/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { click, fillIn, triggerEvent, typeIn, render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; module('Integration | Component | autocomplete-input', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test('it should render label', async function (assert) { await render( hbs` ` ); assert.dom('label').doesNotExist('Label is hidden when not provided'); this.setProperties({ label: 'Some label', subText: 'Some description', }); assert.dom('label').hasText('Some label', 'Label renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-label-subtext]').hasText('Some description', 'Sub text renders'); }); test('it should function as standard input', async function (assert) { assert.expect(3); const changeValue = 'foo bar'; this.value = 'test'; this.placeholder = 'text goes here'; this.onChange = (value) => assert.strictEqual(value, changeValue, 'Value sent in onChange callback'); await render( hbs` ` ); assert.dom('input').hasAttribute('placeholder', this.placeholder, 'Input placeholder renders'); assert.dom('input').hasValue(this.value, 'Initial input value renders'); await fillIn('input', changeValue); }); test('it should trigger dropdown', async function (assert) { await render( hbs` ` ); await typeIn('input', '$'); await triggerEvent('input', 'input', { data: '$' }); // simulate InputEvent for data prop with character pressed assert.dom('.autocomplete-input-option').doesNotExist('Trigger does not open dropdown with no options'); this.set('options', [ { label: 'Foo', value: '$foo' }, { label: 'Bar', value: 'bar' }, ]); await triggerEvent('input', 'input', { data: '$' }); const options = this.element.querySelectorAll('.autocomplete-input-option'); options.forEach((o, index) => { assert.dom(o).hasText(this.options[index].label, 'Label renders for option'); }); await click(options[0]); assert.dom('input').isFocused('Focus is returned to input after selecting option'); assert .dom('input') .hasValue('$foo', 'Value is updated correctly. Trigger character is not prepended to value.'); await typeIn('input', '-$'); await triggerEvent('input', 'input', { data: '$' }); await click('.autocomplete-input-option:last-child'); assert .dom('input') .hasValue('$foo-$bar', 'Value is updated correctly. Trigger character is prepended to option.'); assert.strictEqual(this.value, '$foo-$bar', 'Value prop is updated correctly onChange'); }); });