import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { clusterStates } from 'core/helpers/cluster-states'; import { capitalize } from '@ember/string'; import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template'; import layout from '../templates/components/replication-dashboard'; /** * @module ReplicationDashboard * The `ReplicationDashboard` component is a contextual component of the replication-page component. * It organizes cluster data specific to mode (dr or performance) and also the type (primary or secondary). * It is the parent contextual component of the replication--card components. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {Object} data=null - An Ember data object that is pulled from the Ember Cluster Model. * @param {String} [componentToRender=''] - A string that determines which card component is displayed. There are three options, replication-primary-card, replication-secondary-card, replication-summary-card. * @param {Boolean} [isSecondary=false] - Used to determine the title and display logic. * @param {Boolean} [isSummaryDashboard=false] - Only true when the cluster is both a dr and performance primary. If true, replicationDetailsSummary is populated and used to pass through the cluster details. * @param {Object} replicationDetailsSummary=null - An Ember data object computed off the Ember Model. It combines the Model.dr and Model.performance objects into one and contains details specific to the mode replication. * @param {Object} replicationDetails=null - An Ember data object pulled from the Ember Model. It contains details specific to the whether the replication is dr or performance. * @param {String} clusterMode=null - The cluster mode passed through to a table component. * @param {Object} reindexingDetails=null - An Ember data object used to show a reindexing progress bar. */ export default Component.extend({ layout, componentToRender: '', data: null, isSecondary: false, isSummaryDashboard: false, replicationDetails: null, replicationDetailsSummary: null, isSyncing: computed('replicationDetails.state', 'isSecondary', function () { const { state } = this.replicationDetails; const isSecondary = this.isSecondary; return isSecondary && state && clusterStates([state]).isSyncing; }), isReindexing: computed('replicationDetails.reindex_in_progress', function () { const { replicationDetails } = this; return !!replicationDetails.reindex_in_progress; }), reindexingStage: computed('replicationDetails.reindex_stage', function () { const { replicationDetails } = this; const stage = replicationDetails.reindex_stage; // specify the stage if we have one if (stage) { return `: ${capitalize(stage)}`; } return ''; }), progressBar: computed('replicationDetails.{reindex_building_progress,reindex_building_total}', function () { const { reindex_building_progress, reindex_building_total } = this.replicationDetails; let progressBar = null; if (reindex_building_progress && reindex_building_total) { progressBar = { value: reindex_building_progress, max: reindex_building_total, }; } return progressBar; }), summaryState: computed('replicationDetailsSummary.{dr.state,performance.state}', function () { const { replicationDetailsSummary } = this; const drState = replicationDetailsSummary.dr.state; const performanceState = replicationDetailsSummary.performance.state; if (drState !== performanceState) { // when DR and Performance is enabled on the same cluster, // the states should always be the same // we are leaving this console log statement to be sure console.log('DR State: ', drState, 'Performance State: ', performanceState); } return drState; }), reindexMessage: computed('isSecondary', 'progressBar', function () { if (!this.isSecondary) { return htmlSafe( 'This can cause a delay depending on the size of the data store. You can not use Vault during this time.' ); } return 'This can cause a delay depending on the size of the data store. You can use Vault during this time.'; }), });