import Ember from 'ember'; import { supportedAuthBackends } from 'vault/helpers/supported-auth-backends'; const BACKENDS = supportedAuthBackends(); const { computed, inject } = Ember; const attributesForSelectedAuthBackend = { token: ['token'], userpass: ['username', 'password'], ldap: ['username', 'password'], github: ['username', 'password'], okta: ['username', 'password'], }; const DEFAULTS = { token: null, username: null, password: null, }; export default Ember.Component.extend(DEFAULTS, { classNames: ['auth-form'], routing: inject.service('-routing'), auth: inject.service(), flashMessages: inject.service(), csp: inject.service('csp-event'), didRender() { // on very narrow viewports the active tab may be overflowed, so we scroll it into view here this.$('').get(0).scrollIntoView(); }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let newMethod = this.get('selectedAuthType'); let oldMethod = this.get('oldSelectedAuthType'); if (oldMethod && oldMethod !== newMethod) { this.resetDefaults(); } this.set('oldSelectedAuthType', newMethod); }, resetDefaults() { this.setProperties(DEFAULTS); }, cluster: null, redirectTo: null, selectedAuthType: 'token', selectedAuthBackend: Ember.computed('selectedAuthType', function() { return BACKENDS.findBy('type', this.get('selectedAuthType')); }), providerPartialName: Ember.computed('selectedAuthType', function() { const type = Ember.String.dasherize(this.get('selectedAuthType')); return `partials/auth-form/${type}`; }), hasCSPError: computed.alias('csp.connectionViolations.firstObject'), cspErrorText: `This is a standby Vault node but can't communicate with the active node via request forwarding. Sign in at the active node to use the Vault UI.`, handleError(e) { this.set('loading', false); let errors = => { if (error.detail) { return error.detail; } return error; }); this.set('error', `Authentication failed: ${errors.join('.')}`); }, actions: { doSubmit() { let data = {}; this.setProperties({ loading: true, error: null, }); let targetRoute = this.get('redirectTo') || 'vault.cluster'; let backend = this.get('selectedAuthBackend.type'); let path = this.get('customPath'); let attributes = attributesForSelectedAuthBackend[backend]; data = Ember.assign(data, this.getProperties(...attributes)); if (this.get('useCustomPath') && path) { data.path = path; } const clusterId = this.get(''); this.get('auth').authenticate({ clusterId, backend, data }).then( ({ isRoot }) => { this.set('loading', false); const transition = this.get('routing.router').transitionTo(targetRoute); if (isRoot) { transition.followRedirects().then(() => { this.get('flashMessages').warning( 'You have logged in with a root token. As a security precaution, this root token will not be stored by your browser and you will need to re-authenticate after the window is closed or refreshed.' ); }); } }, (...errArgs) => this.handleError(...errArgs) ); }, }, });