#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # The ci-helper is used to determine build metadata, build Vault binaries, # package those binaries into artifacts, and execute tests with those artifacts. set -euo pipefail # We don't want to get stuck in some kind of interactive pager export GIT_PAGER=cat # Get the full version information function version() { local version local prerelease local metadata version=$(version_base) prerelease=$(version_pre) metadata=$(version_metadata) if [ -n "$metadata" ] && [ -n "$prerelease" ]; then echo "$version-$prerelease+$metadata" elif [ -n "$metadata" ]; then echo "$version+$metadata" elif [ -n "$prerelease" ]; then echo "$version-$prerelease" else echo "$version" fi } # Get the base version function version_base() { : "${VAULT_VERSION:=""}" if [ -n "$VAULT_VERSION" ]; then echo "$VAULT_VERSION" return fi : "${VERSION_FILE:=$(repo_root)/version/version_base.go}" awk '$1 == "Version" && $2 == "=" { gsub(/"/, "", $3); print $3 }' < "$VERSION_FILE" } # Get the version major function version_major() { version_base | cut -d '.' -f 1 } # Get the version minor function version_minor() { version_base | cut -d '.' -f 2 } # Get the version patch function version_patch() { version_base | cut -d '.' -f 3 } # Get the version pre-release function version_pre() { : "${VAULT_PRERELEASE:=""}" if [ -n "$VAULT_PRERELEASE" ]; then echo "$VAULT_PRERELEASE" return fi : "${VERSION_FILE:=$(repo_root)/version/version_base.go}" awk '$1 == "VersionPrerelease" && $2 == "=" { gsub(/"/, "", $3); print $3 }' < "$VERSION_FILE" } # Get the version metadata, which is commonly the edition function version_metadata() { : "${VAULT_METADATA:=""}" if [[ (-n "$VAULT_METADATA") && ("$VAULT_METADATA" != "oss") ]]; then echo "$VAULT_METADATA" return fi : "${VERSION_FILE:=$(repo_root)/version/version_base.go}" awk '$1 == "VersionMetadata" && $2 == "=" { gsub(/"/, "", $3); print $3 }' < "$VERSION_FILE" } # Get the version formatted for Debian and RHEL packages function version_package() { version | awk '{ gsub("-","~",$1); print $1 }' } # Get the build date from the latest commit since it can be used across all # builds function build_date() { # It's tricky to do an RFC3339 format in a cross platform way, so we hardcode UTC : "${DATE_FORMAT:="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"}" git show --no-show-signature -s --format=%cd --date=format:"$DATE_FORMAT" HEAD } # Get the revision, which is the latest commit SHA function build_revision() { git rev-parse HEAD } # Determine our repository by looking at our origin URL function repo() { basename -s .git "$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" } # Determine the root directory of the repository function repo_root() { git rev-parse --show-toplevel } # Determine the artifact basename based on metadata function artifact_basename() { : "${PKG_NAME:="vault"}" : "${GOOS:=$(go env GOOS)}" : "${GOARCH:=$(go env GOARCH)}" echo "${PKG_NAME}_$(version)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}" } # Build the UI function build_ui() { local repo_root repo_root=$(repo_root) pushd "$repo_root" mkdir -p http/web_ui popd pushd "$repo_root/ui" yarn install --ignore-optional npm rebuild node-sass yarn --verbose run build popd } # Build Vault function build() { local version local revision local prerelease local build_date local ldflags local msg # Get or set our basic build metadata version=$(version_base) revision=$(build_revision) metadata=$(version_metadata) prerelease=$(version_pre) build_date=$(build_date) : "${GO_TAGS:=""}" : "${KEEP_SYMBOLS:=""}" # Build our ldflags msg="--> Building Vault v$version, revision $revision, built $build_date" # Strip the symbol and dwarf information by default if [ -n "$KEEP_SYMBOLS" ]; then ldflags="" else ldflags="-s -w " fi ldflags="${ldflags}-X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.Version=$version -X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.GitCommit=$revision -X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.BuildDate=$build_date" if [ -n "$prerelease" ]; then msg="${msg}, prerelease ${prerelease}" ldflags="${ldflags} -X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.VersionPrerelease=$prerelease" fi if [ -n "$metadata" ]; then msg="${msg}, metadata ${metadata}" ldflags="${ldflags} -X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.VersionMetadata=$metadata" fi # Build vault echo "$msg" pushd "$(repo_root)" mkdir -p dist mkdir -p out set -x go build -v -tags "$GO_TAGS" -ldflags "$ldflags" -o dist/ set +x popd } # Bundle the dist directory into a zip function bundle() { : "${BUNDLE_PATH:=$(repo_root)/vault.zip}" echo "--> Bundling dist/* to $BUNDLE_PATH" zip -r -j "$BUNDLE_PATH" dist/ } # Prepare legal requirements for packaging function prepare_legal() { : "${PKG_NAME:="vault"}" pushd "$(repo_root)" mkdir -p dist curl -o dist/EULA.txt https://eula.hashicorp.com/EULA.txt curl -o dist/TermsOfEvaluation.txt https://eula.hashicorp.com/TermsOfEvaluation.txt mkdir -p ".release/linux/package/usr/share/doc/$PKG_NAME" cp dist/EULA.txt ".release/linux/package/usr/share/doc/$PKG_NAME/EULA.txt" cp dist/TermsOfEvaluation.txt ".release/linux/package/usr/share/doc/$PKG_NAME/TermsOfEvaluation.txt" popd } # Determine the matrix group number that we'll select for execution. If the # MATRIX_TEST_GROUP environment variable has set then it will always return # that value. If has not been set, we will randomly select a number between 1 # and the value of MATRIX_MAX_TEST_GROUPS. function matrix_group_id() { : "${MATRIX_TEST_GROUP:=""}" if [ -n "$MATRIX_TEST_GROUP" ]; then echo "$MATRIX_TEST_GROUP" return fi : "${MATRIX_MAX_TEST_GROUPS:=1}" awk -v min=1 -v max=$MATRIX_MAX_TEST_GROUPS 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}' } # Filter matrix file reads in the contents of MATRIX_FILE and filters out # scenarios that are not in the current test group and/or those that have not # met minimux or maximum version requirements. function matrix_filter_file() { : "${MATRIX_FILE:=""}" if [ -z "$MATRIX_FILE" ]; then echo "You must specify the MATRIX_FILE variable for this command" >&2 exit 1 fi : "${MATRIX_TEST_GROUP:=$(matrix_group_id)}" local path local matrix path=$(readlink -f $MATRIX_FILE) matrix=$(cat "$path" | jq ".include | map(. | select( ((.min_minor_version == null) or (.min_minor_version <= $(version_minor))) and ((.max_minor_version == null) or (.max_minor_version >= $(version_minor))) and ((.test_group == null) or (.test_group == $MATRIX_TEST_GROUP)) ) )" ) echo "{\"include\":$matrix}" | jq -c . } # Run the CI Helper function main() { case $1 in artifact-basename) artifact_basename ;; build) build ;; build-ui) build_ui ;; bundle) bundle ;; date) build_date ;; prepare-legal) prepare_legal ;; matrix-filter-file) matrix_filter_file ;; matrix-group-id) matrix_group_id ;; revision) build_revision ;; version) version ;; version-base) version_base ;; version-pre) version_pre ;; version-major) version_major ;; version-meta) version_metadata ;; version-minor) version_minor ;; version-package) version_package ;; version-patch) version_patch ;; *) echo "unknown sub-command" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac } main "$@"