command` `(string: "")` - This is the optional command to run when the template is rendered. The command will only run if the resulting template changes. The command must return within 30s (configurable), and it must have a successful exit code. Vault Agent is not a replacement for a process monitor or init system. This is deprecated in favor of the `exec` option. - `command_timeout` `(duration: 30s)` - This is the maximum amount of time to wait for the optional command to return. This is deprecated in favor of the `exec` option. - `error_on_missing_key` `(bool: false)` - Exit with an error when accessing a struct or map field/key that does notexist. The default behavior will print `` when accessing a field that does not exist. It is highly recommended you set this to "true". - `exec` `(object: optional)` - The exec block executes a command when the template is rendered and the output has changed. The block parameters are `command` `(string slice: required)` and `timeout` `(string: optional, defaults to 30s)`. - `perms` `(string: "")` - This is the permission to render the file. If this option is left unspecified, Vault Agent will attempt to match the permissions of the file that already exists at the destination path. If no file exists at that path, the permissions are 0644. - `backup` `(bool: true)` - This option backs up the previously rendered template at the destination path before writing a new one. It keeps exactly one backup. This option is useful for preventing accidental changes to the data without having a rollback strategy. - `left_delimiter` `(string: "{{")` - Delimiter to use in the template. The default is "{{" but for some templates, it may be easier to use a different delimiter that does not conflict with the output file itself. - `right_delimiter` `(string: "}}")` - Delimiter to use in the template. The default is "}}" but for some templates, it may be easier to use a different delimiter that does not conflict with the output file itself. - `sandbox_path` `(string: "")` - If a sandbox path is provided, any path provided to the `file` function is checked that it falls within the sandbox path. Relative paths that try to traverse outside the sandbox path will exit with an error. - `wait` `(object: required)` - This is the `minimum(:maximum)` to wait before rendering a new template to disk and triggering a command, separated by a colon (`:`). ### Example `template` Stanza ```hcl template { source = "/tmp/agent/template.ctmpl" destination = "/tmp/agent/render.txt" } ``` If you only want to use the Vault agent to render one or more templates and do not need to sink the acquired credentials, you can omit the `sink` stanza from the `auto_auth` stanza in the agent configuration. ## Renewals and Updating Secrets The Vault Agent templating automatically renews and fetches secrets/tokens. Unlike [Vault Agent caching](/docs/agent/caching), the behavior of how Vault Agent templating does this depends on the type of secret or token. The following is a high level overview of different behaviors. ### Renewable Secrets If a secret or token is renewable, Vault Agent will renew the secret after 2/3 of the secret's lease duration has elapsed. ### Non-Renewable Secrets If a secret or token isn't renewable or leased, Vault Agent will fetch the secret every 5 minutes. This can be configured using Template config [static_secret_render_interval](/docs/agent/template-config#static_secret_render_interval) (requires Vault 1.8+). Non-renewable secrets include (but not limited to) [KV Version 2](/docs/secrets/kv/kv-v2). ### Non-Renewable Leased Secrets If a secret or token is non-renewable but leased, Vault Agent will fetch the secret when 85% of the secrets time-to-live (TTL) is reached. Leased, non-renewable secrets include (but not limited to) dynamic secrets such as [database credentials](/docs/secrets/databases) and [KV Version 1](/docs/secrets/kv/kv-v1). ### Static Roles If a secret has a `rotation_period`, such as a [database static role](/docs/secrets/databases#static-roles), Vault Agent template will fetch the new secret as it changes in Vault. It does this by inspecting the secret's time-to-live (TTL). ### Certificates If a secret is a [certificate](/docs/secrets/pki), Vault Agent template will fetch the new certificate using the certificates `validTo` field. This does not apply to certificates generated with `generate_lease: true`. If set Vault Agent template will apply the non-renewable, leased secret rules. -> **Note** When Agent's auto-auth re-authenticates, due to a token expiry for example, it generates a new token for Agent's use. This triggers a template server restart, which fetches and re-renders a new set of certificates even if existing certificates are valid. ## Templating Configuration Example The following demonstrates Vault Agent Templates configuration blocks. ```hcl # Other Vault Agent configuration blocks # ... template_config { static_secret_render_interval = "10m" exit_on_retry_failure = true } template { source = "/tmp/agent/template.ctmpl" destination = "/tmp/agent/render.txt" } template { contents = "{{ with secret \"secret/my-secret\" }}{{ .Data.data.foo }}{{ end }}" destination = "/tmp/agent/render-content.txt" } ``` [consul-templating-language]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/blob/v0.28.1/docs/templating-language.md