{{#if (and (not accessibleNamespaces.length) inRootNamespace)}}
{{!-- Just yield the logo if they're in the root namespace and only have access to it --}} {{yield}}
{{yield}} {{#if namespaceDisplay}} {{namespaceDisplay}} {{else}} / (Root) {{/if}}
{{#unless isUserRootNamespace}} {{/unless}}
Current namespace
{{#unless isUserRootNamespace}} {{/unless}}
{{#if (contains '' lastMenuLeaves)}} {{!-- leaf is '' which is the root namespace, and then we need to iterate the root leaves --}}
{{~#each rootLeaves as |rootLeaf|}} {{/each~}}
{{/if}} {{#each lastMenuLeaves as |leaf|}}
{{~#each-in (get namespaceTree leaf) as |leafName|}} {{/each-in~}}
{{/each}} {{#if canList}}
Manage namespaces