{{#if (or (eq policyType "acl") (has-feature "Sentinel"))}}
{{navigate-input filterFocusDidChange=(action "setFilterFocus") filterDidChange=(action "setFilter") filter=filter filterMatchesKey=filterMatchesKey firstPartialMatch=firstPartialMatch extraNavParams=policyType placeholder="Filter policies" mode="policy" }} {{#if filterFocused}} {{#if filterMatchesKey}}

ENTER to go to {{or pageFilter filter}}

{{/if}} {{#if firstPartialMatch}}

TAB to complete {{firstPartialMatch.id}}

{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if model.meta.total}} {{#each model as |item|}} {{#if (eq item.id "root")}}
{{i-con glyph='file' size=14 class="has-text-grey-light" }}

The root policy does not contain any rules but can do anything within Vault. It should be used with extreme care.

{{else}} {{#linked-block "vault.cluster.policy.show" policyType item.id class="box is-sideless is-marginless" data-test-policy-link=item.id }}
{{i-con glyph='file' size=14 class="has-text-grey-light" }}{{item.id}}
{{#popup-menu name="policy-nav"}} {{/popup-menu}}
{{/linked-block}} {{/if}} {{else}}

There are no policies matching {{pageFilter}}.

{{/each}} {{else}}

There are currently no {{uppercase policyType}} policies.

{{/if}} {{#if (gt model.meta.lastPage 1) }} {{list-pagination page=model.meta.currentPage lastPage=model.meta.lastPage link="vault.cluster.policies.index" }} {{/if}} {{else}} {{upgrade-page title="Sentinel" minimumEdition="Vault Enterprise Premium"}} {{/if}}