--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Zookeeper - Storage Backends - Configuration" sidebar_current: "docs-configuration-storage-zookeeper" description: |- The Zookeeper storage backend is used to persist Vault's data in Zookeeper. --- # Zookeeper Storage Backend The Zookeeper storage backend is used to persist Vault's data in [Zookeeper][zk]. - **High Availability** – the Zookeeper storage backend supports high availability. - **Community Supported** – the Zookeeper storage backend is supported by the community. While it has undergone review by HashiCorp employees, they may not be as knowledgeable about the technology. If you encounter problems with them, you may be referred to the original author. ```hcl storage "zookeeper" { address = "localhost:2181" path = "vault/" } ``` ## `zookeeper` Parameters - `address` `(string: "localhost:2181")` – Specifies the addresses of the Zookeeper instances as a comma-separated list. - `path` `(string: "vault/")` – Specifies the path in Zookeeper where data will be stored. The following optional settings can be used to configure zNode ACLs: ~> **Warning!** If neither `auth_info` nor `znode_owner` are set, the backend will not authenticate with Zookeeper and will set the `OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE` ACL on all nodes. In this scenario, anyone connected to Zookeeper could change Vault’s znodes and, potentially, take Vault out of service. - `auth_info` `(string: "")` – Specifies an authentication string in Zookeeper AddAuth format. For example, `digest:UserName:Password` could be used to authenticate as user `UserName` using password `Password` with the `digest` mechanism. - `znode_owner` `(string: "")` – If specified, Vault will always set all permissions (CRWDA) to the ACL identified here via the Schema and User parts of the Zookeeper ACL format. The expected format is `schema:user-ACL-match`, for example: ```text # Access for user "UserName" with corresponding digest "HIDfRvTv623G==" digest:UserName:HIDfRvTv623G== ``` ```text # Access from localhost only ip: ``` ```text # Access from any host on the network (Zookeeper 3.5+) ip: ``` This backend also supports the following high availability parameters. These are discussed in more detail in the [HA concepts page](/docs/concepts/ha.html). - `cluster_addr` `(string: "")` – Specifies the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding. This can also be provided via the environment variable `VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR`. This is a full URL, like `redirect_addr`, but Vault will ignore the scheme (all cluster members always use TLS with a private key/certificate). - `disable_clustering` `(bool: false)` – Specifies whether clustering features such as request forwarding are enabled. Setting this to true on one Vault node will disable these features _only when that node is the active node_. - `redirect_addr` `(string: )` – Specifies the address (full URL) to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection. This can also be provided via the environment variable `VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR`. ## `zookeeper` Examples ### Custom Address and Path This example shows configuring Vault to communicate with a Zookeeper installation running on a custom port and to store data at a custom path. ```hcl storage "zookeeper" { address = "localhost:3253" path = "my-vault-data/" } ``` ### zNode Vault User Only This example instructs Vault to set an ACL on all of its zNodes which permit access only to the user "vaultUser". As per Zookeeper's ACL model, the digest value in `znode_owner` must match the user in `znode_owner`. ```hcl storage "zookeeper" { znode_owner = "digest:vaultUser:raxgVAfnDRljZDAcJFxznkZsExs=" auth_info = "digest:vaultUser:abc" } ``` ### zNode Localhost Only This example instructs Vault to only allow access from localhost. As this is the `ip` no `auth_info` is required since Zookeeper uses the address of the client for the ACL check. ```hcl storage "zookeeper" { znode_owner = "ip:" } ``` [zk]: https://zookeeper.apache.org/