import { click, visit, settled, currentURL, currentRouteName, fillIn, triggerKeyEvent, } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import editPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/kv/edit-secret'; import showPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/kv/show'; import listPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/list'; import mountSecrets from 'vault/tests/pages/settings/mount-secret-backend'; import apiStub from 'vault/tests/helpers/noop-all-api-requests'; import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; import logout from 'vault/tests/pages/logout'; import consoleClass from 'vault/tests/pages/components/console/ui-panel'; const consoleComponent = create(consoleClass); let writeSecret = async function(backend, path, key, val) { await listPage.visitRoot({ backend }); await listPage.create(); return editPage.createSecret(path, key, val); }; module('Acceptance | secrets/secret/create', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { this.server = apiStub({ usePassthrough: true }); return authPage.login(); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { this.server.shutdown(); }); test('it creates a secret and redirects', async function(assert) { const path = `kv-path-${new Date().getTime()}`; await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: 'secret' }); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root', 'navigates to the list page'); await listPage.create(); assert.ok(editPage.hasMetadataFields, 'shows the metadata form'); await editPage.createSecret(path, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); }); test('it can create a secret when check-and-set is required', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; let secretPath = 'foo/bar'; await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.enable('kv', enginePath); await consoleComponent.runCommands(`write ${enginePath}/config cas_required=true`); await writeSecret(enginePath, secretPath, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); }); test('it disables save when validation errors occur', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.enable('kv', enginePath); await click('[data-test-secret-create="true"]'); await fillIn('[data-test-secret-path="true"]', 'abc'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="maxVersions"]', 'abc'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-input="maxVersions"]', 'keyup', 65); await settled(); assert.dom('[data-test-secret-save="true"]').isDisabled('Save button is disabled'); await fillIn('[data-test-input="maxVersions"]', 20); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-input="maxVersions"]', 'keyup', 65); await click('[data-test-secret-save="true"]'); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/vault/secrets/${enginePath}/show/abc`, 'navigates to show secret'); }); test('version 1 performs the correct capabilities lookup', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; let secretPath = 'foo/bar'; // mount version 1 engine await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.selectType('kv'); await mountSecrets .next() .path(enginePath) .toggleOptions() .version(1) .submit(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(secretPath, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); }); // test('version 1: nested paths creation maintains ability to navigate the tree', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; let secretPath = '1/2/3/4'; // mount version 1 engine await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.selectType('kv'); await mountSecrets .next() .path(enginePath) .toggleOptions() .version(1) .submit(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(secretPath, 'foo', 'bar'); // setup an ancestor for when we delete await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: enginePath }); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '1/')[0].click(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret('1/2', 'foo', 'bar'); // lol we have to do this because ember-cli-page-object doesn't like *'s in visitable await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: enginePath }); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '1/')[0].click(); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2/')[0].click(); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '3/')[0].click(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(secretPath + 'a', 'foo', 'bar'); await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: enginePath }); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '1/')[0].click(); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2/')[0].click(); let secretLink = listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '3/')[0]; assert.ok(secretLink, 'link to the 3/ branch displays properly'); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '3/')[0].click(); await listPage.secrets.objectAt(0).menuToggle(); await settled(); await listPage.delete(); await listPage.confirmDelete(); await settled(); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list'); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/vault/secrets/${enginePath}/list/1/2/3/`, 'remains on the page'); await listPage.secrets.objectAt(0).menuToggle(); await listPage.delete(); await listPage.confirmDelete(); await settled(); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list'); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/vault/secrets/${enginePath}/list/1/`, 'navigates to the ancestor created earlier' ); }); test('first level secrets redirect properly upon deletion', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; let secretPath = 'test'; // mount version 1 engine await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.selectType('kv'); await mountSecrets .next() .path(enginePath) .toggleOptions() .version(1) .submit(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(secretPath, 'foo', 'bar'); await showPage.deleteSecretV1(); assert.equal( currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root', 'redirected to the list page on delete' ); }); // test('version 1: key named keys', async function(assert) { await consoleComponent.runCommands([ 'vault write sys/mounts/test type=kv', 'refresh', 'vault write test/a keys=a keys=b', ]); await showPage.visit({ backend: 'test', id: 'a' }); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'renders the page properly'); }); test('it redirects to the path ending in / for list pages', async function(assert) { const path = `foo/bar/kv-path-${new Date().getTime()}`; await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: 'secret' }); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(path, 'foo', 'bar'); await settled(); // use visit helper here because ids with / in them get encoded await visit('/vault/secrets/secret/list/foo/bar'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list'); assert.ok(currentURL().endsWith('/'), 'redirects to the path ending in a slash'); }); test('it can edit via the JSON input', async function(assert) { let content = JSON.stringify({ foo: 'fa', bar: 'boo' }); const path = `kv-path-${new Date().getTime()}`; await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: 'secret' }); await listPage.create(); await editPage.path(path).toggleJSON(); await editPage.editor.fillIn(this, content); await; assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); assert.equal( showPage.editor.content(this), JSON.stringify({ bar: 'boo', foo: 'fa' }, null, 2), 'saves the content' ); }); test('version 2 with restricted policy still allows creation', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; const V2_POLICY = ` path "kv-v2/metadata/*" { capabilities = ["list"] } path "kv-v2/data/secret" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update"] } `; await consoleComponent.runCommands([ `write sys/mounts/${backend} type=kv options=version=2`, `write sys/policies/acl/kv-v2-degrade policy=${btoa(V2_POLICY)}`, // delete any kv previously written here so that tests can be re-run 'delete kv-v2/metadata/secret', 'write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=kv-v2-degrade', ]); let userToken = consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); }); test('version 2 with restricted policy still allows edit', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; const V2_POLICY = ` path "kv-v2/metadata/*" { capabilities = ["list"] } path "kv-v2/data/secret" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update"] } `; await consoleComponent.runCommands([ `write sys/mounts/${backend} type=kv options=version=2`, `write sys/policies/acl/kv-v2-degrade policy=${btoa(V2_POLICY)}`, // delete any kv previously written here so that tests can be re-run 'delete kv-v2/metadata/secret', 'write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=kv-v2-degrade', ]); let userToken = consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await editPage.visitEdit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.notOk(editPage.hasMetadataFields, 'hides the metadata form'); await editPage.editSecret('bar', 'baz'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); }); test('version 2 with policy with destroy capabilities shows modal', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; const V2_POLICY = ` path "kv-v2/destroy/*" { capabilities = ["update"] } path "kv-v2/metadata/*" { capabilities = ["list", "update", "delete"] } path "kv-v2/data/secret" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update"] } `; await consoleComponent.runCommands([ `write sys/mounts/${backend} type=kv options=version=2`, `write sys/policies/acl/kv-v2-degrade policy=${btoa(V2_POLICY)}`, // delete any kv previously written here so that tests can be re-run 'delete kv-v2/metadata/secret', 'write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=kv-v2-degrade', ]); let userToken = consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); await click('[data-test-delete-open-modal]'); await settled(); assert.dom('[data-test-delete-modal="destroy-version"]').exists('destroy this version option shows'); assert.dom('[data-test-delete-modal="destroy-all-versions"]').exists('destroy all versions option shows'); assert.dom('[data-test-delete-modal="delete-version"]').doesNotExist('delete version does not show'); }); test('version 2 with policy with only delete option does not show modal and undelete is an option', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; const V2_POLICY = ` path "kv-v2/delete/*" { capabilities = ["update"] } path "kv-v2/undelete/*" { capabilities = ["update"] } path "kv-v2/metadata/*" { capabilities = ["list","read","create","update"] } path "kv-v2/data/secret" { capabilities = ["create", "read"] } `; await consoleComponent.runCommands([ `write sys/mounts/${backend} type=kv options=version=2`, `write sys/policies/acl/kv-v2-degrade policy=${btoa(V2_POLICY)}`, // delete any kv previously written here so that tests can be re-run 'delete kv-v2/metadata/secret', 'write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=kv-v2-degrade', ]); let userToken = consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); assert.dom('[data-test-delete-open-modal]').doesNotExist('delete version does not show'); assert.dom('[data-test-secret-v2-delete="true"]').exists('drop down delete shows'); await showPage.deleteSecretV2(); // unable to reload page in test scenario so going to list and back to secret to confirm deletion let url = `/vault/secrets/${backend}/list`; await visit(url); await click('[data-test-secret-link="secret"]'); assert.dom('[data-test-component="empty-state"]').exists('secret has been deleted'); assert.dom('[data-test-secret-undelete]').exists('undelete button shows'); }); test('paths are properly encoded', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv'; let paths = [ '(', ')', '"', //"'", '!', '#', '$', '&', '*', '+', '@', '{', '|', '}', '~', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', ].map(char => `${char}some`); assert.expect(paths.length * 2); let secretName = '2'; let commands = => `write '${backend}/${path}/${secretName}' 3=4`); await consoleComponent.runCommands(['write sys/mounts/kv type=kv', ...commands]); for (let path of paths) { await listPage.visit({ backend, id: path }); assert.ok(listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2')[0], `${path}: secret is displayed properly`); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2')[0].click(); assert.equal( currentRouteName(), '', `${path}: show page renders correctly` ); } }); test('create secret with space shows version data', async function(assert) { let enginePath = `kv-${new Date().getTime()}`; let secretPath = 'space space'; // mount version 2 await mountSecrets.visit(); await mountSecrets.selectType('kv'); await mountSecrets .next() .path(enginePath) .submit(); await settled(); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(secretPath, 'foo', 'bar'); await settled(); await click('[data-test-popup-menu-trigger="version"]'); await settled(); await click('[data-test-version-history]'); await settled(); assert.dom('[data-test-list-item-content]').exists('renders the version and not an error state'); // click on version await click('[data-test-popup-menu-trigger="true"]'); await click('[data-test-version]'); await settled(); // perform encode function that should be done by the encodePath let encodedSecretPath = secretPath.replace(/ /g, '%20'); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/vault/secrets/${enginePath}/show/${encodedSecretPath}?version=1`); }); // the web cli does not handle a quote as part of a path, so we test it here via the UI test('creating a secret with a single or double quote works properly', async function(assert) { await consoleComponent.runCommands('write sys/mounts/kv type=kv'); let paths = ["'some", '"some']; for (let path of paths) { await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: 'kv' }); await listPage.create(); await editPage.createSecret(`${path}/2`, 'foo', 'bar'); await listPage.visit({ backend: 'kv', id: path }); assert.ok(listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2')[0], `${path}: secret is displayed properly`); await listPage.secrets.filterBy('text', '2')[0].click(); assert.equal( currentRouteName(), '', `${path}: show page renders correctly` ); } }); test('filter clears on nav', async function(assert) { await consoleComponent.runCommands([ 'vault write sys/mounts/test type=kv', 'refresh', 'vault write test/filter/foo keys=a keys=b', 'vault write test/filter/foo1 keys=a keys=b', 'vault write test/filter/foo2 keys=a keys=b', ]); await listPage.visit({ backend: 'test', id: 'filter' }); assert.equal(listPage.secrets.length, 3, 'renders three secrets'); await listPage.filterInput('filter/foo1'); assert.equal(listPage.secrets.length, 1, 'renders only one secret'); await listPage.secrets.objectAt(0).click(); await showPage.breadcrumbs.filterBy('text', 'filter')[0].click(); assert.equal(listPage.secrets.length, 3, 'renders three secrets'); assert.equal(listPage.filterInputValue, 'filter/', 'pageFilter has been reset'); }); let setupNoRead = async function(backend, canReadMeta = false) { const V2_WRITE_ONLY_POLICY = ` path "${backend}/+/+" { capabilities = ["create", "update", "list"] } path "${backend}/+" { capabilities = ["list"] } `; const V2_WRITE_WITH_META_READ_POLICY = ` path "${backend}/+/+" { capabilities = ["create", "update", "list"] } path "${backend}/metadata/+" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "${backend}/+" { capabilities = ["list"] } `; const V1_WRITE_ONLY_POLICY = ` path "${backend}/+" { capabilities = ["create", "update", "list"] } `; let policy; if (backend === 'kv-v2' && canReadMeta) { policy = V2_WRITE_WITH_META_READ_POLICY; } else if (backend === 'kv-v2') { policy = V2_WRITE_ONLY_POLICY; } else if (backend === 'kv-v1') { policy = V1_WRITE_ONLY_POLICY; } await consoleComponent.runCommands([ // disable any kv previously enabled kv `delete sys/mounts/${backend}`, `write sys/mounts/${backend} type=kv options=version=${backend === 'kv-v2' ? 2 : 1}`, `write sys/policies/acl/${backend} policy=${btoa(policy)}`, `write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=${backend}`, ]); return consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; }; test('write without read: version 2', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; let userToken = await setupNoRead(backend); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await showPage.visit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.ok(showPage.noReadIsPresent, 'shows no read empty state'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); await editPage.visitEdit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.notOk(editPage.hasMetadataFields, 'hides the metadata form'); assert.ok(editPage.showsNoCASWarning, 'shows no CAS write warning'); await editPage.editSecret('bar', 'baz'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); }); test('write without read: version 2 with metadata read', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v2'; let userToken = await setupNoRead(backend, true); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await showPage.visit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.ok(showPage.noReadIsPresent, 'shows no read empty state'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); await editPage.visitEdit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.notOk(editPage.hasMetadataFields, 'hides the metadata form'); assert.ok(editPage.showsV2WriteWarning, 'shows v2 warning'); await editPage.editSecret('bar', 'baz'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); }); test('write without read: version 1', async function(assert) { let backend = 'kv-v1'; let userToken = await setupNoRead(backend); await writeSecret(backend, 'secret', 'foo', 'bar'); await logout.visit(); await authPage.login(userToken); await showPage.visit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.ok(showPage.noReadIsPresent, 'shows no read empty state'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); await editPage.visitEdit({ backend, id: 'secret' }); assert.ok(editPage.showsV1WriteWarning, 'shows v1 warning'); await editPage.editSecret('bar', 'baz'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); }); });