{{#if (eq @model.type "internal")}}
This certificate type is internal. This means that the private key will not be returned and cannot be retrieved
later. Below, you will name the key and define its type and key bits.
{{else if (eq @model.type "kms")}}
This certificate type is kms, meaning managed keys will be used. Below, you will name the key and tell Vault
where to find it in your KMS or HSM.
{{#if (eq group "Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Options")}} SAN fields are an extension that allow you specify additional host names (sites, IP addresses, common names, etc.) to be protected by a single certificate. {{else if (eq group "Additional subject fields")}} These fields provide more information about the client to which the certificate belongs. {{/if}}
{{#each fields as |fieldName|}} {{#let (find-by "name" fieldName @model.allFields) as |attr|}}