#!/bin/sh set -e # Prevent core dumps ulimit -c 0 # Allow setting VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR and VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR using an interface # name instead of an IP address. The interface name is specified using # VAULT_REDIRECT_INTERFACE and VAULT_CLUSTER_INTERFACE environment variables. If # VAULT_*_ADDR is also set, the resulting URI will combine the protocol and port # number with the IP of the named interface. get_addr () { local if_name=$1 local uri_template=$2 ip addr show dev $if_name | awk -v uri=$uri_template '/\s*inet\s/ { \ ip=gensub(/(.+)\/.+/, "\\1", "g", $2); \ print gensub(/^(.+:\/\/).+(:.+)$/, "\\1" ip "\\2", "g", uri); \ exit}' } if [ -n "$VAULT_REDIRECT_INTERFACE" ]; then export VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR=$(get_addr $VAULT_REDIRECT_INTERFACE ${VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR:-""}) echo "Using $VAULT_REDIRECT_INTERFACE for VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR: $VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR" fi if [ -n "$VAULT_CLUSTER_INTERFACE" ]; then export VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR=$(get_addr $VAULT_CLUSTER_INTERFACE ${VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR:-""}) echo "Using $VAULT_CLUSTER_INTERFACE for VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR: $VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR" fi # VAULT_CONFIG_DIR isn't exposed as a volume but you can compose additional # config files in there if you use this image as a base, or use # VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG below. VAULT_CONFIG_DIR=/vault/config # You can also set the VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG environment variable to pass some # Vault configuration JSON without having to bind any volumes. if [ -n "$VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG" ]; then echo "$VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG" > "$VAULT_CONFIG_DIR/local.json" fi # Due to OpenShift environment compatibility, we have to allow group write # access to the Vault configuration. This requires us to disable the stricter # file permissions checks introduced in Vault v1.11.0. export VAULT_DISABLE_FILE_PERMISSIONS_CHECK=true # If the user is trying to run Vault directly with some arguments, then # pass them to Vault. if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then set -- vault "$@" fi # Look for Vault subcommands. if [ "$1" = 'server' ]; then shift set -- vault server \ -config="$VAULT_CONFIG_DIR" \ -dev-root-token-id="$VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID" \ -dev-listen-address="${VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS:-""}" \ "$@" elif [ "$1" = 'version' ]; then # This needs a special case because there's no help output. set -- vault "$@" elif vault --help "$1" 2>&1 | grep -q "vault $1"; then # We can't use the return code to check for the existence of a subcommand, so # we have to use grep to look for a pattern in the help output. set -- vault "$@" fi # If we are running Vault, make sure it executes as the proper user. if [ "$1" = 'vault' ]; then if [ -z "$SKIP_CHOWN" ]; then # If the config dir is bind mounted then chown it if [ "$(stat -c %u /vault/config)" != "$(id -u vault)" ]; then chown -R vault:vault /vault/config || echo "Could not chown /vault/config (may not have appropriate permissions)" fi # If the logs dir is bind mounted then chown it if [ "$(stat -c %u /vault/logs)" != "$(id -u vault)" ]; then chown -R vault:vault /vault/logs fi # If the file dir is bind mounted then chown it if [ "$(stat -c %u /vault/file)" != "$(id -u vault)" ]; then chown -R vault:vault /vault/file fi fi if [ -z "$SKIP_SETCAP" ]; then # Allow mlock to avoid swapping Vault memory to disk setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep $(readlink -f /bin/vault) # In the case vault has been started in a container without IPC_LOCK privileges if ! vault -version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then >&2 echo "Couldn't start vault with IPC_LOCK. Disabling IPC_LOCK, please use --cap-add IPC_LOCK" setcap cap_ipc_lock=-ep $(readlink -f /bin/vault) fi fi fi # In case of Docker, where swap may be enabled, we # still require mlocking to be available. So this script # was executed as root to make this happen, however, # we're now rerunning the entrypoint script as the Vault # user but no longer need to run setup code for setcap # or chowning directories (previously done on the first run). if [[ "$(id -u)" == '0' ]] then export SKIP_CHOWN="true" export SKIP_SETCAP="true" exec su vault -p "$0" -- "$@" else exec "$@" fi