import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { click, render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import { statuses } from '../../../mirage/handlers/hcp-link'; module('Integration | Component | link-status', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); // this can be removed once feature is released for OSS hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.owner.lookup('service:version').set('version', '1.13.0+ent'); this.statuses = statuses; }); test('it does not render banner when status is not present', async function (assert) { await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('.navbar-status').doesNotExist('Banner is hidden for missing status message'); }); test('it does not render banner in oss version', async function (assert) { this.owner.lookup('service:version').set('version', '1.13.0'); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('.navbar-status').doesNotExist('Banner is hidden in oss'); }); test('it renders connected status', async function (assert) { await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('.navbar-status').hasClass('connected', 'Correct banner class renders for connected state'); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status]') .hasText('This self-managed Vault is linked to HCP.', 'Banner copy renders for connected state'); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status] a') .hasAttribute('href', '', 'HCP sign in link renders'); }); test('it should render error states', async function (assert) { // disconnected error await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('.navbar-status').hasClass('warning', 'Correct banner class renders for error state'); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status]') .hasText( 'There was an error connecting to HCP. Click here for more information.', 'Banner copy renders for error state' ); await click('[data-test-link-status] button'); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status-timestamp]') .hasText('2022-09-21T11:25:02.196835-07:00', 'Timestamp renders'); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status-error]') .hasText('unable to establish a connection with HCP', 'Error renders'); // connecting error await render(hbs` `); assert .dom('[data-test-link-status-error]') .hasText('principal does not have the permission to register as a provider', 'Error renders'); // this shouldn't happen but placeholders should render if disconnected/connecting status is returned without timestamp and/or error await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-link-status-timestamp]').hasText('Not available', 'Timestamp placeholder renders'); assert.dom('[data-test-link-status-error]').hasText('Not available', 'Error placeholder renders'); }); });