{{#if this.showSingleMonth}}

Vault client counts

A client is any user or service that interacts with Vault. They are made up of entity clients and non-entity clients. The total client count number is an important consideration for Vault billing.


Vault client counts

A client is any user or service that interacts with Vault. They are made up of entity clients and non-entity clients. The total client count number is an important consideration for Vault billing.

Running client total

The number of clients which interacted with Vault during this date range.

Entity clients

{{format-number this.entityClientData.runningTotal}}

Non-entity clients

{{format-number this.nonEntityClientData.runningTotal}}

New monthly clients

Clients which interacted with Vault for the first time during this date range, displayed per month.

Average new entity clients per month

{{format-number this.entityClientData.averageNewClients}}

Average new non-entity clients per month

{{format-number this.nonEntityClientData.averageNewClients}}

{{#if @timestamp}} Updated {{date-format @timestamp "MMM d yyyy, h:mm:ss aaa"}} {{/if}}
{{capitalize @chartLegend.0.label}} {{capitalize @chartLegend.1.label}}