// The root folder for this documentation category is `pages/api-docs` // // - A string refers to the name of a file // - A "category" value refers to the name of a directory // - All directories must have an "index.mdx" file to serve as // the landing page for the category export default [ 'index', 'libraries', 'relatedtools', '------------', { category: 'secret', content: [ { category: 'ad' }, { category: 'alicloud' }, { category: 'aws' }, { category: 'azure' }, { category: 'consul' }, { category: 'cubbyhole' }, { category: 'databases', content: [ 'cassandra', 'elasticdb', 'influxdb', 'hanadb', 'mongodb', 'mssql', 'mysql-maria', 'postgresql', 'oracle' ] }, { category: 'gcp' }, { category: 'gcpkms' }, { category: 'kmip' }, { category: 'kv', content: ['kv-v1', 'kv-v2'] }, { category: 'identity', content: [ 'entity', 'entity-alias', 'group', 'group-alias', 'tokens', 'lookup' ] }, { category: 'nomad' }, { category: 'pki' }, { category: 'rabbitmq' }, { category: 'ssh' }, { category: 'totp' }, { category: 'transit' }, '-----------------------', { category: 'cassandra' }, { category: 'mongodb' }, { category: 'mssql' }, { category: 'mysql' }, { category: 'postgresql' } ] }, { category: 'auth', content: [ { category: 'alicloud' }, { category: 'approle' }, { category: 'aws' }, { category: 'azure' }, { category: 'cf' }, { category: 'github' }, { category: 'gcp' }, { category: 'jwt' }, { category: 'kerberos' }, { category: 'kubernetes' }, { category: 'ldap' }, { category: 'oci' }, { category: 'okta' }, { category: 'radius' }, { category: 'cert' }, { category: 'token' }, { category: 'userpass' }, { category: 'app-id' } ] }, { category: 'system', content: [ 'audit', 'audit-hash', 'auth', 'capabilities', 'capabilities-accessor', 'capabilities-self', 'config-auditing', 'config-control-group', 'config-cors', 'config-state', 'config-ui', 'control-group', 'generate-root', 'health', 'host-info', 'init', 'internal-specs-openapi', 'internal-ui-mounts', 'key-status', 'leader', 'leases', 'license', 'metrics', { category: 'mfa', content: ['duo', 'okta', 'pingid', 'totp'] }, 'mounts', 'namespaces', 'plugins-reload-backend', 'plugins-catalog', 'policy', 'policies', 'pprof', 'raw', 'rekey', 'rekey-recovery-key', 'remount', { category: 'replication', content: ['replication-performance', 'replication-dr'] }, 'rotate', 'seal', 'seal-status', 'sealwrap-rewrap', 'step-down', { category: 'storage', content: ['raft'] }, 'tools', 'unseal', 'wrapping-lookup', 'wrapping-rewrap', 'wrapping-unwrap', 'wrapping-wrap' ] } ]